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Re: Best 1/2 Height GPU for Amiga A1222+
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Does linux not have driver support for Polaris/RX cards?

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: A1200NG motherboard appears at AmigaKit
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If I can find an A1200 (full NTSC system with US layout keyboard, recapped, etc.) for less money than the A1200NG, I'll consider it. Q from the YouTube channel Hold and Modify recently posted a video about hoarding and collecting Amigas. He noted that the trick to finding a good price on an Amiga is reaching out to the community and staying off e-Bay. I'll see what I can find.

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: A1200NG motherboard appears at AmigaKit
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A1200NG System
1200 Case white... $104.47
1200 Case badge......$5.22
1200 Keys...............$69.84
Amiga Keyboard...$259.00
A1200NG MB........$190.30

It is far less expensive than paying up to $1800 for a used A1200 system on eBay.

Edited by interrogative on 2025/1/3 1:01:37
Edited by interrogative on 2025/1/3 1:04:38
Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: A1200NG motherboard appears at AmigaKit
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If I could afford a used A1200, I'd get one. As I said, the A1200NG is in my price range.

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: A1200NG motherboard appears at AmigaKit
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The ultimate Amiga to satisfy everybody's wants and needs does not exist. The Ultimate Amiga according to all that I would want or need does not exist... but the A1200NG comes close.

Since 2015, when I sold my last Amiga (SAM460 lite), I have wanted an Amiga that looked like a C= Amiga hardware-wise, could handle my collection of 1.76 MB disks from the days when I had an A4000, could handle OCS/ECS/AGA graphics modes and 24-bit, could run my paint; animation; and 3D software, could run most of the games I have, could run the official AmigaOS, and could run everything as blazingly fast as WinUAE runs.

The 1200NG is close to what I want (nowhere near WinUAE speed, but faster than 68060). It is closer to my ideal than most of the other options presently offered for a much better price.

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Xena questions
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Add a 3DPT foot switch to make the A5000 a guitar effects pedal.

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Who is getting the A1222 Plus?
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I'd like to get another OS4.x machine. I'm just not excited about the A1222+ for the performance/price as well as the compatibility issues. If the devs can get Aladdin4D or Lightwave running (even if slowly running), I'd be more likely to consider it.

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Guide for New A1222 Users
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I did not see POV among the graphics programs.

http://os4depot.net/?function=showfil ... phics/raytrace/povray.lha

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Summer Trevor’s Blog
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Component shortages and inflated component prices (MCU alone being 20x what it was quoted last year at this time) have put a project of mine in limbo. I feel for Trevor et al. The constant delays added to increased prices must be maddening.

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Kensington SlimBlade Trackball
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I used an AlphaData glowing trackball on my A1200. I currently use a Kensington, being the closest thing to the AlphaData on the market.

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: What is "AHI User Mode" in TuneNet?
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In relation to Shoutcast, Tunenet also supports broadcasting. Is there a tutorial out there showing how to broadcast?

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Available for OS4?
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In my case, my wife had a lot of old Zip100/250 disks and MSDOS 720 and 1.44 floppies that she wanted backed up.

Unfortunately, I am still waiting on a system with real USB on the motherboard to use my Kryoflux to back up my old Amiga disks.

This of course brings up an inquiry from long ago in a thread far far away (which I can't find). Is it possible to use the XMOS and Xorro for 880/1.76 ffs and diskspare format Amiga disk I/O? I am sure XMOS is overkill for such I/O work, but at least it would be a use for it.

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Available for OS4?
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I've used a Zip100/250 drive with OS4.x. No problems at all. I seem to remember using the CrossDOS PC0 as well with no difficulty. It has been a long time since using either.

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Animating on AmigaOS4.1
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I made the animation in order to prove that old software is still very useful, and that we can be productive on NG systems. The only new software written specifically for OS4.x that I used was Digital Universe and FFShop. Almost everything else was old 68k software running under OS4.x Petunia or WinUAE.

In the 1990s, when I had an A4000/040, I could not conceive of animating such a project without additional hardware (VT4000, TBC, etc.). Processing thousands of frames with ImageFX and FFShop is much easier and faster nowadays on NG systems and emulated systems.

I somewhat wonder if my little animation had anything to do with A-Eon picking up both ImageFX and Aladdin for further development. Whether Trevor or Matthew were influenced or not, I'm glad they are updating the software so that someday I can do better animations.

Edited by interrogative on 2016/8/17 11:40:20
Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Animating on AmigaOS4.1
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For the following animation, I used...

Rending Time and Space

ImageFX 4.5 Studio
Cinemorph 2.6
Aladdin 4D 5.1 Alpha 6 (only worked on pre OS4.1 update 6. Does not work under FE)
Digital Universe 1.7
FFShop 0.5

I also used the following on a PC.
Lyapunovia 1.5 under WinUAE

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Animating on AmigaOS4.1
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It is good to hear that I am not the only one using a NG Amiga for art and animation.

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Rumours... Amiga OS4.1 FE Update 1 Released? Or coming soon?...
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Final Edition Final Update

The 8^) is a smiley.

Edit: changed to DHTML 8^)

Edited by interrogative on 2016/6/16 13:05:42
Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Rumours... Amiga OS4.1 FE Update 1 Released? Or coming soon?...
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@Mikey C
FE Update 1 will not be an official release. They are waiting for Final Edition Final Update.

Edited by interrogative on 2016/6/16 13:04:58
Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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Re: Accelerating video playback in Odyssey (composited video)
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Did anyone ever take up the tasks of integrating composite video and removing the memory trashing bugs?

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Re: getting guru from Candi after installing Enhancer Plus apckage
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Since it started after installing the Enhancer Plus software, I am assuming you had an existing installation of Candi. You may try removing the existing install and assigns. After removing it, try reinstalling the newest version from either the Enhancer Plus package, or your old Candi installation package.

When I installed the Enhancer Plus software, I skipped over the Candi install since I already had it on my system. I have not had any gurus from Candi.

Sold the SAM460ex lite... waiting for money for X5000 or A1222 and OS 4.2
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