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Joined: 2007/9/11 12:31 Last Login
: Today 9:16
From Russia
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Thanks, works :)
For now i sorted out all that dest/source copy, and looks like very soon Dopus4 will get to trash , but what i really miss for now: browsing files inside the archives. For now every archive just spawn Unarc. Its of course better than nothing, but with browsing inside work will be much faster. Like you just come in one lister to archive, mark any files for, and copy to other one.
I see you have that in ToDo list, just dunno which priority you have for that.
ps. btw, when you set protect recursive for many dirs with many files inside, then it start to works like asyncrhonic (no busy-pointer), and you can scroll down/up, etc, but you cant go to any directory. Looks like 50% of asycnrhonic :)