1. banner color scheme is awful- at least on safari on OSX, the color fade top to bottom makes the site name nearly impossible to read.
2. overall color scheme, including text input (the yellow/white) is just pretty 'washed out,' content blocks are OK, but this is fairly bad.
3. text input (textarea form)- even in his res 1600x1200, the text input box is too big vertically, have to scroll to read the post responding to. Likely going to be worse on 'real' Amiga browsers with lower resolutions (or non Amiga, but lower res), would reduce it by at least 1/3 vertically, possibly 1/2.
4. The "Message Icons' are umm, just sort of sucky. (in compose message mode). Are they really supposed to be in inverse video?
5. No help for 'Notifications.'
6. It's xoops

Hope they've managed to seperate things better in recent versions, to allow fixing CSS and other bits and still allow for upgrades without borking things too badly.
7. Whos Online is pretty bad with the bigger icons- it'll be worse if you get 10-20 logged in users. Drop the icons from the whos online code...
Don't ask why I'm submitting these, as I expect Mikey or someone will simply ban me at some point (not that I plan on posting much, anyways..), but it's obvious at least some people have taken time and effort, and it's a big PITA to get a site usable on AOS browsers, as well as working out kinks on a new site. *shrug*