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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/1 19:03
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2023/4/7 6:13Last Login
: Yesterday 18:09
From Deutschland
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Well, still the ISI crash when starting ScummVM without an .ini file. Got the unfreed signals with scummvm -version and a crash after loading for different engines and quit But more importantly would be your YouTube crashes and other random ones you got, since now the stack has been raised to 8 MB internallyI have tested your trial version a bit and recorded the whole start of ScummVM when creating the .ini file.
I am sure that if you use a freshly booted AmigaOs4.1 system and run ScummVM for the first time there are no problems with the creation of the .ini file.
But I could see some error messages in the log which did not lead to a crash.
[ elf ] . hash 0x7F8CB000 - 0x7F8CB4CC Workbench : SObjs / libgcc . so ( sh_flags 0x02 )
has read - only flag in section header
but is located in a read - write section of the program header
( linker ( script ) error ?)
[ elf ] . dynsym 0x7F8CB4CC - 0x7F8CBFAC Workbench : SObjs / libgcc . so ( sh_flags 0x02 )
has read - only flag in section header
but is located in a read - write section of the program header
( linker ( script ) error ?)
[ elf ] . dynstr 0x7F8CBFAC - 0x7F8CC78A Workbench : SObjs / libgcc . so ( sh_flags 0x02 )
has read - only flag in section header
but is located in a read - write section of the program header
( linker ( script ) error ?)
[ elf ] . rela . data 0x7F8CC78C - 0x7F8CC7A4 Workbench : SObjs / libgcc . so ( sh_flags 0x02 )
has read - only flag in section header
but is located in a read - write section of the program header
( linker ( script ) error ?)
[ elf ] . rela . dyn 0x7F8CC7A4 - 0x7F8CCB1C Workbench : SObjs / libgcc . so ( sh_flags 0x02 )
has read - only flag in section header
but is located in a read - write section of the program header
( linker ( script ) error ?)
[ elf ] . rela . plt 0x7F8CCB1C - 0x7F8CCC9C Workbench : SObjs / libgcc . so ( sh_flags 0x02 )
has read - only flag in section header
but is located in a read - write section of the program header
( linker ( script ) error ?)
The complete logs can be taken from here it only shows the execution of ScummVM at the first start without .ini.
https://pastecode.io/s/esucovwn Then I did my usual tests Odyssey...YouTube the whole thing I repeated 3 times in one and the same session. There were no problems at all.... but on test 3 it turned out that I ran out of memory and it caused DSI and crashes. I am not sure but I suspect that Odyssey does not free the memory after quitting and it causes ScummVM to crash or show DSI error messages.
Maybe a problem only under Qemu/AmigaOs4.1, but I've never had a problem with insufficient memory. Can you report something similar? On my machine AmigaOs4.1 FE is up to date including all updates and also the latest version of elf.library is used which was/is recently available via AmiUpdate. I use Odyssey version 1.23...
Of course, it could also be that MPlayer (latest version Os4Depot) does not release the memory and continues to use it after exiting when using Odyssey/YT.rexx via MPlayer.
Edited by Maijestro on 2024/3/1 19:22:31 Edited by Maijestro on 2024/3/1 19:25:34
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/1 21:14
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Joined: 2006/11/26 21:45Last Login
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I just realized that your libcurl is asking for libpthread.so...which i don't have :-/
LINK scummvm
Development : Coding / SDK / gcc / ppc - amigaos / bin / ld : warning : libpthread . so , needed by / SDK / local / newlib / lib / libcurl . so , not found (try using - rpath or - rpath - link )
found it in sobjs: ... grmbl
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/2 6:27
Just can't stay away
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@Raziel That's interesting. If this is the first time you've seen the compiler mention libpthread.so, then I'm guessing it's not being used by anything else and perhaps the reason for the crash wasn't libpthread.a being accidentally embedded in libcurl.so.12, but some other reason. Anyway, all that matters is the problem got solved! I'll update libcurl on OS4Depot within a couple of weeks, but keep the .so.12 you have because it uses DEVS:AmiSSL/Certs while the OS4Depot version will use curl-ca-bundle.crt
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/2 9:21
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@Raziel What's the Top3/5/10 games that works with ScummVM in your opinion?
1989-> A500, A600, A3000, A4000, A1200, CD32, µA1, PegII, A1XE, CDTV, Amy/416D79, A1X5000, Vampire 500 V2+, Vampire 600 V2, Amy-ITX, Denise ITX <-2024
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/2 14:12
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@khayoz 1. Grim Fandango 2. Secret of Monkey Island 3. Simon the Sorcerer 4. Indiana Jones 4 - Fate of Atlantis 5. Inherit the Earth - Quest for the Orb 6. The rest of Sierra games 7. The rest of LucasArts games 8. The Feeble Files 9. Discworld series 10. Broken Sword series and all the games that i have in my back catalogue...too many games, so little time
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/3 19:52
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Sooooo, i got a strange one here.
Odyssey was open, but closed when i tried this ScummVM instance
I did the usual testing (starting and closing five different games, from five different engines and then quit scummvm)
It crashed, as reproducable as before...but...
This is the crashlog:
Crash log for task "scummvm"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.19
Crash occured in module at address 0x7E442CC8
Type of crash : ISI ( Instruction Storage Interrupt ) exception
Alert number : 0x80000003
Register dump :
GPR ( General Purpose Registers ):
0 : 02467C60 4670BCC0 B70B8C38 5E15E000 00000000 023AD07C 7864224C 2C57D000
8 : 00000002 7E442CC8 00000000 61EA7530 28442822 564040B0 5A688B50 00000001
16 : 62430990 DFAC9480 5E2CF4F0 00000000 4670BDA8 78641AC0 00000008 5A688B40
24 : 00000000 5E15E148 00000000 00000001 00000000 5E15E14C 5E15E158 00000001
FPR ( Floating Point Registers , NaN = Not a Number ):
0 : - nan 0 - nan - nan
4 : - nan 4.5036e+15 4.5036e+15 4.5036e+15
8 : 1047 4.5036e+15 255 4.5036e+15
12 : 35 - 0.00295389 0 0
16 : 0 0 0 0
20 : 0 0 0 0
24 : 0 0 0 0
28 : 0 0 0 0
FPSCR ( Floating Point Status and Control Register ): 0xA2004100
SPRs ( Special Purpose Registers ):
Machine State ( msr ) : 0x4200B030
Condition ( cr ) : 0x54800000
Instruction Pointer ( ip ) : 0x7E442CC8
Xtended Exception ( xer ) : 0x45C7F134
Count ( ctr ) : 0x00570001
Link ( lr ) : 0x00000000
DSI Status ( dsisr ) : 0x85027002
Data Address ( dar ) : 0x547FBA44
680x0 emulated registers :
DATA : 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ADDR : 6FFA4000 971CA900 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 4670AB50
FPU0 : 0 0 0 0
FPU4 : 0 0 0 0
Symbol info :
Instruction pointer 0x7E442CC8 belongs to module "" ( HUNK / Kickstart )
Stack trace :
Odyssey : xsltParseTemplateContent . part.7 ()+ 0x398 ( section 1 @ 0x19A2CC4 )
native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x0005fa44
native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x00002618
native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x00003340
native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x00003864
scummvm : _start ()+ 0x1e0 ( section 10 @ 0x3288 )
native kernel module dos . library . kmod + 0x0002a458
native kernel module kernel + 0x00059e04
native kernel module kernel + 0x00059e7c
PPC disassembly :
7e442cc0 : 480f5e59 bl 0x7E538B18
7e442cc4 : 2f830000 cmpwi cr7 , r3 , 0
* 7e442cc8 : 419efd20 beq + cr7 , 0x7E4429E8
7e442ccc : 83df000c lwz r30 , 12 ( r31 )
7e442cd0 : 2f9e0000 cmpwi cr7 , r30 , 0
System information :
Model : P . A . Semi PWRficient PA6T - 1682M VB1
CPU speed : 1800 MHz
FSB speed : 900 MHz
Extensions : altivec
Machine name : AmigaOne X1000
Memory : 2097152 KB
Extensions : bus . pci bus . pcie
Mind the stack trace's first entry...wth is Odyssey doing there?
I'm starting to wonder if that browser is not cleaning itself correctly (or at all?) on exit...how does that still end up in another programs stack trace?
I'm trying to do all my testing without ever starting Odyssey from now on...
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/5 17:32
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2023/4/7 6:13Last Login
: Yesterday 18:09
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@Raziel I don't know what they changed in their latest test build (fix-exit-free-signal), but there are crashes and DSI here too. The only version that currently works very well for me is ScummVM 2.8.0 (os4depot) with replaced libcurl.so.12 from MickJT. Also the use of Odyssey has no influence on ScummVM, as well as starting without .ini and there are no problems. Starting 5 different game engines in a row also worked without problems, all with default stack size.
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/5 20:12
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@Maijestro Don't use the version i emailed you, it's tainted. There is a new one in the queue, but i'm back at work and can neither fix my NAS cloud nor provide any more versions until the weekend. I was able to do a very quick check on the new build and it looks good...stable, cloud and download works, unfreed signals error is gone and i did a proof-of-concept run of "Mass add" over my entire games partition..over 1430 games flawlessly and without a crash detected and added (which means it's *really* stable, as i wasn't able to do that without crashing before). There is, however, still this strange exit crash...more testing needed methinks ...sigh, if i only had a working debugger
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/9 17:56
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@Maijestro Download site should be fixed...not much to see yet, though
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/10 15:53
Just can't stay away
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: Yesterday 18:09
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Download site should be fixed...not much to see yet, thoughI just checked it it's slow but working again. Should the build "unfreed-fix" be tested?
Thank you for making the access available again.
Edited by Maijestro on 2024/3/10 18:41:30 Edited by Maijestro on 2024/3/10 18:45:59 Edited by Maijestro on 2024/3/10 18:52:00
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/10 18:37
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@Maijestro had to use google dns to make it work...locking for another solution yes, you may the exit crash has been boiled down to the ags engine, so not an amigaos bug to reproduce - start an ags game - return to launcher - quit may very well happen with other engines aswell,so keep your eyes peeled fixed - unfreed signals - download of icons please see if you can come up with crashes and post the steps here... thank you
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/10 18:44
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2023/4/7 6:13Last Login
: Yesterday 18:09
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"unfreed-fix" Build seems to be ScummVM 2.9.0, I tested it briefly as usual with all tests, it may be coincidence, but I could not generate any crash or DSI, neither on first start without .ini nor after using Odyssey and running 5 engines.
Tested with Odyssey/Rexx/YT YouTube and without. What is an "ags" game so that I can test it?
Edit: Ok, I understood what "ags" games are, according to
https://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php?title=AGS/Games the game/engine "Gemini Rue" is fully compatible with ScummVM 2.9.0git, so I tested the Steam version...it's a bit slow compared to other engines, but it works.
As you could also see on real hardware, I also have problems exiting and it leads to DSI. If you haven't debugged it yet to see exactly what the problem is, I could do that too and we could share our findings.
Edited by Maijestro on 2024/3/10 20:23:19 Edited by Maijestro on 2024/3/10 20:26:02 Edited by Maijestro on 2024/3/11 21:15:29
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/10 21:45
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@Maijestro great to hear a lot of stuff works for you again. lets see, when the changes get officially merged i compile a new test release and we go from there. i could do with a crashlog of that "exit from an ags game" thank you for the tests
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/11 20:02
Just can't stay away
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: Yesterday 18:09
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i could do with a crashlog of that "exit from an ags game" thank you for the testsI have recorded 2 debug logs for you, one is directly via AmigaOs4.1 GrimReaper. The other one I recorded via Serial Console. In both cases the exit was recorded after running an "ags" game "Gemini Rue". I hope this is helpful.
Log AmigaOs4.1 GrimReaper:
rash log for task "scummvm"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.19
Crash occured in module at address 0x7DA9BD30
Type of crash : ISI ( Instruction Storage Interrupt ) exception
Alert number : 0x80000003
Register dump :
GPR ( General Purpose Registers ):
0 : 01BA0B00 5AEADCC0 00000000 5ED9B000 00000000 01836 A9C 7EAFA3F8 58E08000
8 : 00000001 7DA9BD30 00000000 61FF0620 28222822 5ECC8C20 00000000 00000000
16 : 00000000 00000000 00000000 1898A6A0 1873F9AE 7EAF8BFC 00000000 00000014
24 : 00000000 5ED9B148 00000000 00000001 00000000 5ED9B14C 5ED9B154 00000000
FPR ( Floating Point Registers , NaN = Not a Number ):
0 : 1.07758e-314 0 1 0
4 : 3.22308e-06 4.5036e+15 - 1.2864e-14 0.5
8 : 0 720 0 255
12 : 1 - 0.00126947 0 0
16 : 0 0 0 0
20 : 0 0 0 0
24 : 0 0 0 0
28 : 0 0 0 0
FPSCR ( Floating Point Status and Control Register ): 0x82004000
SPRs ( Special Purpose Registers ):
Machine State ( msr ) : 0x4200F030
Condition ( cr ) : 0x5C670000
Instruction Pointer ( ip ) : 0x7DA9BD30
Xtended Exception ( xer ) : 0x5C65E134
Count ( ctr ) : 0x00570001
Link ( lr ) : 0x00000000
DSI Status ( dsisr ) : 0x85027002
Data Address ( dar ) : 0x5C66EA44
680x0 emulated registers :
DATA : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ADDR : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
FPU0 : 0 0 0 0
FPU4 : 0 0 0 0
Symbol info :
Instruction pointer 0x7DA9BD30 belongs to module "" ( HUNK / Kickstart )
Stack trace :
0x7DA9BD30 symbol not available
native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x0005fa44
native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x00002618
native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x000032f0
native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x00003864
scummvm : _start ()+ 0x1e0 ( section 10 @ 0x3288 )
native kernel module dos . library . kmod + 0x0002a458
native kernel module kernel + 0x0005b3e8
native kernel module kernel + 0x0005b460
PPC disassembly :
7da9bd28 : 02007659 rlwnm r7 , r3 , r0 , 0 , 0
7da9bd2c : 02007659 rlwnm r7 , r3 , r0 , 0 , 0
* 7da9bd30 : 02007659 rlwnm r7 , r3 , r0 , 0 , 0
7da9bd34 : 02007659 rlwnm r7 , r3 , r0 , 0 , 0
7da9bd38 : 02007659 rlwnm r7 , r3 , r0 , 0 , 0
System information :
Model : Motorola MPC 7447 / 7457 Apollo V1.2
CPU speed : 999 MHz
FSB speed : 133 MHz
Extensions : performancemonitor altivec
Machine name : Pegasos II
Memory : 2097152 KB
Extensions : bus . pci bus . agp
Expansion buses
00 : 00.0 Vendor 0x11AB Device 0x6460
00 : 01.0 Vendor 0x126F Device 0x0501
Range 0 : 80000000 - 84000000 ( MEM )
Range 1 : 84000000 - 84200000 ( MEM )
00 : 02.0 Vendor 0x10EC Device 0x8139
Range 0 : 00001200 - 00001300 ( IO )
Range 1 : 84200000 - 84200100 ( MEM )
00 : 0C.0 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x8231
00 : 0C.1 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x0571
Range 0 : 00001000 - 00001008 ( IO )
Range 1 : 00001008 - 0000100C ( IO )
Range 2 : 00001010 - 00001018 ( IO )
Range 3 : 00001018 - 0000101C ( IO )
Range 4 : 00001020 - 00001030 ( IO )
00 : 0C.2 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3038
Range 4 : 00001040 - 00001060 ( IO )
00 : 0C.3 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3038
Range 4 : 00001060 - 00001080 ( IO )
00 : 0C.4 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x8235
00 : 0C.5 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3058
Range 0 : 00001100 - 00001200 ( IO )
Range 1 : 00001030 - 00001034 ( IO )
Range 2 : 00001034 - 00001038 ( IO )
00 : 0C.6 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3068
01 : 00.0 Vendor 0x11AB Device 0x6460
0x628f6858 : ISO - 8859 - 15.charset V52.1
0x628f6958 : german_ISO - 8859 - 15.language V52.1
0x021c6702 : exec . library V54.30
0x6ff7c318 : cgxvideo . library V42.1
0x5edee018 : AmigaInput . library V53.4
0x5fdbcae8 : Warp3DNova . library V54.16
0x628f6dd8 : ogles2 . library V3.3
0x62780cc8 : pthreads . library V53.12
0x601672d0 : gif . datatype V53.4
0x60167230 : palette . gadget V53.7
0x600dd6f8 : radiobutton . gadget V53.11
0x6271e168 : toolbar . gadget V53.6
0x628f1758 : infodata . gadget V53.3
0x628f1658 : NetDock . docky V52.0
0x6271e258 : piechart . gadget V53.1
0x628f1358 : Separator . docky V53.2
0x628eb0c8 : infowindow .class V53.15
0x629915f0 : texteditor . gadget V53.28
0x62992650 : tabbed . gadget V54.455
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0x6295f410 : select . gadget V53.7
0x6046fa88 : sliderbar . gadget V53.22
0x60394d58 : tickbox . gadget V53.14
0x601139c0 : time . gadget V1.14
0x60394c20 : clock . gadget V53.1
0x60394b80 : gradientslider . gadget V53.7
0x60113238 : RAMDock . docky V51.3
0x601131b8 : CPUInfo . docky V52.2
0x600f7f28 : SubDock . docky V53.1
0x6271ebc0 : shared . image V2.1
0x60394860 : slider . gadget V53.17
0x60158024 : clipview . library V1.12
0x60394044 : colorwheel . gadget V53.7
0x603940e0 : getfont . gadget V53.11
0x62780e50 : anim . gadget V53.7
0x6051fdf0 : getfile . gadget V53.12
0x62780448 : progressbar . gadget V53.12
0x603924c8 : clicktab . gadget V53.50
0x6051fe90 : arexx .class V53.6
0x6046f588 : screenblanker . library V53.7
0x605ae760 : requester .class V53.20
0x6051fcb0 : space . gadget V53.7
0x6271fbe8 : chooser . gadget V53.22
0x6051fb70 : penmap . image V53.6
0x6051fc10 : bitmap . image V53.9
0x6051fa30 : integer . gadget V53.13
0x6051fad0 : checkbox . gadget V53.12
0x613ca9d8 : filesave . audio V6.5
0x614ef514 : asl . library V53.54
0x6271fd14 : device . audio V6.2
0x629af528 : listbrowser . gadget V53.74
0x613ca320 : scroller . gadget V53.16
0x629df500 : string . gadget V53.24
0x621b96e8 : via - ac97 . audio V5.9
0x61fef104 : usergroup . library V4.30
0x620a38f0 : bsdsocket . library V4.307
0x622fcbcc : textclip . library V53.4
0x629470bc : xadmaster . library V13.2
0x627a1734 : xpkmaster . library V5.2
0x62710840 : button . gadget V53.22
0x627108e0 : glyph . image V53.4
0x62953250 : window .class V54.14
0x6261c578 : popupmenu .class V53.2
0x627ff7e8 : popupmenu . library V53.14
0x62710660 : label . image V53.14
0x627105c0 : drawlist . image V53.3
0x6ff7c408 : layout . gadget V54.8
0x6261c1b0 : bevel . image V53.6
0x628f87d0 : png . datatype V53.10
0x629017e4 : mpega . library V2.4
0x628f8730 : ilbm . datatype V53.3
0x629e9254 : picture . datatype V53.10
0x627a3110 : Picasso96API . library V54.18
0x628a4f70 : mathieeedoubbas . library V53.1
0x62960d70 : datatypes . library V54.15
0x62960768 : timezone . library V53.11
0x629014e8 : application . library V53.30
0x628ff16c : ft2 . library V53.2
0x6ff14c4c : workbench . library V53.62
0x628f9720 : gadtools . library V53.8
0x629dfa8c : commodities . library V53.10
0x62d0a0cc : icon . library V54.6
0x62d78550 : z . library V53.9
0x629a9160 : iffparse . library V53.3
0x62d77548 : version . library V53.18
0x6fdde7cc : locale . library V54.2
0x6ff3e41c : diskfont . library V53.13
0x6ffa9618 : petunia . library V53.6
0x6ffa9498 : diskcache . library V3.31
0x6ff08228 : dos . library V54.112
0x6ff7ccb4 : usbprivate . library V53.22
0x6fe9133c : massstorage . usbfd V53.84
0x6fe912a8 : bootkeyboard . usbfd V52.3
0x6fe91228 : bootmouse . usbfd V53.3
0x6ff7cb6c : hub . usbfd V53.11
0x6fe91128 : mounter . library V53.20
0x6ff7c6fc : usbresource . library V53.22
0x6ff8f3d8 : hunk . library V53.4
0x6ff7c504 : elf . library V54.1
0x6ff614d0 : intuition . library V54.28
0x6ff947a0 : keymap . library V53.9
0x6ff572c4 : nonvolatile . library V54.7
0x6ff7d6f0 : cybergraphics . library V43.0
0x6ff8f160 : SiliconMotion502 . chip V53.0
0x6ff96424 : PCIGraphics . card V53.18
0x6ffa3420 : graphics . library V54.248
0x6fffe4f0 : layers . library V54.12
0x6ff4f150 : rtg . library V54.90
0x6ffab3d8 : newlib . library V53.80
0x6ff951ac : utility . library V54.2
0x6ffa8398 : expansion . library V53.1
0x627dd1fe : rexxsyslib . library V53.4 ( Legacy )
0x6271e084 : clipboard . device V53.5
0x61ff0cc4 : ahi . device V6.6
0x621b6de8 : rtl8139 . device V53.4
0x628ffe84 : diskimage . device V53.4
0x6fe5d338 : usbdisk . device V53.84
0x6ff95b10 : usbsys . device V53.22
0x6ff8fa50 : ehci . usbhcd V53.26
0x6ff8f9b0 : ohci . usbhcd V53.22
0x6ff8f910 : uhci . usbhcd V53.15
0x6ff96aa4 : peg2ide . device V53.22
0x6ff95448 : console . device V53.105
0x6ff573f0 : ramdrive . device V54.1
0x6ff949ec : input . device V53.6
0x6ff3e024 : keyboard . device V53.11
0x6ff94504 : gameport . device V52.1
0x6ff57050 : timer . device V53.4
Exec Command and Control ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6ff0b000 - 0x6ff0f000 , pointer @ 0x6ff0ef50 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80000000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
ClickToFront ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x60456004 - 0x60465ffc , pointer @ 0x60465ef0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xe000d000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
input . device ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fef3000 - 0x6ff03000 , pointer @ 0x6ff02f00 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80000000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
SFS DosList handler ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6316e004 - 0x63171ffc , pointer @ 0x63171f20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80000000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
USB stack ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6ff0f000 - 0x6ff13000 , pointer @ 0x6ff12f20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xf800d000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
UHCI Controller Task Unit 1 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fe1a000 - 0x6fe22000 , pointer @ 0x6fe21f20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xbc001000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
UHCI Controller Task Unit 0 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fe66000 - 0x6fe6e000 , pointer @ 0x6fe6df20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xbc001000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
page_sweep ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fe89004 - 0x6fe90ffc , pointer @ 0x6fe90e90 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80000000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
peg2ide . device - chip 0 port 0 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fec5000 - 0x6fecd000 , pointer @ 0x6feccf10 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xc0000000 , SigWait 0x20000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
peg2ide . device - chip 0 port 1 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fea5000 - 0x6fead000 , pointer @ 0x6feacf10 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xc0000000 , SigWait 0x20000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
Programme / SmartFilesystem 1.293 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6301c004 - 0x6301fffc , pointer @ 0x6301feb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xe0000100 , SigWait 0x10000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
MainUSB0 / CrossDOSFileSystem 53.11 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6245d004 - 0x6246cffc , pointer @ 0x6246ceb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x40000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
USB0 / CrossDOSFileSystem 53.11 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62479004 - 0x62488ffc , pointer @ 0x62488ee0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00010100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
ICD1 / CDFileSystem 53.8 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62210004 - 0x6221fffc , pointer @ 0x6221ff20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
ICD0 / CDFileSystem 53.8 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x623fb004 - 0x6240affc , pointer @ 0x6240af20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
CD0 / CDFileSystem 53.8 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x63151004 - 0x63154ffc , pointer @ 0x63154f20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
Work / SmartFilesystem 1.293 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fd29004 - 0x6fd2cffc , pointer @ 0x6fd2ceb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xe0000100 , SigWait 0x10000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
reaper . task ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62cff004 - 0x62d06ffc , pointer @ 0x62d06e50 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00007000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
Download / SmartFilesystem 1.293 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62ed9004 - 0x62edcffc , pointer @ 0x62edceb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xe0000100 , SigWait 0x10000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
Games / SmartFilesystem 1.293 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62f4e004 - 0x62f51ffc , pointer @ 0x62f51eb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xe0000100 , SigWait 0x10000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
DH3 / SmartFilesystem 1.293 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62e5c004 - 0x62e5fffc , pointer @ 0x62e5feb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xe0000100 , SigWait 0x10000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
Musik / SmartFilesystem 1.293 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62fb7004 - 0x62fbaffc , pointer @ 0x62fbaeb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xe0000100 , SigWait 0x10000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
RAM / ram - handler 54.24 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62a19004 - 0x62a1cffc , pointer @ 0x62a1cd40 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
pager ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62cdb004 - 0x62cfaffc , pointer @ 0x62cfaef0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80001000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
WinFrame 1 Process ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x58dc8004 - 0x58e07ffc , pointer @ 0x58e07eb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xff800000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
IDF0 / FastFileSystem 53.2 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6225d004 - 0x6226cffc , pointer @ 0x6226ced0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa8000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
IDF1 / FastFileSystem 53.2 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62299004 - 0x622a8ffc , pointer @ 0x622a8ed0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa8000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
MassStorage Device Task ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fd92000 - 0x6fd9a000 , pointer @ 0x6fd99eb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xe4009000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x5ff5c004 - 0x5ff6bffc , pointer @ 0x5ff6be20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xb0000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
dos_filedir_notify ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fd55004 - 0x6fd59ffc , pointer @ 0x6fd58eb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x40001000 , SigWait 0x80000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
RANDOM / Random - Handler 52.1 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62034004 - 0x62043ffc , pointer @ 0x62043ef0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
URL / launch - handler 53.39 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x620ad004 - 0x62127ffc , pointer @ 0x62123fa0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
rtl8139 . device.0 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x61607004 - 0x616fbffc , pointer @ 0x616fbf00 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x78008000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x5fe5f004 - 0x5fe6effc , pointer @ 0x5fe6ee20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa0000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x60206004 - 0x60215ffc , pointer @ 0x60215e20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa0000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x60298004 - 0x602a7ffc , pointer @ 0x602a7e20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa0000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x603c6004 - 0x603d5ffc , pointer @ 0x603d5e20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa0000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6041e004 - 0x6042dffc , pointer @ 0x6042de20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa0000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x604c8004 - 0x604d7ffc , pointer @ 0x604d7e20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa0000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x60531004 - 0x60540ffc , pointer @ 0x60540e20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa0000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x605b5004 - 0x605c4ffc , pointer @ 0x605c4e20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa0000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x629c3004 - 0x629d2ffc , pointer @ 0x629d2e20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa0000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
AUDIO / AHI - Handler 6.2 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62074004 - 0x62084004 , pointer @ 0x62083ed0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
APPDIR / appdir - handler 54.17 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6217c004 - 0x6218bffc , pointer @ 0x6218bec0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
ENV / env - handler 54.18 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62a05004 - 0x62a0cffc , pointer @ 0x62a0cef0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62d33004 - 0x62d3affc , pointer @ 0x62d3ae20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa0000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
RAW / con - handler 53.82 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62d57004 - 0x62d5effc , pointer @ 0x62d5ee20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa0000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62d7f004 - 0x62d86ffc , pointer @ 0x62d86e20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xa0000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
dos_nbmd_process ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fd76004 - 0x6fd79ffc , pointer @ 0x6fd79f30 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00001100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
dos_lock_handler ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fda2004 - 0x6fda5ffc , pointer @ 0x6fda5f00 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00001100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
RexxMaster ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62007004 - 0x62016ffc , pointer @ 0x62016ec0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xc0000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
diskimage . device unit 5 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x621e1004 - 0x621f4ffc , pointer @ 0x621f4c50 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xc0000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
diskimage . device unit 0 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6223d004 - 0x62250ffc , pointer @ 0x62250c50 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xc0000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
diskimage . device unit 1 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62279004 - 0x6228cffc , pointer @ 0x6228cc50 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xc0000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
diskimage . device unit 4 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x622cd004 - 0x622e0ffc , pointer @ 0x622e0c50 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xc0000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
TEXTCLIP / textclip - handler 53.4 ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62134004 - 0x62143ffc , pointer @ 0x62143ec0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
compose . task ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x60c8c000 - 0x60c94000 , pointer @ 0x60c93f30 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00000021 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
Workbench ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x615f3004 - 0x61602ffc , pointer @ 0x61602e50 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
Bildschirmschoner - Bibliothek . ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x602b4004 - 0x602c4ffc , pointer @ 0x602c4f00 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xb4001000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
Workbench DosList Notify ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x5ffe8004 - 0x5fff7ffc , pointer @ 0x5fff7f40 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00003000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
ramlib ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62a3d004 - 0x62a55ffc , pointer @ 0x62a55f20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80001000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
ContextMenus Command Dispatcher ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x5eddd004 - 0x5edecffc , pointer @ 0x5edecf30 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80001000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
texteditor . gadget Clipboard Server ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x60190004 - 0x601a8ffc , pointer @ 0x601a8f00 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
string . gadget server ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x615bd004 - 0x615ccffc , pointer @ 0x615ccdb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x40000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
Workbench Clipboard Server ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x60980004 - 0x6098fffc , pointer @ 0x6098fef0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80000000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
AmiDock ( Ready )
Stack : 0x605d1004 - 0x605e0ffc , pointer @ 0x605dffa0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00000010 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Ready )
NotificationServer ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x602d1004 - 0x602f0ffc , pointer @ 0x602f0b10 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xbc001000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
TCP / IP Control ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x61700004 - 0x617f4ffc , pointer @ 0x617f4dc0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xf8009080 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
hub . usbfd ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fdbe004 - 0x6fdc5ffc , pointer @ 0x6fdc5eb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x30000000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
hub . usbfd ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fdca004 - 0x6fdd1ffc , pointer @ 0x6fdd1eb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x30000000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
DigiClock ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x603e2004 - 0x603f1ffc , pointer @ 0x603f1120 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xe0001000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
Clock ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x60222004 - 0x60231ffc , pointer @ 0x60231820 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x6e001000 , SigWait 0x01000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
TimeGuard ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x5fde5004 - 0x5fdf4ffc , pointer @ 0x5fdf4e00 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xf0001000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
ScreenBlankerEngine ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x604e4004 - 0x604f3ffc , pointer @ 0x604f3c00 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xd8001000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
application . library messageserver ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x628ce000 - 0x628cefa0 , pointer @ 0x628cef10 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xc0000000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
TCP / IP Superserver ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x617f9004 - 0x618edffc , pointer @ 0x618ed9f0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xd0000080 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
Mounter GUI ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62505004 - 0x62518ffc , pointer @ 0x62518e10 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80007000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
ContextMenus ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x60442004 - 0x60451ffc , pointer @ 0x60451c90 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xe0001000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
clipview . library server ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x5fd10004 - 0x5fd2fffc , pointer @ 0x5fd2fdf0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xd8003000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
TCP / IP Configuration ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x618f2004 - 0x619e6ffc , pointer @ 0x619e6e10 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xf8003000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
AsyncWB ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x60569004 - 0x60578ffc , pointer @ 0x60578e90 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xc0001000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
´ IPrefs ª ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x628db004 - 0x628eaffc , pointer @ 0x628eaa20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x0000f000 , SigWait 0x20000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
InfoWB ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x5feaf004 - 0x5febeffc , pointer @ 0x5febec90 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xf8001000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
select . gadget prefs ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x5fda5004 - 0x5fdb4ffc , pointer @ 0x5fdb4ca0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80001000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
DefIcons ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6054d004 - 0x6055cffc , pointer @ 0x6055cdb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80009000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
TCP / IP Log ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x619eb004 - 0x61adfffc , pointer @ 0x61adff00 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80003000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
Background CLI [ c : AmigaKeyremapper . os4 ] ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x61d0c004 - 0x61e00ffc , pointer @ 0x61e00e60 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00001000 , SigWait 0x00000100
State : Process ( Waiting )
ConClip ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x624bd004 - 0x624ccffc , pointer @ 0x624cceb0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80000000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
USB stack Process ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62531004 - 0x62540ffc , pointer @ 0x62540ee0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80001000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
MassStorage Notifier ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fe6e000 - 0x6fe75d00 , pointer @ 0x6fe75c70 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80001000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
DST watcher ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x627e5004 - 0x627f4ffc , pointer @ 0x627f4f10 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xc0000000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
scummvm ( Crashed )
Stack : 0x5acba004 - 0x5aeadffc , pointer @ 0x5aeadcc0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00000100 , SigWait 0x0a000000
State : Process ( Crashed )
Mounter Task ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fe76000 - 0x6fe84a60 , pointer @ 0x6fe84970 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xb0001000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Waiting )
Mounter Companion Process ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6251d004 - 0x6252cffc , pointer @ 0x6252cf40 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80003000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
ramlib . support ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62a5a004 - 0x62a72ffc , pointer @ 0x62a72f00 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80005000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
ELF Collector ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x63159004 - 0x63169ffc , pointer @ 0x63169e70 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00000100 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
dos_signal_server ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x6fd5e004 - 0x6fd61ffc , pointer @ 0x6fd61f20 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x0000f000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
appdir envarc manager ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x62150004 - 0x6215fffc , pointer @ 0x6215ebe0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x80005000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
LimpidClock ( Waiting )
Stack : 0x5fd58004 - 0x5fd88ffc , pointer @ 0x5fd885c0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0xf0001000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Process ( Waiting )
CPUInfo . CPUTask ( Ready )
Stack : 0x5fe7b000 - 0x5fe83000 , pointer @ 0x5fe82fd0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00000000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Ready )
idle . task ( Ready )
Stack : 0x6ff7e000 - 0x6ff7f000 , pointer @ 0x6ff7efd0 ( Cookie OK )
Signals : SigRec 0x00000000 , SigWait 0x00000000
State : Task ( Ready )
Serial console output:
[ elf ] . rodata 0x6139C000 - 0x613A08C5 Programme : Emulatoren / ScummVM2.9.0 / plugins / sword2 . plugin ( sh_flags 0x02 ) read - only
kernel 54.30 ( 1.1.2021 ) Pegasos 2 release
Machine model : 5 ( Pegasos II )
Dump of context at 0xEFCAABA0
Trap type : ISI exception
Machine State ( raw ): 0x4200F030
Machine State ( verbose ): [ ExtInt on ] [ User ] [ FPU on ] [ IAT on ] [ DAT on ]
Instruction pointer : 0x7DA9BD30
Crashed process : scummvm ( 0x61FF0620 )
ISI verbose error description : Instruction address not found in hash or BAT ( page fault )
0 : 01BA0B00 5AEADCC0 00000000 5ED9B000 00000000 01836 A9C 7EAFA3F8 58E08000
8 : 00000001 7DA9BD30 00000000 61FF0620 28222822 5ECC8C20 00000000 00000000
16 : 00000000 00000000 00000000 1898A6A0 1873F9AE 7EAF8BFC 00000000 00000014
24 : 00000000 5ED9B148 00000000 00000001 00000000 5ED9B14C 5ED9B154 00000000
CR : 28222824 XER : 20000000 CTR : 7DA9BD30 LR : 01BA0CE4
FP0 : 0000000082004000 0000000000000000 3FF0000000000000 0000000000000000
FP4 : 3ECB09855D620000 43300000000000FF BD0CF79ABC9E3B3A 3FDFFFFFFFFFFDBD
FP8 : 0000000000000000 4086800000000000 0000000000000000 406FE00000000000
FP12 : 3FF0000000000000 BF54CC8600000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
FP16 : 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
FP20 : 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
FP24 : 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
FP28 : 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
FPSCR : 82004000
V0 : 00000000000000000000000000000000 AC53AC53AC53AC530000000000000000
V2 : FF6A0101FF6A0101FF6A0101FF6A0101 FEC8C5C0FE856665FE6A0505FF6A0101
V4 : 01000100010001000100010001000100 00000000000000000000000000000000
V6 : 02200220022002200220022002200220 46464646464646464646464646464646
V8 : 020006000A000E00120016001A001E00 F81FF81FF81FF81FF81FF81FF81FF81F
V10 : 0000000004040404080808080 C0C0C0C 001002120414061608180 A1A0C1C0E1E
V14 : C838C040857B659B6A9605FB6A960100 FF6A0000FFDDDAD5FED3D4D3FED2CBCA
V16 : 69960000DC23D42BD22DD22DD12EC936 FEC8C5C0FE856665FE6A0505FF6A0000
V18 : FE010000FE01D926FD02D32CFD02CA35 69960000699600006996000069960000
V20 : 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
V22 : 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
V24 : 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
V26 : 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
V28 : 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
V30 : 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
VSCR : 00000000 VRSAVE : 00000000
Kernel command line : serial debuglevel = 20
Registers pointing to code :
r0 : native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x0005f860
r5 : native kernel module kernel + 0x00036a9c
r6 : scummvm : _ZN15OSystem_AmigaOSD0Ev ()+ 0x4c ( section 10 @ 0x70914 )
r8 : module scummvm at 0x00000001 ( section 0 @ 0xFFFFFFDC )
r13 : scummvm : _ZN3OPL6DOSBox5DBOPLL9WaveTableE ()+ 0x10cc ( section 32 @ 0x5D74 )
r21 : scummvm : main ()+ 0x0 ( section 10 @ 0x6F118 )
r27 : module scummvm at 0x00000001 ( section 0 @ 0xFFFFFFDC )
ip : unknown ( 0x7DA9BD30 )
lr : native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x0005fa44
ctr : unknown ( 0x7DA9BD30 )
Stack trace :
( 0x5AEADCC0 ) 0x7DA9BD30 [ cannot decode symbol ]
( 0x5AEADCF0 ) native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x0005fa44
( 0x5AEADD10 ) native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x00002618
( 0x5AEADD60 ) native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x000032f0
( 0x5AEADF10 ) native kernel module newlib . library . kmod + 0x00003864
( 0x5AEADF40 ) scummvm : _start ()+ 0x1e0 ( section 10 @ 0x3288 )
( 0x5AEADF90 ) native kernel module dos . library . kmod + 0x0002a458
( 0x5AEADFC0 ) native kernel module kernel + 0x0005b3e8
( 0x5AEADFD0 ) native kernel module kernel + 0x0005b460
Disassembling LR
Disassembly of crash site :
01BA0CD4 : 7FEAFB78 mr r10 , r31
01BA0CD8 : 4BFFFFA4 b 0x1BA0C7C
01BA0CDC : 7D2903A6 mtctr r9
01BA0CE0 : 4E800421 bctrl
> 01BA0CE4 : 815D0004 lwz r10 , 4 ( r29 )
01BA0CE8 : 4BFFFFCC b 0x1BA0CB4
01BA0CEC : 7F03C378 mr r3 , r24
01BA0CF0 : 7D2903A6 mtctr r9
01BA0CF4 : 4E800421 bctrl
01BA0CF8 : 815D0004 lwz r10 , 4 ( r29 )
Stack pointer ( 0x5AEADCC0 ) is inside bounds
Redzone is OK ( 4 )
68k register dump
DATA : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ADDR : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Ready Tasks
WinFrame 1 Process ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00800000 , sigwait 0xFF800000 , masked 0x00800000 )
IDF1 / FastFileSystem 53.2 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x20000000 , sigwait 0xA8000100 , masked 0x20000000 )
IDF0 / FastFileSystem 53.2 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x20000000 , sigwait 0xA8000100 , masked 0x20000000 )
MassStorage Device Task ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x20000000 , sigwait 0xE4009000 , masked 0x20000000 )
compose . task ( pri 1 , sigrec 0x00000020 , sigwait 0x00000021 , masked 0x00000020 )
Workbench ( pri 1 , sigrec 0x80000100 , sigwait 0x80000000 , masked 0x80000000 )
Bildschirmschoner - Bibliothek . ( pri 1 , sigrec 0x04000100 , sigwait 0xB4001000 , masked 0x04000000 )
Clock ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x03000000 , sigwait 0x00000010 , masked 0x00000000 )
NotificationServer ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x04000000 , sigwait 0xBC001000 , masked 0x04000000 )
AmiDock ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x00000100 , masked 0x00000100 )
TCP / IP Control ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x40000000 , sigwait 0xF8009080 , masked 0x40000000 )
hub . usbfd ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x10000000 , sigwait 0x30000000 , masked 0x10000000 )
hub . usbfd ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x10000000 , sigwait 0x30000000 , masked 0x10000000 )
TimeGuard ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x40000100 , sigwait 0xF0001000 , masked 0x40000000 )
DigiClock ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x20000100 , sigwait 0xE0001000 , masked 0x20000000 )
ELF Collector ( pri - 5 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x00000100 , masked 0x00000100 )
LimpidClock ( pri - 115 , sigrec 0x60000000 , sigwait 0xF0001000 , masked 0x60000000 )
CPUInfo . CPUTask ( pri - 127 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x00000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
idle . task ( pri - 128 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x00000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
Waiting Tasks
input . device ( pri 20 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
UHCI Controller Task Unit 1 ( pri 15 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xBC001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
UHCI Controller Task Unit 0 ( pri 15 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xBC001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
page_sweep ( pri 12 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
peg2ide . device - chip 0 port 1 ( pri 12 , sigrec 0x20000000 , sigwait 0xC0000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
Programme / SmartFilesystem 1.293 ( pri 10 , sigrec 0x10000000 , sigwait 0xE0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
USB stack ( pri 18 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xF800D000 , masked 0x00000000 )
peg2ide . device - chip 0 port 0 ( pri 12 , sigrec 0x20000000 , sigwait 0xC0000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
dos_signal_server ( pri - 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x0000F000 , masked 0x00000000 )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xB0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
ScreenBlankerEngine ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0xD8001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
application . library messageserver ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xC0000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
MainUSB0 / CrossDOSFileSystem 53.11 ( pri 10 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x40000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
USB0 / CrossDOSFileSystem 53.11 ( pri 10 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x00010100 , masked 0x00000000 )
dos_filedir_notify ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x80000000 , sigwait 0x40001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
Download / SmartFilesystem 1.293 ( pri 10 , sigrec 0x10000000 , sigwait 0xE0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
ICD1 / CDFileSystem 53.8 ( pri 10 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x00000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
ICD0 / CDFileSystem 53.8 ( pri 10 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x00000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
CD0 / CDFileSystem 53.8 ( pri 10 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x00000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
TCP / IP Superserver ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xD0000080 , masked 0x00000000 )
Work / SmartFilesystem 1.293 ( pri 10 , sigrec 0x10000000 , sigwait 0xE0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
Games / SmartFilesystem 1.293 ( pri 10 , sigrec 0x10000000 , sigwait 0xE0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
ClickToFront ( pri 21 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0xE000D000 , masked 0x00000000 )
RANDOM / Random - Handler 52.1 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x00000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
URL / launch - handler 53.39 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x80000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
TEXTCLIP / textclip - handler 53.4 ( pri 3 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x80000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
appdir envarc manager ( pri - 50 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80005000 , masked 0x00000000 )
Mounter Task ( pri - 1 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xB0001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
Mounter GUI ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80007000 , masked 0x00000000 )
Mounter Companion Process ( pri - 1 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80003000 , masked 0x00000000 )
Workbench DosList Notify ( pri 1 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x00003000 , masked 0x00000000 )
ramlib . support ( pri - 2 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80005000 , masked 0x00000000 )
ramlib ( pri 1 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
ContextMenus ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0xE0001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
DH3 / SmartFilesystem 1.293 ( pri 10 , sigrec 0x10000000 , sigwait 0xE0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
Musik / SmartFilesystem 1.293 ( pri 10 , sigrec 0x10000000 , sigwait 0xE0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
RexxMaster ( pri 4 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0xC0000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
clipview . library server ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xD8003000 , masked 0x00000000 )
ContextMenus Command Dispatcher ( pri 1 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
TCP / IP Configuration ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xF8003000 , masked 0x00000000 )
rtl8139 . device.0 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x78008000 , masked 0x00000000 )
AsyncWB ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0xC0001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
? IPrefs ? ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x20000000 , sigwait 0x0000F000 , masked 0x00000000 )
InfoWB ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0xF8001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
texteditor . gadget Clipboard Server ( pri 1 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x80000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
select . gadget prefs ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xA0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xA0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xA0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xA0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xA0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xA0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
DefIcons ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x80009000 , masked 0x00000000 )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xA0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xA0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
string . gadget server ( pri 1 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x40000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
Workbench Clipboard Server ( pri 1 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x80000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xA0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
TCP / IP Log ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80003000 , masked 0x00000000 )
Background CLI ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x00001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
ConClip ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
AUDIO / AHI - Handler 6.2 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x00000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
APPDIR / appdir - handler 54.17 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x80000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
diskimage . device unit 5 ( pri 4 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0xC0000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
diskimage . device unit 0 ( pri 4 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0xC0000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
diskimage . device unit 1 ( pri 4 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0xC0000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
USB stack Process ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
diskimage . device unit 4 ( pri 4 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0xC0000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
MassStorage Notifier ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
DST watcher ( pri 0 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xC0000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
RAM / ram - handler 54.24 ( pri 10 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x80000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
ENV / env - handler 54.18 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000100 , sigwait 0x80000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
pager ( pri 9 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80001000 , masked 0x00000000 )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xA0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
RAW / con - handler 53.82 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xA0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
CON / con - handler 53.82 ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0xA0000100 , masked 0x00000000 )
SFS DosList handler ( pri 19 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
dos_nbmd_process ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x00001100 , masked 0x00000000 )
dos_lock_handler ( pri 5 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x00001100 , masked 0x00000000 )
Exec Command and Control ( pri 30 , sigrec 0x00000000 , sigwait 0x80000000 , masked 0x00000000 )
Suspended Tasks
[ elf ] . rodata 0x5AA90000 - 0x5AA91B44 Workbench : System / GrimReaper ( sh_flags 0x02 ) read - only
I also noticed that Gemini Rue runs a little better/faster with ScummVM 2.8.0, but here too there are DSI and crashes up to complete system freezes. With ScummVM 2.9.0git I can simply end the task and AmigaOs4.1 remains operable.
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/11 22:01
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/11/26 21:45Last Login
: Today 11:59
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@Maijestro thank you im preparing both a new test release (hooefully a little bit faster) and bug tracker items for two crashes, including this strange ags exit crash. what about the obvious youtube crash you were getting?
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/12 7:38
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2023/4/7 6:13Last Login
: Yesterday 18:09
From Deutschland
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im preparing both a new test release (hooefully a little bit faster) and bug tracker items for two crashes, including this strange ags exit crash. what about the obvious youtube crash you were getting?To avoid misunderstandings, I will only focus on the latest build and mention the name of the build I tested.
"unfreed-fix" build ScummVM 2.9.0git runs very stable, no problems with Odyssey/YT.rexx/YouTube and 5 game engines, ScummVM quits completely without error message.
As you recognized yourself, there are currently only problems with running "ags" games when quitting ScummVM and it is a bit slower than ScummVM 2.8.0. But you are on the right way
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/16 9:12
Just popping in
Joined: 2008/2/18 19:42Last Login
: 2024/4/24 19:11
From Istanbul
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Last time I tried a few years ago, Scummvm did not run on Classic 4.1 FE. Did anything change?
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/16 9:56
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/11/26 21:45Last Login
: Today 11:59
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@ancalimon probably not, i don't have classic os4, but feel free to try
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/17 23:42
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 2023/6/27 0:59Last Login
: 1/29 17:53
From UK
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I've just installed ScummVM this evening. I'll be honest, I don't have much of a clue what I'm doing. Since it was on offer on Steam I bought Strangeland (£3.50!). Initially I just got a load of errors whenever I tried to run it related to assigns and steam achievements. Eventually I worked out that I needed to manually set the paths in the ScummVM GUI as defaults weren't enough. So I can now "run" the game. But it runs at 5fps on an X5000 with RX580. Is this expected for Strangeland? I read it was the most demanding ScummVM game but I've no idea just how demanding, demanding might be. Is it expected to be as unplayable as that? I could easily be missing something in my setup as I still suspect my system isn't fully and properly configured. (Both for ScummVM and in general)
Amiga x5040 ı 16GB ı RX580 GB-A1000 060@100, A1200 PiStorm32-Lite CM4
Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Posted on:
2024/3/17 23:54
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/11/26 21:45Last Login
: Today 11:59
From a dying planet
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@MartinW you got yourself one of the biggest games in the ags engine 😀 all ags games tend to be slow, yes we can hope that the engine gets optimized over time, but 60 fps will probably lie in a distant future, never say never you can try to set "opengl" in global settings for bpth renderer and game renderer. graphics tab, top and bottom fields that should speed things up btw, which version of scummvm are you using?
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