No problem, I'm always happy to answer you.
Actually there are many ways to backup.
I use this one it's the simplest
You have to use "Dopus"
Download the version on "OSDepot"
And replace it with "Original Dopus" if you haven't already
Now that you use Real-HD you don't need WinUAE.
This is a practical example of how you should do it:
qemu-system-ppc -M pegasos2 -accel tcg -kernel /home/white/Downloads/bboot-0.4/bboot -initrd /home/white/Downloads/Kickstart.zip -m 2048 -serial stdio -device sm501 -netdev user, id=mynet0 -device rtl8139,netdev=mynet0 -vga none -cdrom /home/white/Scaricati/Pegasos2InstallCD-53.54.iso -drive if=none,id=hd,file=/home/white/Scaricati/32gb.raw, format=raw -device ide-hd,drive=hd,bus=ide.1 -drive format=raw,file=/dev/sdd2 -display gtk,zoom-to-fit=on -full-screen
boot from the Pegasos2 CD
use the right sequence as above
Simply prepare your REAL-HD with your partitions the same size or larger.
As you always have with HDToolBox
BOOT DH0 etc etc.
But don't install anything.
Only format the partitions as you have them in your virtual .RAW files
And copy with Dopus all the original partitions from your .RAW file for example into the HD-REAL partitions
If you have split the partitions into multiple .RAW files
always boot from CD and copy everything you need to copy to your "REAL" partitions
When you're done and you know everything is OK.

So you copied everything.
Start normally simple example:
qemu-system-ppc -M pegasos2 -accel tcg -kernel /home/white/Downloads/bboot-0.4/bboot -initrd /home/white/Downloads/Kickstart.zip -m 2048 -serial stdio -device sm501 -netdev user, id=mynet0 -device rtl8139,netdev=mynet0 -vga none -drive format=raw,file=/dev/sdd2 -display gtk,zoom-to-fit=on -full-screen
If you have problems I'll make a video for you to see.
Later you can always use Dopus to make backups if you are comfortable with it.
But I use TrueImage to backup real partitions, I can split I have only the Amiga-Real partition or Linux too together.
The recovery time is 5 minutes.
You can give me a screenshot as soon as you can
Of your SFS/02 HDToolBox settings
used blocks and masks of the filesystem file hexadecimal transfer.
I saw the ASCII file before booting AmigaOS in your video
but has the version of boot-0.4 been updated ?
I would like to have your configuration file if possible of E-UAE for 3.2.
Although I will most likely use 3.1 because it is very fast.
But I would like to try it.
Edited by white on 2023/9/21 16:45:07
Edited by white on 2023/9/21 16:46:00
Edited by white on 2023/9/21 16:53:17