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Re: AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup - January 2025
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Quite a regular

Thanks for the positive feedback everyone, much appreciated!

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AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup - January 2025
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Quite a regular

Hello everyone,

The AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup for January 2025 has just been released!

https://oldschoolgameblog.com/2025/01/ ... hly-roundup-january-2025/

Have a good weekend!

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Re: A1200NG motherboard appears at AmigaKit
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Quite a regular


I read in the news release that the ARM CPU board is removable due to future possible upgrades. This indicates that one might be able to put in a more powerful one in the future.

https://www.facebook.com/story.php?sto ... 5&id=100063812620395&_rdr

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Re: A1200NG motherboard appears at AmigaKit
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Quite a regular


He means a complete Amiga 1200 setup, not only the motherboard.

Getting a recapped A1200 with upgrades for under $300 is more or less impossible these days.

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Re: Playing Doom on AmigaOne X5K - 1st time in decades!
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Quite a regular

Thanks for the nice video, TJ! Fun to watch!

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Re: AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup - December 2024
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Quite a regular

Thanks for the positive words and kind feedback. It is much appreciated! It's great to see that you are enjoying the reports! Cheers!

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Re: 2024-Nov/Dec-Gaming Competition-Mini Metal Slug project
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Quite a regular

Congratulations, Mr_byte! Impressive score for sure!

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AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup - December 2024
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hi everyone,

I've just published the AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup for December 2024. It was posted today instead of tomorrow due to New Year's. Hope you'll enjoy the read. Wish you all a Happy New Year!

https://oldschoolgameblog.com/2024/12/ ... ly-roundup-december-2024/

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Re: A1200NG motherboard appears at AmigaKit
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Quite a regular


It is mostly the same as the A600GS, but suitable for an Amiga 1200 case and with more expandability.

Like the A600GS, you'll get the full menu system at startup where you can launch games, programs and demos, as well as launch AmiBench, the new OS which has a lot of content from Enhancer.

Software through the main launcher/menu of the A1200NG is done through emulation (Amiberry).

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Re: tis the season!
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Quite a regular

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

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A1200NG motherboard appears at AmigaKit
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hi everyone,

Stumbled upon some news posted by amigang at amigaworld.net this morning. Seems like the A1200NG motherboard suddenly was up at AmigaKit!

Wrote a small blog post about it here:

https://oldschoolgameblog.com/2024/12/ ... rom-the-amigakit-webshop/

Here is the link to AmigaKit:


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Re: Sam460LE 1.10 Ghz Pre-Order!
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Quite a regular


Excellent stuff! Reads fine through translation.

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Re: 2024-Nov/Dec-Gaming Competition-Mini Metal Slug project
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Quite a regular


Oh man, I need to miracle to beat that score!

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Re: AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup - November 2024
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thanks @VooDoo and @levellord! Much appreciated!

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Re: Versus Issue 10 for Classic Amiga and AmigaOS 4 has been released!
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Quite a regular

I was now told that the link was submitted to Pouet.net earlier, but for some reason they have not accepted it yet, so that is the problem.

Here is the download-link to the AmigaOS 4 version directly from Nukleus:


PS: Now in the upload-queue at OS4Depot.

Edited by AmigaOldskooler on 2024/12/9 7:53:38
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Re: Versus Issue 10 for Classic Amiga and AmigaOS 4 has been released!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hi folks,

Sorry about that. Just emailed the coder to find out where the download link is. I was under the impression it would appear on Pouet.net, but it is still not there. Only the 68k version can be downloaded. I'll let you know as soon as it is up.

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Versus Issue 10 for Classic Amiga and AmigaOS 4 has been released!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hi everyone,

Versus 10, a diskmagazine and demoscene chart, from Nukleus and us in Void, has been released for Classic Amiga and AmigaOS 4. The download for the AmigaOS 4 edition should be up any moment, but can still take some time until the link appears on Pouet.

https://oldschoolgameblog.com/2024/12/ ... ssic-amiga-and-amigaos-4/

You'll find that it have AmigaOS 4 related content, for example a review of the Sam460LE and an article about demos on AmigaOS 4. Hope you'll enjoy it!

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Re: Ktadd's NG Amiga Blog Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Thanks for the guide! An excellent read!

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Re: AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup - November 2024
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Thanks everyone for the kind words and the positive feedback concerning the blog! I'm happy to be back and very glad you enjoyed the read.


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AmigaOne Micro or Sam440ep Wanted
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hi everyone,

Finally have more space for my hobby. I'm therefore looking for an AmigaOne Micro or possibly a Sam440ep (not Flex or 460).

Mostly interested in pre-built setups, but motherboards can be of interest as well.

Thanks in advance.

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