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AmiKit XE running AmigaOS 3.2
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New AmiKit XE 11.6.1 update for Windows/Mac/Linux can use AmigaOS 3.2 now!
The Raspberry Pi edition of AmiKit will also get a similar update soon.

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Please be advised that you still need an earlier AmigaOS version (like Amiga Forever, OS3.9, etc.) to install AmiKit first. Then you can install AmigaOS 3.2 on top of it.


- AmiKit turns your computer into a powerful Amiga desktop. It includes 400+ apps and retro games.
- We've done all the hard work for you. Everything is pre-instaled and pre-configured & ready to use out of the box
- AmiKit runs super fast on your Windows, Mac, Linux or Raspberry Pi thanks to WinUAE/Amiberry emulator
- Enjoy your beloved Amiga computer again, now in a modern retro power suit!

IMPORTANT NOTE: For AmiKit to work you do need original Amiga Operating System files (Amiga Forever is recommended​).


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Re: AmiKit XE running AmigaOS 3.2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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New AmiKit XE 11.6.1 update for Windows/Mac/Linux can use AmigaOS 3.2 now!

Please don't support Hyperion in selling pirated software of former OS4 developers, for example my AmigaOS 4.x CDFileSystem port illegally back ported to AmigaOS 3.x based on sources stolen from OS4 SVN backups is very likely still included in "AmigaOS 3.2", it definitely was in "AmigaOS 3.1.4".

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Re: AmiKit XE running AmigaOS 3.2
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Uh. I am sorry to hear that.

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Re: AmiKit XE running AmigaOS 3.2
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I wonder if instead of removing it and mortify amiga users, there is a way to pay legitimate developer for the job done.

The same could be done for other os4 core software not payed.
Maybe a community bounty could be a valid solution?

Once payed all software could be possible publish sources on github or other public repositories with some kind of "permissive" licence?
..ask for a friend

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Re: AmiKit XE running AmigaOS 3.2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I wonder if instead of removing it and mortify amiga users, there is a way to pay legitimate developer for the job done.

The same could be done for other os4 core software not payed.
Maybe a community bounty could be a valid solution?

Once payed all software could be possible publish sources on github or other public repositories with some kind of "permissive" licence?
No, too much available OS4 sources are a huge problem, not the solution.
For example in case of CDFileSystem I made the very big mistake to trust the maintainer of the OS4 SVN to protect the sources from illegal accesses, especially from Hyperion, but he didn't only fail to do it's main job in the OS4 development team but even actively helped them to sell illegal copies. Not just limited to the utter nonsense of illegal AmigaOS 3.1.x/3.2 m68k ports (all of my OS4.x licences were strictly limited to AmigaOS 4.x/PPC, no other OS versions nor CPU ports were allowed), the AmigaOS 4.x/PPC versions since about 10 years, incl. any AmigaOS 4.1 FE (and any of it's updates), were illegal already.
If I would have never uploaded the sources (before I was paid for the work completely, although it was quite obvious that that will never happen) there would be no, or at least much less, problems now. I could have reimplement a new CDFileSystem based on other sources, maybe one of the AmigaOS ones available on AmiNet, or a NetBSD/OpenBSD one, or in worst case even an AROS one.
But as it's now neither Hyperion can legally use the sources (but they don't care at all, and probably never even had the intention to obey any of the OS4 developer contracts) nor can I, because it's partially based on Carl's AmigaOS 1.x (CDTV)/AmigaOS 3.x (CD³²) CDFileSystem sources, even if not much of it was left in the AmigaOS 4.x versions.

I just can only urge anyone still involved in Hyperion's selling of pirate software, no matter if AmigaOS 4.x/PPC or AmigaOS 3.x/m68k software, to stop uploading any sources and updates to the OS4 SVN. Olaf is at least as evil as Hyperion, if not even worse. Your sources will definitely be stolen and software updates will be sold illegally by Hyperion, without getting any of the licence fees from contracts you might have with Hyperion.

A-EON is trying very hard to fix at least some of the problems, even paying some of Hyperion's debts (in my case limited to the sales numbers of the X1000 and X5000, and even including prepayment for some A1220 sales, but of course not for any other OS4 hardware), but having to replace/reimplement nearly everything which was developed in about 20 years of AmigaOS 4.x development destroyed by Hyperion will take several years...

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Re: AmiKit XE running AmigaOS 3.2
Site Builder
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I understand and respect what you saying here.

As no one from Hyperion is registered in amigans.net, and we do not have written proof of their side of the story, we can't make any decision on who is evil and who is not.

So, in my opinion, there is no constructive discussion on the matter and your responses are out of the topic of this thread, which is about Amikit and the support of AmigaOS 3.2.

If you would like, create a new thread or use A-Eon's blog site, which is dead of articles, and write down how evil Hyperion is. And we can discuss it there if you like.

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Re: AmiKit XE running AmigaOS 3.2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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and your responses are out of the topic of this thread, which is about Amikit and the support of AmigaOS 3.2.

It's on topic. "AmigaOS 3.2" is just a collection of pirate software sold by Hyperion, just like for example "AmigaOS 4.1 FE" was.

The very first line of this thread was
New AmiKit XE 11.6.1 update for Windows/Mac/Linux can use AmigaOS 3.2 now!
Which means that AmiKit is actively supporting Hyperion in selling pirate software.

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Re: AmiKit XE running AmigaOS 3.2
Site Builder
Site Builder

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I am sorry but I can't see how this is relevant. AmigaOS 3.2 is released for almost a year now, and it is already in the hands of a lot of users. But if you do, that's fine with me. IMO, your comments about Hyperion and what AmigaOS 3.2 includes has nothing to do with this topic.

Again, please feel free to create a new topic to discuss about AmigaOS 3.2, so that we won't derail this one.

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Re: AmiKit XE running AmigaOS 3.2
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Just an option. Not a request.

Perhaps this forum:


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Re: AmiKit XE running AmigaOS 3.2
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I suggest you to open a thread on major Amiga forums, tell your experience and ask for a community refund for your never payed work.

Let us know your paypal account or some other way to donate.

I can give you a litte month by month and support your old and future efforts, I'm sure others can do the same.

I don't know if this can refund 100% but I hope this approach can give you a little satisfaction and let you come back to amiga community.

I'm quite sure the only way to do further in "Amigaland" is release opensource projects, with some kind of restricted license to avoid others to sell your work for free.

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