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Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/26 12:08
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@Spectre Ok thanks, will install sfs for tests, hope it will crashes on me too, so will be easy to deal with
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/26 18:41
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@all Installed SFS 1.293 on my x5k, and do tests barony from it: yeah, it crashes, and i can confirm crash amiga_os have. So, running snoopy, and found out that in some part i tryied to open "PROGDIR:PROGDIR:models/models.txt" , which, didn't fail on NGFS (snoopy says OK for it, and all goint well) but fail on SFS2 (snoopy sais FAIL right away and crashes right after it happens). I do not know, if by logic "PROGDIR:PROGDIR:" should work , but why it should't ? Sure its bug on our side anyway, but should't it work anyway as it works on NGFS ?
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/26 19:25
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On ngfs he working fine here
Yes on sfs he double PROGDIR:PROGDIR:
It’s not an problem on your code ? On HOME unix it’s possible
Big thanks and good work
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/26 20:43
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Oh, its even not double PROGDIR:PROGDIR: cause issues, but "/" after it.
On NGFS that works:
On SFS2 it didn't works, and fail.
Its anyway need to be fixed in code, but strange it works with ngfs and didn't with sfs
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 14:08
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Just tested it on mine and it works. Didnt play long but can move around and interact with objects in game. Used the Blessed edition bought off Steam. X5000 with AOS4.1FE with a RadeonHD 7750. Newlib = 53.36 Ogles2 = 1.22 Warp3d = 53.27 Nova = 1.58 Minigl = 2.21 RadeonHD = 3.6 The only thing I didnt do was run it from the RAM Disk, I ran it from my NGFS partition.
AmigaOne X5000
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 14:27
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@eroom Thanks for tests. It will also works from RAM: on x5k, because x5k have new ram filesystem done in the same way as NGFS, while older machines still didn't have NGFS as well as have older version of RAM:. I aleady found what cause crashes on SFS (and probabaly on RAM: too on older versions of OS), hope to have fix soon
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 15:03
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We have fixed issues with "PROGDIR:/" thing, so it now works on SFS (at least on my test setup). Through, it feels there unresposive, and in the game itself i have some weird little mircopauses when run from SFS. Maybe its only me, dunno.
So, anyone who can, plz give it a go from SFS:
https://www.sendspace.com/file/4i762o @Spectre
I do not know if it will fix your issues with "RAM:", but maybe it will, plz try it as well. And if all will be ok, try it and from RAM: and from SFS: , to see, if you will have those "micropauses" when play in game.
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 15:40
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@kas1e No difference with new version. Crashes both from Ram and from SFS/00 . I dont have the data files so dont know if that is a factor.
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 15:44
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@Spectre Sadly, so that another issue then.. What exactly version of sfs you have ? I mean full info. I do tests on sfs2 1.293 Did you have jxfs by some luck to try this out ?
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 15:53
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@kas1e sfs2 1.293
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 16:13
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@kas1e Also crashes with jxfs.
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 17:40
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Just in case , let's try this:
1. Get barony.lha from os4depot
2. download that binary which i post above and replace one from os4depot archive:
https://www.sendspace.com/file/4i762o (but be sure you replace it).
3. go to the shell
4. stack 2000000 (6 zeroes)
5. run just Barony.exe from shell
Will it be the same crash or not.
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 17:49
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symbol info: Instruction pointer 0x00000000 belongs to module "" (HUNK/Kickstart) Stack trace: 0x00000000 symbol not available module Data:Downloads/Barony/Barony.exe at 0x7F38A090 (section 5 @ 0x4DD06C) module Data:Downloads/Barony/Barony.exe at 0x7F381DC8 (section 5 @ 0x4D4DA4) module Data:Downloads/Barony/Barony.exe at 0x7EEB51A4 (section 5 @ 0x8180) module Data:Downloads/Barony/Barony.exe at 0x7EF14AD4 (section 5 @ 0x67AB0) native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020ac native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002d14 native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002ef0 Data:Downloads/Barony/Barony.exe:_start()+0x170 (section 1 @ 0x1920) native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x000255c8 native kernel module kernel+0x0003bc38 native kernel module kernel+0x0003bc80 PPC disassembly: fffffff8: XXXXXXXX illegal address fffffffc: XXXXXXXX illegal address 00000000: XXXXXXXX illegal address 00000004: XXXXXXXX illegal address 00000008: XXXXXXXX illegal address
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 17:54
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@Spectre Yeah, still the same.. The only way then its to make stripped down binary, with cutting everything chunk by chunk.
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 20:45
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I disabled initialisation of physfs from code, just to see, if it exactly problem with physfs, or it just random, and by some luck point out on it.
Plz grab the barony.lha, and replace Barony.exe by that binary:
https://www.sendspace.com/file/s0tpvm And run. It should bring you black window, and no crash. Send me also log.txt after that , and what you have output in console.
Thanks a bunch!
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 20:47
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@Spectre Btw, i am sure that it not the issue we have with, but from your crashlog i see that you use warp3dnova.library 1.62, but warp3dnova/W3DN_GCN.library are V1.61. That for sure can't cause that issue, but maybe worth to be on the same version
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 21:38
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@kas1e AmigaOneX1000 SmartFilesystem 1.293 (SFS\02) Barony Blessed Addition from GOG #67 SFS\02 HDD: i RAM: -> OK #72 SFS\02 HDD: i RAM: -> OK #75 SFS\02 HDD: i RAM: -> Loading models ... it freezes
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 21:40
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Downgraded and it still Crashes . 0x4fcffa58: W3DN_GCN.library V1.58 0x4fcff858: Warp3DNova.library V1.58 0x4fcff2d8: ogles2.library V1.22 0x6ff9e620: RadeonRX.chip V1.11 Crash log for task "Barony.exe" Generated by GrimReaper 53.19 Crash occured in module Barony.exe at address 0x7EC849A0 Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception Alert number: 0x80000003 Register dump: GPR (General Purpose Registers): 0: 7EC84998 53FC99C0 00000000 4EDBACD8 55D96734 021A974C 4EDBACD0 021A974C 8: 0000040B 00000008 00000000 01818040 4EDBB0D8 5F2B2820 00000000 55D96000 16: 7E86F374 00000000 5409D010 4F2C6FB0 00000000 4FB5B2AC 4FB5EB58 5F2B0000 24: 4FB5EBBC 4FAEC8B4 4FB5B20C 4FB5EB90 4FB5E988 55560000 00000000 4EDBACD8 FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number): 0: nan 1 0.99999 -5.21764e+307 4: -8.87862e+230 -4.08154e+268 64 64 8: 0 64 2.14748e+09 3.40282e+38 12: 4.5036e+15 4.5036e+15 2.61189e-274 -1.40635e+302 16: -9.0959e+304 -6.5049e+306 -1.5611e-05 -1.55397e+231 20: -3.70958e-78 1.20262e+37 -4.82471e+303 -0.0314191 24: 255 2.14748e+09 1.52588e-05 4.5036e+15 28: 65536 4.5036e+15 65536 2.14748e+09 FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0x82004000 SPRs (Special Purpose Registers): Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030 Condition (cr) : 0x4EC6BDA0 Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x7EC849A0 Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x01820830 Count (ctr) : 0x00000000 Link (lr) : 0x00000000 DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x0183FFB8 Data Address (dar) : 0x00000000 680x0 emulated registers: DATA: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 FPU0: 0 0 0 0 FPU4: 0 0 0 0 Symbol info: Instruction pointer 0x7EC849A0 belongs to module "Barony.exe" (PowerPC) Symbol: GetProcPath + 0x38 in section 1 offset 0x0047C97C Stack trace: Barony.exe:GetProcPath()+0x38 (section 1 @ 0x47C97C) Barony.exe:GetProcPath()+0x30 (section 1 @ 0x47C974) Barony.exe:alc_initconfig()+0x164 (section 1 @ 0x46BD24) Barony.exe:alcOpenDevice()+0x744 (section 1 @ 0x46E5F8) Barony.exe:_Z10initOPENALv()+0x54 (section 1 @ 0xA954) Barony.exe:_Z7initAppPci()+0x474 (section 1 @ 0x84E0) Barony.exe:main()+0x3d8 (section 1 @ 0x67728) native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020ac native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002d14 native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002ef0 Barony.exe:_start()+0x170 (section 1 @ 0x1920) native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x000255c8 native kernel module kernel+0x0003bc38 native kernel module kernel+0x0003bc80 PPC disassembly: 7ec84998: 83dd802c lwz r30,-32724(r29) 7ec8499c: 7c7f1b78 mr r31,r3 *7ec849a0: 813e01f4 lwz r9,500(r30) 7ec849a4: 7fc3f378 mr r3,r30 7ec849a8: 839e0398 lwz r28,920(r30) System information: CPU Model: AMCC PPC460EX V1.2 CPU speed: 1155 MHz FSB speed: 231 MHz
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 21:41
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@amigos Binary from #75 with removed functionality, only for tests. From 67 and 72 are the same and goid one, yep. Did you have some little pauses in game when play from sfs in compare with ngfs ? Also it is betatest system on x1000 ?
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/27 21:43
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@Spectre Haha, so it some strange random crap, not physfs.. Can you post also log.txt and what you have in console ?
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