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Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
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Hi everyone,

I was wondering what the best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex is?

There are several options on OS4Depot:

- e-uae-amigfx.lha
- e-uae-sdl.lha
- e-uae.lha
- uae4all.lha

Maybe there are other options too someplace else? Like beta versions?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
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When I tested graphics cards on my Sam440ep-flex, the best results gave me e-uae-sdl 0.8.29, with JIT PPC 1.0.0 (os4depot.net) and with installed Picasso96 driver inside AmigaOS 3.x

Also is important to set properly in .uaerc graphics rendering and JIT parameters. I am not sure what settings I have, but I will check it at home.

Sam hasn't lightspeed UAE, ADOOM have upto 16 FPS depending on graphics card. And my Sam has 733MHz.
Results here:https://www.amigaportal.cz/node/149415
but it needs google translation

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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
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But now I see, on os4depot net is one newer:

try it also

Edited: sorry, bad post. This is only monitor file for HD monitors, not UAE

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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
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this is my .uaerc for SDL version
It works for me fastest on Sam440ep-flex.
Maybe it can be more optimized.


#JIT compiller settings
# memory access mode direct indirect=default indirectKS afterPic

#collision detection  none sprites playfields=default full





#SDL specific

#AmigaOS specific
##screen type public public ask

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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
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Many thanks for the helpful information! I was very impressed by your article about the Sam440 Flex. Excellent stuff! I found it helpful, and I'm sure many other Flex owners will find it helpful too.

Also thanks for the .uaerc. I will give it a try on my setup. Looking forward to see how it performs!

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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
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thanks! I like it hepls.

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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
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Ok, what I'm going to tell you might sound a bit strange, but I will do it anyway. There is a chance it will help other Sam440 / Flex owners running E-UAE with decent speed and non-stuttering audio.

On one of my journeys in search for information about the lovely Sam motherboards, I stumbled upon a thread from 2009 on Amigaworld.net. The author, ChrisH, shared an E-UAE configuration file, as well as details concerning his emulation setup on a Sam440 667 MHz. He claimed that the emulation was almost perfect on his system.

The thread can be found here:

https://amigaworld.net//modules/newbb/ ... p?topic_id=30150&forum=32

It is worth mentioning that I have tried many different E-UAE versions and releases (AmiGfx, SDL etc.), but none of them have seemed to run the old classics as well as I wanted on the Flex, unfortunately. Stuttering audio is something that ruins a lot of the gaming experience, at least for me.

Now, ChrisH informs us in the thread that he uses an old version of E-UAE, namely E-UAE v0.8.28. This version can be found here:


I decided to give that version a try.

After setting everything up, including the config file, I was ready to do some testing.

The first game, Nitro, ran perfectly with no stuttering or lag. This was a very nice gaming experience! Afterwards I tried Defender of the Crown, which also ran nicely. No stuttering sound.

Afterwards I tested the other E-UAE versions I had installed (SDL, AmiGfx) with the same games and they had stuttering sound. Even with the config file from ChrisH from 2009.

At the end I tried the Sam optimized version by Max from ACube and it also produced stuttering audio.

Then I did some testing of the 0.8.28 version again and it ran very well.

I have no idea what is going on here. How can this old version be faster and produce better sound than the newer ones on the Sam440? Still, I'm happy I found a version of E-UAE that can play Nitro (and other favorites) flawlessly on the 800 MHz Flex.

So, big thanks to ChrisH over 10 years after he posted the thread on Amigaworld.net!! Cheers mate!

Edited by AmigaOldskooler on 2022/8/25 18:58:35
Edited by AmigaOldskooler on 2022/8/25 18:58:57
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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
Not too shy to talk
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e-uae-sdl.lha is the one I run on my my X5000, and my Amiga emulator test demo is always - https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=1477

If it stutters test another E-UAE version.

1989-> A500, A600, A3000, A4000, A1200, CD32, µA1, PegII, A1XE, CDTV, Amy/416D79, A1X5000, Vampire 500 V2+, Vampire 600 V2, Amy-ITX, Denise ITX <-2024
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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
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please, can you post your best (no stuttering) .cfg?

AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200
AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, AmigaOne X1000
MorphOS: Efika 5200b, Pegasos I, Pegasos II, Powerbook, Mac Mini, iMac, Powermac Quad
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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
Quite a regular
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I tried the Arte demo after Khayoz suggestion and it stutters, unfortunately. The speed of the effects are good and the demo runs ok, but it is once again problems with the audio.

Games seems to run fine though.

Here the config from the old thread:

# Example UAE configuration
# Lines beginning with a '#' are comments

# Path to file containing Kickstart ROM image

# If you have an encrypted ROM image from Amiga forever,
# this is a path to the key file

# Default path where floppy disk images may be found

#Show status LEDs on emulator screen

# Floppy image in drive 0

# Floppy image in drive 1

# Joystick port emulation; none, mouse, joy0, joy1, kbd1, kbd2, kbd3

# CPU type to emulate
# CPU compatibility (true is slower)
# CPU emulation speed
# real = approx A500 speed. max = CPU emulation will run as fast as it can

# Amiga chipset to emulate
# Can be ocs, ecs or aga
# Collision detection; none, sprites, playfields, full

# Amount of chip memory to emulate
# in multiples of 512K. Thus chipmem=4 is 2MB

# Amount of fast memory to emulate in MB

# Sound output; none, interrupts, normal, exact

# Sound channels; mono, stereo, mixed

# Frequency of emulated sound output in Hz

# Sound buffer size in bytes, default 8192

# Prompt for screen mode to use; public, custom, ask

# Don't dither




Hope it is of help.

Wish we had an updated E-UAE with better speed for the old systems.

Please let me know how it works on your Flex!

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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
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I will test on weekend.

AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200
AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, AmigaOne X1000
MorphOS: Efika 5200b, Pegasos I, Pegasos II, Powerbook, Mac Mini, iMac, Powermac Quad
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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
Quite a regular
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Did you get a chance to test it? If yes, how was the performance?

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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
Not too shy to talk
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sorry, not yet.
garden, vacations, DMA-unfix AmigaOne XE, RadeonHD v5 X1000... ))

and X1000 + Polaris, Efika and iMac G5 bus overclocking still waits...

But I will for sure.

AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200
AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, AmigaOne X1000
MorphOS: Efika 5200b, Pegasos I, Pegasos II, Powerbook, Mac Mini, iMac, Powermac Quad
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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
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AmigaOldskooler wrote:@sailor
Did you get a chance to test it? If yes, how was the performance?

I tested today older version 0.8.28 with recommended config on my Sam440ep-flex 733MHz>

+: sound is not lagging
-: CPU is slow - speed=68000/real
-: gfx is slow - no SDL+Picasso

From my point of view this version also not ideal.
And I prefer strategy games, so sound is not impotant for me

What we can do is experiment more with last JIT-1.0.0 SDL version and try the slowest settings for JIT compiller - i.e. 68020 and try to adjust cpu_speed and finegrain_cpu_speed settings.

AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200
AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, AmigaOne X1000
MorphOS: Efika 5200b, Pegasos I, Pegasos II, Powerbook, Mac Mini, iMac, Powermac Quad
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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
Quite a regular
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On my AmigaOne X5000 I am using now E-UAE_1.0.0_AmigaOS4 version and it works great.

There is a thread about My X5000 E-UAE configuration here on this site and now I am trying to just boot my work partition.

I have 5 or 6 hardfiles/filesystems to boot "AmigaSYS4" and "Work" partitions.

Hope this can help/enlighten you a bit and run succesfully your UAE version cool inside your SAMs 440ep-flex like sailor,or whatever it holds.

Thanks sailor for your good advices I just understood why you didn't want to help me again some months ago.But I appreciate you...

You are a great woman and I don't want nothing with you cause I already have a girlfriend that is working now outside Catalunya my natal and favorite born helped me to life always better.Metal On sailor woman!!!

OK that's all so much I have to say about UAE Amiga emulators and things.

I have to tinker my uaerc config fiile and see how it works.

Thank you all and Sailor from the Chech republic,you know I have class about Amigas and you could be my Metal friend if you want again

Thank you for listening and good-bye my friend

Amiga 500 1MB Chip RAM with ACA 500+ACA1232,CD32,Amiga 1300 030/50 Mhz,32MB (now on my hands at least)and Amiga One G3 XE PPC 800 Mhz,ATI Radeon 9250 128 MB,256 MB RAM,Seagate 200 GB HD,2 working DVD drives,X-Arcade double for MAME,Sil0680,4 USB ports,LG
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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
Not too shy to talk
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Thank you! A evening time for melodic Heavy metal electric guitars!
With red wine, of course.

AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200
AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, AmigaOne X1000
MorphOS: Efika 5200b, Pegasos I, Pegasos II, Powerbook, Mac Mini, iMac, Powermac Quad
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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
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AmigaOldskooler wrote:@sailor

Did you get a chance to test it? If yes, how was the performance?

Finally - my best result with Sam400ep-flex 733MHz:

#JIT compiller settings
# memory access mode direct indirect=default indirectKS afterPic

#collision detection  none sprites playfields=default full





#SDL specific

#AmigaOS specific
##screen type public public ask

I mainly changed:

The most important on slow machines like Sam are last two:
cpu_speed and finegrain_cpu_speed
( Originally was there cpu_speed=max. It is good for X1000 or Pegasos 2, but sound lags on Sam440)

These are the same adjustments, only finegrain_cpu_speed is more precise and cpu_speed is rough.
cpu_speed=1 is equal finegrain_cpu_speed=512 and cpu_speed=2 is equal finegrain_cpu_speed=1024, etc..

The lower is the number, the faster is CPU and slower chip emulation. If you have still lags on your Sam, you have to increase the numbers.

AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200
AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, AmigaOne X1000
MorphOS: Efika 5200b, Pegasos I, Pegasos II, Powerbook, Mac Mini, iMac, Powermac Quad
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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
Quite a regular
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There is a band called Red Wine also in Spain (La Rioja) where they cultivate the best wine in the world (they say the experts).I think I never listened to it.They play melodic Euro-Power Metal.Maybe you like em?

Think you maybe you will like it.

Anyway melodic Heavy Metal with wine or beer (as on my past cases) is always great!

Please sailor: I lost AmigaOS 4.1 FE Update 2 installation last July,so I lost your e-mails on YAM and adress.Please...

Would you be so kind to give me your e-mail to share our visions about Amiga and Heavy Metal?

I think our short time emailing both were great in terms of new bands and Amiga things.

Thanks and kisses from hell

Amiga 500 1MB Chip RAM with ACA 500+ACA1232,CD32,Amiga 1300 030/50 Mhz,32MB (now on my hands at least)and Amiga One G3 XE PPC 800 Mhz,ATI Radeon 9250 128 MB,256 MB RAM,Seagate 200 GB HD,2 working DVD drives,X-Arcade double for MAME,Sil0680,4 USB ports,LG
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Re: Best E-UAE for Sam440 Flex
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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What is your inner interest about the Amiga? Why do you still bet highly hard for the Amiga and not others you may now? Other computers I mean

I believe and bet for the Amiga because is the best in Software&Hardware and has the most enthusiastic comunnity of the world.

We have modern gfx cards and plenty of files and software on os4depot or aminet.

All is all a very underrated system that I feel she is jumping on the proper wagon and making impact soon again.

Amiga and Amigans are forever!!!

My AmigaOne X5000 is a beast machine, and hope to see and play for a dual core support soon.

Thanks to all

Edited by MamePPCA1 on 2022/11/16 17:43:10
Amiga 500 1MB Chip RAM with ACA 500+ACA1232,CD32,Amiga 1300 030/50 Mhz,32MB (now on my hands at least)and Amiga One G3 XE PPC 800 Mhz,ATI Radeon 9250 128 MB,256 MB RAM,Seagate 200 GB HD,2 working DVD drives,X-Arcade double for MAME,Sil0680,4 USB ports,LG
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