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how hide empty console output of VIM (was falsely about IconX)
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Howdy, have some lame question:

I have some plain shell scrtip which run another command.
I make an icon for it, where i point out that it:

1) script
2) Default tool : C:IconX
3). Start from Workbench

So when i run that script from shell, everything runs fine (understandable, as it runs not from workbench, so IconX didn't handle it).

But when i run it from workbench, then while it all runs fine too, it also bring me some empty window from IconX, which i want to hide. I know it should be something trivial, like pointing out in default tool not just "C:IconX" , but something with run >NIL: or co, but i just can't make it work.

Any ideas ? (without creating another scripts of course)

Edited by kas1e on 2019/5/1 16:05:07
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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
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Did you check the "Script" Protection bit on the first tab?


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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
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Sure, i point it by number 1

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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
Just popping in
Just popping in

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To run your command, did you use run >nil: mycommand.exe ?
Any example?


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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
Home away from home
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To run your command, did you use run >nil: mycommand.exe ?

As i say its IconX which is problem. Its output empty shell window when i use it from workbench. Using "run >nil: C:IconX" in the default tool tab not works, saying "please insert volume run >NIL:". Putting the same line to the ".." also didn't help and give the same error.

I do check IconX doc, and find that it have tooltype WINDOW, so i can specify window, name, size, etc. But something like WINDOW=CON:0/0/0/0/ didn't work sadly.

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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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But when i run it from workbench, then while it all runs fine too, it also bring me some empty window from IconX, which i want to hide.

1) you don't need the script bit if you use IconX

2) add WINDOW=NIL: to the tool types.

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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
Home away from home
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Thanks for suggestion, but when i use WINNDOW=NIL: it just didnt' starts :(

That how my script looks like (if that make any difference):

.KEY vim_args/F

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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Why use IconX at all?

Use a tool icon, select 'start from shell' and turn off prompt for input.

IIRC IconX is just for backwards compatability.

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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
Home away from home
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Use a tool icon, select 'start from shell' and turn off prompt for input.

Give the same empty "output window" together with running main binary :(

Edited by kas1e on 2019/4/30 7:00:15
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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
Home away from home
Home away from home

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The empty output window does not come from IconX.
It comes from vim.

There's probably no output window when started from shell because shell *is* the output window.
Since you start it from workbench the shell output is created.


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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
Home away from home
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Indeed, the output window is probably not 'empty'. Something somewhere is writting whitespace to STDOUT . Or even just an empty string.

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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
Home away from home
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As Ola says its probably come from os_amiga.c:

Morphos and aros didnt have that window, so it probably can be some Open calls causing that, or IsInteractive part in some amigaos ifdefs

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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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If it's debug info going to a con: rather than a true shell window try using *>nil: when calling the script to redirect it to nil:

Amiga user since 1985
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Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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How about forwarding output to an actual file instead? Maybe it would be possible to see what was written, then?

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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
Home away from home
Home away from home

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When i just do in shell "gvim >ram:test", and then exit from vim, then i have in ram: test file of 0 bytes.

But when i run it from shell i have no output window (as shell is output window as others says), but when i run it from WB (and does not matter how, even just pure binary without icon by dbl-click), it always create me "Output window" with nothing in.

That for sure something in the VIM's initialisation code in amigaos4 ifdefs (or in general amiga ifdefs, just on amigaos4 it reacts like this) from the original os_amiga.c:


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Re: how hide empty console output of C:IconX
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I think I have a fix for this. It's not a problem in the Amiga specific parts of Vim, it's about the general startup procedure of Vim that needs to be adapted so that we can support both console mode and GUI mode. And still support the possibility to start a shell from within the GUI version for '!' operations.

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Re: how hide empty console output of VIM (was falsely about IconX)
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Right, was about to write there that it was Vim and that you fix it :)

Thanks !

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