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Kensington SlimBlade Trackball
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I had never in my life used a trackball controller so bought one expensive to test:

https://www.kensington.com/p/products/ ... /slimblade-trackball/?r=1

It's working out-of-box on X5000, including the twist scrolling. I haven't figured out yet if it's possible to use the buttons 3-4. It's a little bit tricky to navigate RMB menus while pressing the large right button at the same time.

It's a large controller (2x-4x size of a normal mouse) but naturally needs no space for moving.

The main reason I'm writing this mini "review" is that I can't help thinking it would be a funny combo to use with a "boing" ball. Does anybody know whether there are custom parts available?-)

Anybody else using trackballs or other unconventional controllers?

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Re: Kensington SlimBlade Trackball
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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AllKeys on OS4 Depot should allow you to use the extra mouse buttons - I use it to map the extra three buttons on my Zalman mouse.

I had a job 1999 - 2003 in which we used trackballs, and at the time I really liked them. My wife got me a Logitech trackball back in July; I find I can only use it for brief periods of time before my hand gets sore.

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Re: Kensington SlimBlade Trackball
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I've been using trackballs on my Amigas for decades. Just
fantastic for high res screens - avoids all the mouse

On the classic I still have a Microspeed trackball. A few
years ago I found a company called "Clearly Superior
Technology" had bought those molds, replaced the guts with
modern laser sesnsors, USB, a scroll wheel and 3rd button:

https://www.amazon.com/CST2545-5W-GL-A ... e-Ergonomic/dp/B06XWLCLGB

I also used a number of Kensington trackballs over the
years. With the Slimblade, I found the whole scrolling
thing to be awkward to use.

Lastly, since scrolling over large distances is so
effortlessly done with just a flick, I've also been
running my WB oversized and autoscrolling. Gives me
much more real estate in one workspace. A fantastic
complement to the trackball.



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Re: Kensington SlimBlade Trackball
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I used an AlphaData glowing trackball on my A1200. I currently use a Kensington, being the closest thing to the AlphaData on the market.

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Kensington SlimBlade Trackball
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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And, do you still recommend the Slimblade? I'm thinking of getting a trackball but right now I tend to favor some thumb-controlled device, mostly because I'd like to have mouse-wheel and buttons at the common locations. Do you have any issues with button clicking / wheel functionality?

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Re: Kensington SlimBlade Trackball
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I haven't used thumb-controller devices so cannot compare. I'm still not 100% used to trackball but I have begun to like it.

SlimBlade trackball is also a little bit louder than some basic mice. Twist scroller produces sound and large buttons make also heavy clicks, but hey, I'm also using a mechanical keyboard :)

I tried quickly that AllKeys utility, but couldn't get the buttons 3/4 recognized yet.

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Re: Kensington SlimBlade Trackball
Not too shy to talk
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Oh, I have no problem with rather loud clicking / wheel sounds. That way people outside the buro already hear that you're busy
What I meant was if you find it hard or uncomfortable to reach those buttons / wheel. After all it's quite different compared to the common mouse.

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Re: Kensington SlimBlade Trackball
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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The LMB/RMB is always at the reach (thumb + little finger). I cannot say yet anything about the buttons 3/4.

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Re: Kensington SlimBlade Trackball
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I ended up with the Logitech MX Ergo, a thumb controlled mouse like trackball. Love it! It took me almost no time to get used to it. One drawback (which I could workaround though and which likely applies to most such devices): it uses a custom software which doesn't work with my KVM switch (for the switch it's just a mouse). So to make it feel right I had to significantly exceed the max. mouse speed of Windows by registry hacking. Works just fine on AOS4 too (here the built in prefs speeds are good). Another nice feature is that it can connect to a 2nd device via bluetooth, it has an extra device toggle button for that. So I can also control my laptop with it in parallel.

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