I don't know if you take feature requests (and i don't really want to drag you away from airprint) but there are a few things which would make AirScan so much more fun to use

Would/Could you add a tooltype that automatically chooses the first device in the list of known machines (or second or third, given the number)?
USE_DEVICE=1 (first entry / 0 for default behaviour / 2 and up for following devices)
If no scanner has been added yet, you could fall back to default
That would save a click and one could immediately start scanning and moreover immediately see the capabilities of the active device.
Another tooltype for a program path that could deal with scanned data (i.e. Multiview) and another one for default behaviour (immediately showing scanned data or not, right after scanning finished)
Or maybe the preview window could be used (then again, it's not it's purpose i think)
Maybe even one for ever data format?
And finally some eye candy

I saw that the printer firmware pages hold (at least my printer does) a 128x128 pixel image of the printer itself.
Could that be polled, on adding the printer/scanner, and displayed above the scanner list window right beside brightness, compression, contrast, sharpen? (There is so much blank space there)

Thank you very much for all the help so far