Sin will be big box AFAIK.
Current state of my projects
- No change on OS4 version as it was finished already last time I wrote

It is still finished, haha!
- H2 68k tested on QEmu - playable on i7 with 640x480 in SW Renderer (on Peg2 setting has to be set to -cpu G3 else the movies crash, I got info the QEmu people are working on this bug though)
- H2 68k tested on QM4 PiStorm - 24 fps in 640x480, 19 fps in 800x600 in software rendering. Pretty awesome speed I think! (I get 42 fps on my x1000 with OS4 native version).
- Software renderer now fully works
- Lots of small bugfixes
- multitexturing now for both GL Renderers, MiniGL renderer actually ended up slightly faster than gl4es
fps values on Sin software renderer are still in a flux. The needed Byteswaps for the RGB16PC mode ended in a big slowdown for the software renderer (still playable, but...) and I am currently looking at how to optimize that.