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: 2024/11/1 3:54
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@Bj?rn or anyone else who can take care of this
Can you please remove BubbleBlanker from OS4Depot. I uploaded it prematurely (before I had actually tested it with Alex C.'s Commander screenblanker module). I have used his module in the past to execute commands (start programs) at the time of blanking, and have had no problems. But with BubbleBlanker it doesn't work since the screen goes black first and the bubbles are floating on a black screen (instead of floating over the Workbench screen).
Anyway, I'll PM Alex and see if he can get a new version of Commander out that will work well with BubbleBlanker. But in the mean time, BubbleBlanker is useless as a blanker; so I'd prefer if it could be removed from OS4 Depot for the present time.
___ Paul ___
(Edit: Title change)
Edited by PEB on 2008/3/5 20:05:58