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Any way for YouTube videos to auto-start in full-screen mode in Odyssey?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Does anyone know how to make YouTube videos auto-start in full-screen mode in Odyssey?

I suspect this would be very easy if I knew anything about how YT plays videos and/or how the script hooks into that. The "YouTube_Fullscreen_Fix.js" seemingly calls allHTMLTags[i].webkitEnterFullScreen(); to enter fullscreen, so it seems I just need to find the right way to call it from the script...

Adverts at the start of videos cause Odyssey to choke badly (playback halts & even restart the ad from scratch), but I think if I could get it to full-screen then it should at least be fast enough to play for a few seconds until I can click Skip Ad.

P.S. I also tried using the latest EasyList block list from Ad Block Plus, but that doesn't seem to block YT adverts (I guess it needs something cleverer running at the JavaScript level).

EDIT: Made title clearer I am asking about Odyssey.

Edited by ChrisH on 2022/2/21 21:36:06
Edited by ChrisH on 2022/2/21 21:37:11
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Re: Any way for YouTube videos to auto-start in full-screen mode?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I don't know...

Maybe with SMTube app?

I am on the same league as you ChrisH,trying to do such things on youtube with the videos

Hope this helps

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Re: Any way for YouTube videos to auto-start in full-screen mode?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I am on the same league as you ChrisH,trying to do such things on youtube with the videos

For me this works well for playing YouTube videos in a window or full screen:
http://www.os4depot.net/index.php?fun ... le&file=video/misc/yt.lha
Except it's missing some way to launch it from Odyssey.

(I wrote some scripts to launch it from NetSurf, which works well enough for my use case...)

I had thought it had stopped working, but it seems I was mistaken.

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Re: Any way for YouTube videos to auto-start in full-screen mode?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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For me this works well for playing YouTube videos in a window or full screen:
http://www.os4depot.net/index.php?fun ... le&file=video/misc/yt.lha
Except it's missing some way to launch it from Odyssey.

Just add the following to the Odyssey context menu, then right/middle click over the YouTube Thumbnail and select the entry. The video will then play with YT if it can.

To set up:
1. In Odyssey, select menu Preferences...
2. Select Contextual Menus in the Settings window.
3. Click Add then set the following:
Catagory: Link
Label: Play YouTube
Action: rx YT/yt.rexx %l AutoPlay SILENT
4. Click Save.

This assumes YT is in the S:Arexx directory.

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Re: Any way for YouTube videos to auto-start in full-screen mode?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

See User information

I have this line : RX SYS:s/Arexx/YT.rexx %l html odyssey silent
the only difference is html and autoplay

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