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Re: infinite icons theme pack
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Hello again! Good news :) All graphic side created for icons.
The final list can be seen in the brochure.

The Raven Black color is therefore ready to start making icons out of them.

At the moment, I'm continuing to work to get all the remaining 6 colors made into Corel files as well,
after which the task of making the icons into info files will begin.

Now the icons are ready in size 96x96, which are ready for AmiKit,
but first I will make Amiga OS4.1 icons in size 256x256.

-Update 071224-

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Re: infinite icons theme pack
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I'll wait until 2025,
otherwise I'll launch a nuclear missile at you
In Italy we have a hundred of them, more or less, it doesn't change anything.
Even if one is missing. :)

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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Re: infinite icons theme pack
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Just popping in

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No update for this week except by text.

Got a lot done, icons for the following drawers made in 7 different colors.

Devs/storage and the main Workbench
(which I call by that name because it already contains the system drawer) and most of the system drawer.

So project progressing well :)

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Re: infinite icons theme pack
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Just popping in

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I am interested too, I've sent you a mail right now.

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Re: infinite icons theme pack
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Just popping in

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Happy new year 2025 everyone!!!
This year is going to be exciting!

What is Infinite icons Theme Pack?

Infinite icons Theme Pack is a completely new icon/theme pack designed for Amiga OS4/AmiKit,
I would consider the product to be more of an icon pack than a comprehensive theme, but some parts of it belongs
a theme category.

Start of the project:

Infinite icons Theme Pack started in early 2024, the product didn't have a name until now
that it would even become a product you could buy.

Originally, the intention was to make cool icons and wallpapers for AmigaOS4
not many of these are available and the newest ones are from years ago.

Wanting to do something for the Amiga:

After many different test versions, the idea arose to make this a real payable product and why not
when I have always had such a dear connection to Amiga and there is no such product available.

Project workload:

If I had originally realized how big the project would be, if only done with one different color option
and with 4 different drawer versions, so I wouldn't have promised/advertised that these would be available with
7 different unique colors and even for two different platforms (AmigaOS4 and AmiKit) with icons of different sizes,
(AmigaOS4 256x256 pixels and AmiKit 96x96 pixels), well I had promised these and I will do what is promised for the price which considering the amount of work is ridiculously cheap 😊

Release date:

This is what many have asked and I have answered that 2024-2025 because there has been no information at all how
how long will it take to make these and will I succeed in making an easy installation for consumers or not,
or does everything have to be change icons manually one by one, so this is still unclear.

Now I'll give you a target release date that I hope to keep, and what would be a better day than
23 July 2025 when the Amiga brand turns 40 😍

I would like:

I have used all my skills and every free moment I have had for this product,
i would hope that the product is not distributed among Amiga users so that it is not bought, i think so
Amiga users are exactly the group that doesn't really care about piracy, especially when it comes to it
Amiga related new product, I'm the same myself, happy to pay for a good product.


Let's see how you buyers/users receive the product, you never know what the future will bring.

Updates for those who bought the product are definitely coming, and these are mostly repairs or redesigns
icons from an icon or even new icons and wallpapers.


Then when the product is published and gets users, I hope for feedback, whether it's negative or not
positive, then I will try my best to correct possible errors in the icons if they appear.

Project status at the moment:

I am quickly making the Corel files of all colors ready, after which I will start making the icons as info files for Amiga OS4, and then the same work for AmiKit.

Regarding the Corel files, the work is approximately 85% done.

-Target Release Date-

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Re: infinite icons theme pack
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Here are all Def icons in Ash Grey color.
5 more colors in the works.

-Edited 17.01.25 13:55
Classic Blue color finished so 4 colors in the works.

-Def Icons AshGrey-

Edited by DigitalDesigns on 2025/1/17 11:55:54
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Re: infinite icons theme pack
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Def icons:
Last 2 colors in the works

Utilities drawer:
Last 3 colors in the works.

After this, all icons have been made into 100% Corel files.

Making icons all 256x256 png files.

Combining 2 png files into one .info file, and make it a working icon.

I have to figure out how to get them easily on Amiga OS4 so that I don't have to put each icon individually.

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Re: infinite icons theme pack
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Just popping in

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Have a great weekend everyone!

I am happy to announce that 100% of the Corel files are ready.
It was a bit of extra work after I forgot to make the presets drawer, but this week I managed to make 23 new icons in 7 different colors.

Now begins step 4/5, converting Corel files to png images.

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Re: infinite icons theme pack
Just popping in
Just popping in

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The production of icons has started,
the first 15 icons are ready

-First 15 icons-

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Re: infinite icons theme pack
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Hello again!

A total of 915 icons completed so far.

107 icons for one color option and 273 icons for the Ancient Copper color.

The project is progressing much faster than I expected, the only headache is the def icons, which take quite a lot of time to make, now the Ancient Copper color def icons are ready.

Not bad in 7 days or what do you think? :)

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Re: infinite icons theme pack
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Fantastic! I like the look of the 25 you shared.

Bill "tekmage" Borsari

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