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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Very cool projects.

DiscreetFX Studios

Making Your Digital Films More Effective!

AmigaOS 4.1: AmigaOne X5000
MorphOS: Powerbook G4, iBook G4
Classic AmigaOS: CDTV(2), Amiga CD32, Amiga 3000, Vampire V4+: ApolloOS, AmigaOS 3.2
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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Ok, seems to be that there will be two new things from me to see at Amiga Meeting Nord At least one of them will come as a big surprise, maybe both (though I suspect one is not really that big a surprise)

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Thank you for your work!
Are Hyperion paying you for your work on these ports?

1989-> A500, A600, A3000, A4000, A1200, CD32, µA1, PegII, A1XE, CDTV, Amy/416D79, A1X5000, Vampire 500 V2+, Vampire 600 V2, Amy-ITX, Denise ITX <-2024
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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Yes, of course. I get a nice share of the profit of these projects. No fixed sum, but that cannot be expected.


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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Any chance of looking into MAME again? The latest version emulate lots of hardware, including Silicon Graphics Indy, C65, Macintosh, etc...

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I think the big issue MAME had in more recent versions was it used some custom build tool which made it very hard to compile it with a crosscompiler. And with a native compiler due to Linux tools involved it would not be easy either. But quite a while since I looked at it.

And as I do this Amiga-stuff all in my freetime (with gratitious permission of my employer to do a certain amount of Amiga-programming in my freetime even if it involves payment for the projects) not really time left for that either.

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Excellent news! Very eager to learn what the big surprise is.

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Check this thread for some screenshots: https://os4welt.de/viewtopic.php?p=48064#p48064

I guess it might not be a big surprise what my "secret project is". Even starts with an "S" like "Secret".

The big surprise would be my second project, Heretic2 running on a Pistorm 4 (hope to get it running on other 68k as well). Note H2 68k is not as far as the OS 4 port (which is finished) of H2 yet.

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just popping in
Just popping in

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So current state of things:

Heretic 2 OS4 -> finished
Heretic 2 68k -> Alpha Version
SINcret ( ) project OS 4 -> Early Beta version
Quake 2 Update -> pretty far done, but not yet completely (GLES renderer has some problems on x5000 combined with rx580 cards for example)

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Sin MiniGL -> 50 fps (800x600)
Sin gl4es with multitexturing -> 100 fps (800x600)

MiniGL Renderer will also of course still get multitexturing added (Note gl4es was already a bit faster before, but not that much faster)

Just got the multitexturing running around 30 minutes ago

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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AWESOME work mate!!!!!

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Well done!

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Excellent news! Keep up the good work!

PS: Are you considering a big box release of Sin as well?

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Sin will be big box AFAIK.

Current state of my projects


- No change on OS4 version as it was finished already last time I wrote It is still finished, haha!
- H2 68k tested on QEmu - playable on i7 with 640x480 in SW Renderer (on Peg2 setting has to be set to -cpu G3 else the movies crash, I got info the QEmu people are working on this bug though)
- H2 68k tested on QM4 PiStorm - 24 fps in 640x480, 19 fps in 800x600 in software rendering. Pretty awesome speed I think! (I get 42 fps on my x1000 with OS4 native version).


- Software renderer now fully works
- Lots of small bugfixes
- multitexturing now for both GL Renderers, MiniGL renderer actually ended up slightly faster than gl4es

fps values on Sin software renderer are still in a flux. The needed Byteswaps for the RGB16PC mode ended in a big slowdown for the software renderer (still playable, but...) and I am currently looking at how to optimize that.


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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks for the status update. Is there a release date for your games yet?

I replied to them here, I'm not sure if you missed it.

https://www.amigans.net/modules/newbb/ ... id=144409#forumpost144409

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I was busy with other stuff for a while, I answered now. Anyways H2 is pretty imminent. Probably no change to H2 binaries anymore possible, but my idea right now is to add a downloadable fix for the "video on peg2 qemu" issue which could be ready in time for the release.

As to Sin it definitely can be included into the release (where do I get the ffmpeg version which would be ideal to be used BTW ? Is it this "http://os4depot.net/share/video/convert/ffmpeg.lha" ?

The Sin porting project is still at an early stage.

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Got now the MiniGL renderer of H2 ported to 68k.
Still got massive amount of debug output in so too
early to say about speed. But removing all the debug output
and then do speed test is the next step (PiStorm with
Wazp3d and 060 with actual 3d care)

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Xmas update:


OS4 - in production so out of my hands now (finally)
68k -
Pistorm- finally got a system. Working on getting sound
works properly (without crash) actually for both pistorm and vampire
currently (but now xmas break, will continue after xmas). Also got
GL renderer running but too slow with software based wazp3d.
Normal software renderer runs fine on pi3 pi4 and picm4
Vampire - Alain Thellier is working on a Wazp3d maggie driver.
MiniGL renderer is ready for that. As i said under pistorm currently
working on soundcode but now xmas break will continue on 27th (i had
it running with sound on vampire before but that code caused
crashes in certain situations).
Also Apollo offered help on ammx optimization, we will see what this
means to software renderer


OS4 - no timedemo yet and no mission cd asides from that pretty
much working fine, seems faster than h2
68k - will continue to work on getting it running on
Pistorm and vampire on 27th. I expect it to run faster
than h2. I finished getting sw renderer fully working on os4
(On os4 also minigl and gles of course) which is a good
preparation for 68k port where we need sw renderer too).

Q2 - not much news

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thanks for the updates, TheMagicSN!

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Re: My Amiga Projects
Just popping in
Just popping in

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little Video from Heretic II

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