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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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I will join at the end, my score 180 on my X5000.

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Edited by mcleppa on 2025/1/27 9:53:20
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Re: Airprint betatesting
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Do you mean the option I have in Airscan to search for printer with ip address directly?

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Re: Airprint betatesting
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Thanx for testing, I am preparing a new version where the issue you see should be fixed. I got some time off for programming this weekend and next week so hopefully it will improve!

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Re: Airprint betatesting
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I’ll look some more into that issue for the next update.

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Re: Airprint betatesting
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I realize the inital startup after install is quite messy to say at least, will improve this for the next version.

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Re: Airprint betatesting
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I’ll arrange that on the next update.

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Re: Airprint betatesting
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Looks like airprint managed to add your printer without retrieving necessary attributes, thanx for feedback

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Re: Airprint betatesting
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No changes needed from your part this is an issue from my program, I`ll do some changes and post an update here when finished

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Re: Airprint betatesting
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Thanx for testing. Could you try search and add printer again. And in T:Airprint direcrory there should be a file called debug.log. If you all could send me this file on my mail address I added in this original post, that would help me a lot.

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Re: EntwicklerX: Super Star Blast for AmigaOS4.1 released!
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Just bought it and waiting for my download to be approved !

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Airprint betatesting
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The past year I have been working on airprint, a printer utility based on ipp protocol.
I have had help from betatesters on the initial releases and hope for feedback on this forum.

In the future I will post updates here, and hopefully at the end get a usable printing utility for Amiga OS4

I start with version 0.20 which everyone who is interested in testing can download from here: AirPrint V0.20

1. After unarchiving, use the installer script, AirPrint will be installed in Sys:Prefs/Airprint directory.
2. Then open printer prefs and select airprint as printer driver and airprint.device as Port Device. Save and quit.

3. Open the Airprint utility from Sys:Prefs/Airprint directory and search for your printer and add it.

4. There is a settings tab in airprint where you select your spooler directory. Make sure you select a directory where you want all the spool files stored. In this version I don´t delete them after use so make sure you have good space on your disk. This is for troubleshooting later if I need to have a look at the files that have been sent to the printer.

5. Before using it, quit the program to make sure all settings are saved.

You should now be ready to use it for printing. It should support printing from:
1. notepad
2. AmiPDF
3. AmiGS
4. Odyssey
5. IBrowse (But follow their documentation for enabling fonts for printing)
6. Multiview
7. etc.

From airprint app itself you can open pdf and jpeg files for printing.

Don´t expect it to work perfectly or even at all for the moment, but every issues I hope you can bring up here and I expect many issues to arise in the beginning.

My email: arild.aarbakk@lyse.net

Edited by mcleppa on 2025/1/13 21:13:44
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Re: 2024-June/July-Gaming Competition- Friking Shark
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Congratulations Kas1e

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Re: 2024-June/July-Gaming Competition- Friking Shark
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I`ll join in :)

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Re: airprint.device status
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Hopefully I manage to fix this in the next test version

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Re: airprint.device status
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Try to open a jpeg or pdf and try to print, it should then create a preview and you should be able to print.

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Re: airprint.device status
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Send me a mail: arild.aarbakk@lyse.net

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Re: airprint.device status
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It was in the earliest versions, so I can add that feature back into them both.

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Re: airprint.device status
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I have those outputs in shell to see what happens during printing, I need you to send me the output so I can see what is happening. please send it on mail.

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Re: airprint.device status
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I'm not sure I understand this, will AirPrint.device work similarly to how it works on current mainstream systems, i.e. will there be no need for a dedicated printer driver to put in DEVS:Printers for each specific printer model? (assuming the printer supports AirPrint per se).
I suppose, that at least, in addition to the DEVS:airprint.device there must be something along the lines of a "DEVS:Printers/Airprinter"?

Yes, that is right. Airprint will search network for compatible printers ( at the moment only ipp printers ) which will be added to AirPrint and saved. When you want to print, your selected printer will be used. DEVS:airprint.device, DEVS:Printers/AIRPRINT and the utility AirPrint itself should take care of the rest.

If you want to betatest, mail me: arild.aarbakk@lyse.net

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Re: airprint.device status
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Why is that? Not because of connection but supported languages? I have a HP Deskjet 3630. It's connected to my wifi network so is technically a network printer. But it's also an AIO home printer that only supports PCL3GUI and not PS or PDF like an office printer.

Yes, this is due to my program supports only ipp at the moment, this is due to this protocol is well documented and is the best chance to support as many printers as possible. Most printers you buy today supports this protocol.

When finished and program is working fine with this protocol, I might add support for the other kanguages as well.

Is this because the printers don't support ASCII any more? In that case it's out of your hands really. It's not your job to convert ASCII into a printer raster, that's a lot of work needing fonts used and all sorts of technical details. Unless doing very basic printing most people would be printing documents which are all graphics. Suppose you could just render a bitmap in the default proportional font and dump that to the printer.

Yes, most new printers does not support direct ascii printing trough ipp, but most of them support raw printing still. So I can dump text to printers trough the raw printing port, if sending text trough ipp I need to convert to rasterfile first.

You are right in that converting text to graphics require a lot of information of fonts used etc.. And f.ex printing from notepad I haven’t found a way to retrieve font information. So my plan is to just use a predefined font and size at the moment. I am using IntuitionText for converting to bitmap, which makes the work easier for me.

Well, what ever it is based on, the PS interpreter is just a driver. And most printers need direct PS support or they won't work. As for GS in OS4, I'm not aware of printer.device using it, it was external AFAIK? A newer version should be installed with AmiPS and AmiPDF from Enhancer

Most ipp printers I have used, does not support PS, but the formats they usually support is pwg-raster and jpeg formats.

If GS this is updated trough enhancer that would be great, and then I probably haven’t installed it, because my version of GS sometimes fails converting pdf’s.

When testing and prigramming this printer device this is for me what looks like is happening:When printing from AmiPDF or AmiGS it sends command to GS trough amiga_printer device of GS and communicates trough Exec msg, GS creates graphics trough printer.device which then again is sent to the selecter printer driver. This driver decides what to do with with the graphics, in my case it is converted to raster format, this will then be transferred to a new device, in my case airprint.device this device sends it to printer in the correct format.

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