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Joined: 2006/11/24 14:19 Last Login
: 2024/4/22 1:31
From Central Georgia, USA
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I am no network Guru. I know almost enough to get by. But I just found a neat trick to get a bit more out of my Amiga when online.
This might be related to the network stack, or Odyssey, or any other part of the OS, but I thought I'd put it here.
As our software gets older, there are more and more troubles getting things to work. In my own case I'm using OS4, but this likely applies to all the variants too.
GMail has been difficult, then impossible to use from my Amiga. I just keep getting demands to upgrade my browser, and it refuses to connect.
Recently I changed my home network, replacing my router with a "bridge" that picks up WiFi and creates a private wired network for my home. I did this on a raspberry Pi, and it works better than I had hoped.
And now my Amiga can get into GMail without issues!
Neat trick. I suppose for others just adding a Pi bridge into your Amiga case could make your Amiga WiFi capable as well as more usable with modern services. Considering the low price of a Pi, seems a good option.