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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Ok thank you. I'll file a bug report at GitHub later.

As for issues with minigl4gl4es and directly gl4es : minigl4gl4es uses gl4es fully, so no surprise the same bug arise everywhere.

In general yes of course, but MiniGL4GL4ES has been build over 15 months ago and uses a GL4ES version from that time. Recently released GL4ES Library has vastly improved GL compatibility. TriggerRally for example, from zero to (almost) hero

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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I am trying to port f1spirit OpenGLES2 version..

What should I do for following includes ?

#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>

Sinan - AmigaOS4 Beta-Tester
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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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If i understand correctly, GLM it just mathematic library for OpenGL, mean you need do nothing with probably ?

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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My question wasn't clear

It can't find these includes ? It's not a part of MiniGL or OpenGLES2

Sinan - AmigaOS4 Beta-Tester
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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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If i install the ogles2 sdk, it will overwrite anything in local/common/include/GL

Is it safe to use your updated GL includes with pure OpenGL too ro were those changed to work with ogles2?

Or in other words, if i install the sdk, can i still mix OpenGL and ogles2 builds, or do i hvae to stick to ogles2?



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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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For myself i have in SDK this:


When I need one of those, I create in SDK directory "GL", and put ones I need from one of those 2 dirs.

And yeah, you can build or ogles2 build, or minigl build. They different and use different libs, just share "opengl" functions

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Thank a lot


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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Ok, i was able to compile a OGLES2 version of ScummVM and now i'm back at the old problem of SDL not opening a window

WARNING: Could not parse GL version 'OpenGL ES 2 3.1 on top of Warp3D Nova 1.85'!
WARNING: SDL Error: Invalid window!

Any help?


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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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I forgot how i did it and now i'm getting a lot of these...any hints?

/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libGL.a(arbconverter.c.obj): In function `gl4es_convertARB':
arbconverter.c:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of 
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libGL.a(arbconverter.c.obj):arbconverter.c:(.text+0x0): first defined here
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libGL.a(arbgenerator.c.obj): In function `generateVariablePre'
arbgenerator.c:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `generateVariablePre'
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libGL.a(arbgenerator.c.obj):arbgenerator.c:(.text+0x0): first defined here
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libGL.a(arbgenerator.c.obj): In function 
arbgenerator.c:(.text+0x4c0): multiple definition of `generateInstruction'
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libGL.a(arbgenerator.c.obj):arbgenerator.c:(.text+0x4c0): first defined here
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libGL.a(arbgenerator.c.obj): In function `generateVariablePst':
arbgenerator.c:(.text+0x57078): multiple definition of 
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libGL.a(arbgenerator.c.obj):arbgenerator.c:(.text+0x57078): first defined here
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libGL.a(arbhelper.c.obj): In function `resize'
arbhelper.c:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `resize'
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libGL.a(arbhelper.c.obj):arbhelper.c:(.text+0x0): first defined here
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libGL.a(arbhelper.c.obj): In function 
arbhelper.c:(.text+0x74): multiple definition of `initArray'
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libGL.a(arbhelper.c.obj):arbhelper.c:(.text+0x74): first defined here
/SDK/local/newlib/lib/libGL.a(arbhelper.c.obj): In function `pushArray':

I did rename
sdk:local/common/GL4ES to GL
sdk:local/newlib/lib/libgl4es.a to libgl.a
sdk:local/newlib/lib/libGLU_gl4es.a to libGLU.a
sdk:local/newlib/lib/libSDL2_gl4es.a to libSDL2.a

i suspect something stupendously easy to fix, but i can't get my head around what.
Something is missing...


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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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If you use GL4ES, then you of course can't link with libGL.a which is minigl. You should link with LIBgl4es.a or how it is called in the SDK of gl4es.

If you use SDL2, then you also should use libSDL2_gl4es.a , and link with it (and not with pure libSDL2.a).

Also to resolve all possible problems, just delete everything and start from scratch: rename your minigl GL headers from SDK on something like MGL_GL, create a new GL directory in the same place and put gl4es includes from.

Then, compile everything from scratch. IF all ok, then only linking left and there you should use all the same lbs as before but those which come with gl4es SDK should be replaced too (libSDL2_gl4es, libGLU if need it, etc).

I tried to cover gl4es SDK installation as much easy as possible in the readme, double-check if you follow 100% it.

All you need is to use the right includes, and right link libraries.

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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I found out why it's not working anymore.

The first "working" one was done static.
Since then i switched to shared builds and it seems as if gles4 doesn't like to be mixed with shared libs, so...unfortunately i have to drop it.

Do you think, in the light of the latest shared library fixes, you could provide shared builds as well?


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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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The first "working" one was done static.

Was it anyhow better than minigl version in terms of speed?


you could provide shared builds as well?

Not me, sorry. Maybe try to build it yourself with -use-dynld, to see if it by some luck will works, but i doubt.

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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wrt speed...if you read one of my last mails i wrote that i never managed to make cummVM run with OpenGLES2.
It errored out with a missing screenmode...so, no

ok then, maybe ogles2 will be integrated into the system/sdk closer in the future, so i can drop all the renaming/library handling and see how that goes


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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
Just can't stay away
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WARNING: Could not parse GL version 'OpenGL ES 2 3.1 on top of Warp3D Nova 1.85'!
WARNING: SDL Error: Invalid window!

https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/blo ... s/opengl/context.cpp#L130

Current version string causes trouble to ScummVM which then sets major and minor to 0.

Maybe OGLES2 should return "OpenGL ES 2.0 + vendor specific".

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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I'll try to do more checks and tests when I get some spare time again.
Probably lots of more questions coming up then too.



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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Could you tell me if this output is correct...so far?
I know that the shaders break, but that could be because shaders are still disabled by configure (have to still figure out why)
LIBGLInitialising gl4es
v1.1.5 built on Apr 17 2021 23:02:30
Using GLES 2.0 backend
Using Warp3DNova.library v1 revision 85
Using OGLES2.library v3 revision 1
OGLES2 Library and Interface open successfuly
Targeting OpenGL 2.1
NPOT texture handled in hardware
Not trying to batch small subsequent glDrawXXXX
: try to use VBO
Force texture for Attachment color0 on FBO
Hack to trigger a SwapBuffers when a Full Framebuffer Blit on default FBO is done
Current folder is:Games:ScummVM
Hardware test on current Context...
LIBGLHardware Full NPOT detected and used
Extension GL_EXT_blend_minmax  detected and used
FBO are in core, and so used
PointSprite are in core, and so used
CubeMap are in core, and so used
BlendColor is in core, and so used
Blend Substract is in core, and so used
Blend Function and Equation Separation is in core, and so used
Texture Mirrored Repeat is in core, and so used
Extension GL_OES_mapbuffer  detected
Extension GL_OES_element_index_uint  detected and used
Extension GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil  detected and used
Extension GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888  detected and used
Extension GL_OES_texture_float  detected and used
Extension GL_AOS4_texture_format_RGB332 detected
Extension GL_AOS4_texture_format_RGB332REV detected
Extension GL_AOS4_texture_format_RGBA1555REV detected and used
Extension GL_AOS4_texture_format_RGBA8888 detected and used
Extension GL_AOS4_texture_format_RGBA8888REV detected and used
high precision float in fragment shader available and used
Extension GL_EXT_frag_depth  detected and used
Max vertex attrib16
Max texture size16384
Max Varying Vector32
Texture Units16/16 (hardware32), Max lights8Max planes6
Extension GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic  detected and used
Max Anisotropic filtering16
Max Color AttachmentsDraw buffers1
Hardware vendor is A-EON Technology LtdWritten by Daniel 'Daytona675x' Müßener GoldenCode.eu
GLSL 300 es supported
GLSL 310 es supported and used
Could not parse GL version '2.1 gl4es wrapper 1.1.5'!
WARNINGGL ERRORGL_INVALID_VALUE on glCompileShader(handle) (backends/graphics/opengl/shader.cpp:270)!
WARNINGCould not compile shader "attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec2 texCoordIn;
attribute vec4 blendColorIn;

uniform mat4 projection;

varying vec2 texCoord;
varying vec4 blendColor;

void main(void) {
    texCoord    = texCoordIn;
    blendColor  = blendColorIn;
    gl_Position = projection * position;
"ERROR: 24:2: '' : missing #endif 
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

WARNINGGL ERRORGL_INVALID_VALUE on glCompileShader(handle) (backends/graphics/opengl/shader.cpp:270)!
WARNINGCould not compile shader "attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec2 texCoordIn;
attribute vec4 blendColorIn;

uniform mat4 projection;

varying vec2 texCoord;
varying vec4 blendColor;

void main(void) {
    texCoord    = texCoordIn;
    blendColor  = blendColorIn;
    gl_Position = projection * position;
"ERROR: 24:2: '' : missing #endif 
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

WARNINGCould not parse GL version '2.1 gl4es wrapper 1.1.5'!
WARNINGGL ERRORGL_INVALID_VALUE on glCompileShader(handle) (backends/graphics/opengl/shader.cpp:270)!
WARNINGCould not compile shader "attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec2 texCoordIn;
attribute vec4 blendColorIn;

uniform mat4 projection;

varying vec2 texCoord;
varying vec4 blendColor;

void main(void) {
    texCoord    = texCoordIn;
    blendColor  = blendColorIn;
    gl_Position = projection * position;
"ERROR: 24:2: '' : missing #endif 
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

WARNINGGL ERRORGL_INVALID_VALUE on glCompileShader(handle) (backends/graphics/opengl/shader.cpp:270)!
WARNINGCould not compile shader "attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec2 texCoordIn;
attribute vec4 blendColorIn;

uniform mat4 projection;

varying vec2 texCoord;
varying vec4 blendColor;

void main(void) {
    texCoord    = texCoordIn;
    blendColor  = blendColorIn;
    gl_Position = projection * position;
"ERROR: 24:2: '' : missing #endif 
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

LIBGLShuting down

I get a black screen/window with a white rectangle on the top right when running ScummVM.
Progress, but it doesn't seem to be there yet.

Also, i *have* to compile a static version, mixing shared and static doesn't work, so any ogles2 release will probably be a cross-compile (if there ever will be one, that is)


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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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I don't know much about GL4ES...

I'm guessing the context type is wrong now: https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/blo ... s/opengl/context.cpp#L124

It should be probably something else than "ES" variant to properly parse the GL version string which differs in normal OpenGL and OpenGLES. In GL4ES case you probably want to choose "normal" OpenGL somehow (is it via configure?).

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Thank you

Every hint helps, i'll try to get in touch with the devs and see if our implementation is even supported


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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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GL4ES mean pure GL replacement so when you build anything with it means you should choose pure opengl. if you want OpenGL-ES then you need to use pure ogles2 directly without gl4es

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