@nbache This issue is on the forum module and not in Xoops. Nevertheless, with the latest updates we did, it is possible to update to a newer and better forum module, that I hope resolves these issues. It is on my todo list. I need first though to be sure that everything will be imported just fine, without losing topics and replies.
Hello everyone. Today I updated the News module of the website to the latest available version. It seems to work just fine, but if you have any issues on posting news items, comment them or any other issue, please inform me as soon as possible.
I would like to inform you that tomorrow, around 22:00 UTC I will do more updates at amigans website. This means that it will be down for at least 30 mins.
After that I will need your help on reporting issues, in case there are any. Of 'course, all this time, I will be available online at the amigans IRC channel.
@raziel Sure. This website is based on Xoops CMS. What I will update is the base of xoops and it's system modules. This work will give us the opportunity to move closer to most updated versions, be able to use more recent modules for adding more features, and also increase the security of the website.
One of my targets is to upgrade the PHP version this site works on to the latest available. This will give a speed boost and also increase security standards.
So, after this update no features will change. Based on my tests there won't be any problems, but I might miss something. So if you guys see that there is a problem on something, don't hesitate to give me a shout on this thread or on a PM.
After that more updates will follow, and some of the things need to be done are: - Update xoops to the latest version - Change the forum module to a better and newer one. This will be tricky, but I believe it can be done - Add a new module for classifieds, which now is removed because it was old and had issues - Move to PHP 7.4 if possible
Hello all. I wanted to inform you that this Wednesday 19th of August, around 22:00 UTC, I will do more updates at amigans website. This means that it will be down for at least 30 mins, maybe less if all go well.
Hello everyone. One more core update was applied to the website. As always, if you see something not working, feel free to contact me and I will fix it as soon as possible.