I doubled the amount of windows from 6 to 12. However only 7 became visible.
Yes, i experienced that too, it seems the windows are limited to 6 or seven, i already wrote a feature request for that once, because it sounds pretty limited (at least 8 or 10 should be doable.
I notice that if I play ioquake3 in window mode, it sometimes loses focus and key input goes to console window below. IIRC SDL input capture is based on Intuition ticks: it must be reactivated frequently.
So obviously there is some system impact when Notification windows are enabled but it's difficult to say much more about it. General CPU usage didn't seem to raise.
Have you seen any difference between window or fullscreen modes, I mean when game and notifications use separate screens?
Lots of good starting points, but the window one was best

For whatever reason i never tried that and yes, in window mode i get absolute fine gameplay, no slowdowns, no audio dropouts, nothing.
The game plays perfectly fine (unless the cpu goes to 100%, then there will be slight slowdowns, of course.)
It really seems that Notifications draw too much resources from a shared screen, so SDL2 suffers
and no, cpu load doesn't seem to be the problem
Thanks for the hint, at least i can test games in normal speed again

Standing by for further tests...