In your video there are a few crashes on boot. Surprised it keeps going Thought a kernel crashing on boot would end up in a kernel panic.
Depends on what's crashing. I think on pegasos2 Linux kernel has an error about some network related things which may also happen on real machine because the network driver uses some function it should not be using so the kernel warns about that. But it should not matter as the on board network card is not emulated anyway so it's not used.
So I managed to get it booting and crashing in firmware with INT errors and some x86 crash. Was confusing as it looked like x86 code crashing inside emulation which should have segfaulted QEMU. But I tried your line and got further. And got into GRUB.
All of the AmigaNG machines have a problem with the BIOS emulator in their firmware which crashes on the default QEMU VGA ROM as it is compiled for i386 (because gcc does not support older x86) but the BIOS emulator can only run 16 bit x86 code. This is only a problem that you won't get firmware output on VGA but you could still boot by blindly typing the boot command or you can redirect firmware to serial by typing
" /failsafe" io
note the space after first quote, it's needed! Or disable default vga with -vga none and when adding a VGA device disable its ROM with ,romfile="" propery then you would not get that crash. Or you can use a real mode VGA BIOS compatible with the VGA device you are using via the romfile property. All this is noted on my qmiga.codeberg.page pages.
It seems to boot but was taking so long I gave up.]/quote]
What are you running this on? Maybe the CD emulation can be slow but should be faster when installed on a disk image.
[quote]Last night I also tried it on my X1000 but couldn't get it to work. I used my X1Boot editor to make it easier on my self. At first I added a new boot entry with a standard 5.15 kernel and ramdish using the boot args. But it couldn't find root device and dropped to initramfs.
Does this kernel have driver for the IDE controller or whatever the disk with the root file system is on? Or does it load that from the initrd in which case does the initrd contain the right driver?