Just popping in 
Joined: 2006/12/18 1:32 Last Login
: 2019/8/27 23:14
From Hawaii
Registered Users
I have all my icons coming up where I want them (better than I ever got around to in Workbench, for that matter), and I'm getting listers under control. But I am annoyed that I can't make button bank "Vertical" come up anywhere but screen center, where it soon gets covered by things I am working on. I find nothing in the manuals or the button editor that hints at how I might, say, have it come up below Limpid Clock on the right side of my screen.
It's not really a big deal to move it there after launching, so I won't cry if there is no way to fix this. I'm really learning to appreciate DOpus, especially while editing a couple dozen poorly written HTML files over the last two days. Before it would have been a matter of switching among three screens; Workbench, to check results with Odyssey; DM2 to pick the next file to edit; MEmacs to edit. I still like MEmacs, on its own screen, but it is so nice to have the listers and Odyssey all up front! (Maybe I should try to learn NotePad and have everything on the same screen...)
Edited by kilaueabart on 2014/7/23 8:29:31