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Re: SDL2
Just can't stay away
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You can possibly replace TRUE with true and FALSE with false.


warning: no return statement in function returning non-void

Just add "return 0;" as function is declared to return an integer but programmer lied and didn't return anything.

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Re: SDL2
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Ok..Now just 2 errors left.

Sinan@LENOVO /amiga/roketz3d
ppc-amigaos-g++ -athread=native *.cc -o Rocket -lGL -lGLU -lSDL2_mixer -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -ltiff -lpng -ljpeg -lmikmod -lmodplug -lFLAC -lvorbisfile -lsmpeg2 -lsmpeg -lvorbis -logg -lwebp -lpthread -lmpg123 -lz -lm
.ccIn function ‘int write_to_jpeg_file(intintunsigned char*, FILE*, int):
main.cc:356:36errorcannot convert ‘bool’ to ‘boolean’
|  jpeg_set_quality(&cinfoqualitytrue /* limit to baseline-JPEG values */);
      |                                    ^~~~
      |                                    |
In file included from main
usr/local/amiga/ppc-amigaos/SDK/local/common/include/jpeglib.h:991:31note:   initializing argument 3 of ‘void jpeg_set_quality(j_compress_ptrintboolean)
EXTERN(voidjpeg_set_quality JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfoint quality,
      |                               ^~~
main.cc:363:33errorcannot convert ‘bool’ to ‘boolean’
|     jpeg_start_compress(&cinfotrue);
      |                                 ^~~~
      |                                 |
In file included from main
usr/local/amiga/ppc-amigaos/SDK/local/common/include/jpeglib.h:1010:34note:   initializing argument 2 of ‘void jpeg_start_compress(j_compress_ptrboolean)
EXTERN(voidjpeg_start_compress JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
      |                                  ^~~

When I look at jpeglib.h at SDK.. Lines 991 and 1010 shows these:

EXTERN(voidjpeg_set_quality JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfoint quality,boolean force_baseline));

EXTERN(voidjpeg_start_compress JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfoboolean write_all_tables));

Edited by SinanSam460 on 2021/4/24 14:20:53
Sinan - AmigaOS4 Beta-Tester
- AmigaOne X5000
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Re: SDL2
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Sorry, I gave you wrong advice regarding boolean. I mixed the C++ native bool type with "boolean" which appears to be some libjpeg-specific type. Can you search the libjpeg header for boolean definition?

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Re: SDL2
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/* Define "boolean" as unsigned char, not enum, on Windows systems. */
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifndef __RPCNDR_H__        /* don't conflict if rpcndr.h already read */
typedef unsigned char boolean;
#ifndef FALSE            /* in case these macros already exist */
#define FALSE    0        /* values of boolean */
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE    1
#define HAVE_BOOLEAN        /* prevent jmorecfg.h from redefining it */


#if defined FALSE || defined TRUE || defined QGLOBAL_H
/* Qt3 defines FALSE and TRUE as "const" variables in qglobal.h */
typedef int boolean;
#ifndef FALSE            /* in case these macros already exist */
#define FALSE    0        /* values of boolean */
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE    1
typedef enum FALSE 0TRUE boolean;

Sinan - AmigaOS4 Beta-Tester
- AmigaOne X5000
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Re: SDL2
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Just can't stay away

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I propose you could try something like:


for issues like


main.cc:361:33: error: invalid conversion from ‘int’ to ‘boolean’ [-fpermissive]
361 | jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE);

PS. these issues have nothing to do with SDL2...so better have a separate thread for each port or one generic "how to compile X" in my opinion :)

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Re: SDL2
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About Beneath a Steel Sky sound issue, I couldn't reproduce it using the CD version. I have tried both OpenGL and normal (2x) rendering, and fullscreen.

Could you check these things:
- are there some high priority tasks running on background and consuming lots of CPU
- is there serial logging coming that could consume CPU
- try with fresh scummvm.ini file? Or maybe share your config?

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Re: SDL2
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Not too shy to talk

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Thanks that also worked.. However I still get some _Z errors.

I think I am doing correct linking, maybe the original code is broken ?

ppc-amigaos-gcc -athread=native *.cc -o Rocketz -lGL -lGLUT -lGLU -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_net -lSDL2_ttf -lfreetype -ltiff -lwebp -lpng -ljpeg -lz -lm -lSDL2_mixer -lmikmod -lmodplug -lFLAC -lvorbisfile -lvorbis -logg -lSDL2 -lsmpeg2 -lpthread -lz -lstdc++
tmp/ccNLpETN.o:(.sbss+0x0): multiple definition of `window'
/tmp/cc1bLF33.o:(.sbss+0x0): first defined here
/tmp/ccbbxwE0.o: In function 
test_png.cc:(.text+0xe8): multiple definition of `_Z12compress_pngPPhiiS_i'
/tmp/cceaAsxd.o:main.cc:(.text+0xebc): first defined here
/tmp/ccbbxwE0.oIn function `main':
test_png.cc:(.text+0x464): multiple definition of 
/tmp/cceaAsxd.o:main.cc:(.text+0x1d30): first defined here
/tmp/ccSyrZ4e.o: In function `_Z18jpeg_writer_threadi'
threads.cc:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `_Z18jpeg_writer_threadi'
/tmp/cceaAsxd.o:main.cc:(.text+0x124c): first defined here
/tmp/ccSyrZ4e.o: In function 
threads.cc:(.text+0xa4): multiple definition of `main'
/tmp/cceaAsxd.o:main.cc:(.text+0x1d30): first defined here
/tmp/cc8rD4sB.oIn function `_ZN9Billboard4drawEv':
billboard.cc:(.text+0x59c): undefined reference to 
/tmp/ccXjnL6r.o: In function `_ZN6Camera15setup_modelviewEv'
camera.cc:(.text+0x88): undefined reference to `_Z13sgMakeRotMat4PA4_ffPKf'
camera.cc:(.text+0xdc): undefined reference to 
camera.cc:(.text+0xf4): undefined reference to `_Z14sgPostMultMat4PA4_fPA4_Kf'
camera.cc:(.text+0x110): undefined reference to `_Z21sgTransposeNegateMat4PA4_fPA4_Kf'
camera.cc:(.text+0x14c): undefined reference to 
camera.cc:(.text+0x16c): undefined reference to `_Z10sgMultMat4PA4_fPA4_KfS3_'
/tmp/cc2aNItA.oIn function `_ZN5PlaneC2EPfS0_S0_':
frustum.cc:(.text._ZN5PlaneC2EPfS0_S0_[_ZN5PlaneC5EPfS0_S0_]+0x64): undefined reference to 
/tmp/ccKdXJ7P.o: In function `_ZN6Object6rotateEfPf'
object.cc:(.text+0x7ec): undefined reference to `_Z13sgMakeRotMat4PA4_ffPKf'
object.cc:(.text+0x804): undefined reference to 
/tmp/ccKdXJ7P.o: In function `_ZN6Object4drawEv'
object.cc:(.text+0x1214): undefined reference to `_Z15sgMakeTransMat4PA4_fPKf'
object.cc:(.text+0x122c): undefined reference to 
/tmp/ccKdXJ7P.o: In function `_ZN6Object9draw_shotEv'
object.cc:(.text+0x16f0): undefined reference to `_Z15sgMakeTransMat4PA4_fPKf'
object.cc:(.text+0x1708): undefined reference to 
/tmp/ccKdXJ7P.o: In function `_ZN12DynamicLight17light_environmentEv'
object.cc:(.text+0x2088): undefined reference to `_Z19sgVectorProductVec3PfPKfS1_'
/tmp/ccNLpETN.o: In function 
rocket.cc:(.text+0x1450): undefined reference to `_Z14sgQuatToMatrixPA4_fPKf'
rocket.cc:(.text+0x1464): undefined reference to `_Z13sgPreMultMat4PA4_fPA4_Kf'
rocket.cc:(.text+0x14b8): undefined reference to 
/tmp/ccNLpETN.o: In function `_ZN6Rocket12setup_orientEii'
rocket.cc:(.text+0x1f10): undefined reference to `_Z14sgQuatToMatrixPA4_fPKf'
rocket.cc:(.text+0x1f98): undefined reference to 
/tmp/ccNLpETN.o: In function `_ZN6Rocket6updateEfP6Camera'
rocket.cc:(.text+0x25f8): undefined reference to `_Z14sgQuatToMatrixPA4_fPKf'
rocket.cc:(.text+0x2610): undefined reference to 
/tmp/ccNLpETN.o: In function `_ZN6Rocket12setup_cameraEv'
rocket.cc:(.text+0x30cc): undefined reference to `_Z19sgVectorProductVec3PfPKfS1_'
rocket.cc:(.text+0x31cc): undefined reference to 
rocket.cc:(.text+0x31fc): undefined reference to `_Z11sgXformVec3PfPKfPA4_S0_'
/tmp/ccNLpETN.oIn function `_ZN6Rocket14update_cubemapEv':
rocket.cc:(.text+0x3418): undefined reference to 
rocket.cc:(.text+0x3474): undefined reference to `_Z13sgMakeRotMat4PA4_ffPKf'
rocket.cc:(.text+0x3494): undefined reference to `_Z14sgPostMultMat4PA4_fPA4_Kf'
rocket.cc:(.text+0x3504): undefined reference to 
rocket.cc:(.text+0x3518): undefined reference to `_Z14sgPostMultMat4PA4_fPA4_Kf'
rocket.cc:(.text+0x352c): undefined reference to `_Z14sgPostMultMat4PA4_fPA4_Kf'
rocket.cc:(.text+0x359c): undefined reference to 
rocket.cc:(.text+0x35b0): undefined reference to `_Z14sgPostMultMat4PA4_fPA4_Kf'
/tmp/ccNLpETN.oIn function `_ZN6Rocket8draw_envEv':
rocket.cc:(.text+0x37c0): undefined reference to 
rocket.cc:(.text+0x37d8): undefined reference to `_Z13sgPreMultMat4PA4_fPA4_Kf'
/tmp/ccNLpETN.oIn function `_Z11sgXformVec3PfPA4_Kf':
rocket.cc:(.text._Z11sgXformVec3PfPA4_Kf[_Z11sgXformVec3PfPA4_Kf]+0x28): undefined reference to 
/tmp/ccNLpETN.o: In function `_Z14sgPostMultQuatPfPKf'
rocket.cc:(.text._Z14sgPostMultQuatPfPKf[_Z14sgPostMultQuatPfPKf]+0x3c): undefined reference to `_Z10sgMultQuatPfPKfS1_'
/tmp/ccNLpETN.o: In function 
rocket.cc:(.text._Z13sgPostRotQuatPffPKf[_Z13sgPostRotQuatPffPKf]+0x30): undefined reference to `_Z17sgAngleAxisToQuatPffPKf'
/tmp/ccusyGJn.oIn function `_ZN5World4drawEv':
world.cc:(.text+0x920): undefined reference to 
/tmp/ccusyGJn.o: In function `_ZN5World10draw_roomsEP4RoomPf'
world.cc:(.text+0xe38): undefined reference to `_Z10sgMultMat4PA4_fPA4_KfS3_'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Sinan - AmigaOS4 Beta-Tester
- AmigaOne X5000
- AmigaOne A1222
- Sam460ex
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Re: SDL2
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Thank you for your tests.
I'll get back to you once I'm able.


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Re: SDL2
Just can't stay away
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Please note:

The SDL project has migrated to Github, and thus the old mirror (our upstream) has been archived and AmigaPorts project receives no updates from the mirror.

Today I spent some time to merge AmigaOS 4 changes with the official "main" branch and pushed that "main" branch also to the AmigaPorts repo.

I am not sure whether we should fork the official project directly. Let me know if you have any opinions.


https://github.com/AmigaPorts/SDL/tree/main - the latest branch

https://github.com/AmigaPorts/SDL - old master

https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL - official upstream

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Re: SDL2
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Oh...just wanted to update my sound issue, seems something in my system is acting up...comes and goes, haven't found the cause yet.


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Re: SDL2
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I am not sure whether we should fork the official project directly. Let me know if you have any opinions.

My humble opinion is to put everything on your github (i mean SDL1 and SDL2) and work from there. Because only you work on, and you should have full control on the merge speed and all the stuff. Without relying when owners of AmigaPorts will do anything (or if they will not do something because of their own reassons)

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Re: SDL2
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Let the bread decide what the crumbs get


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Re: SDL2
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@Raziel @kas1e

It's not a problem to work on AmigaPorts repo speed-wise. But AFAIK we cannot compare libsdl-org/main versus AmigaPort/main because they are not related. So web comparison and pull requests cannot be done AFAIK.

But setting a remote and merging locally is possible so we can pull from the official upstream. Quite often merges need to be done manually anyway due to conflicts.

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Re: SDL2
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#include "SDL.h"
int main(int argcchar *argv[]) { SDL_Init(0); return 0; }

g++ -athread=single -Wl,--export-dynamic -L/sdk/local/newlib/lib   -U__STRICT_ANSI__ --Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-empty-body -fno-operator-names -std=c++11 -gstabs -fvar-tracking-assignments -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wno-format ./scummvm-conf.cpp -./scummvm-conf -L/SDK/local/newlib/lib -use-dynld -lSDL2 -I/SDK/local/newlib/include/SDL2 -D_REENTRANT
/Development/Coding/SDK/gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/ppc-amigaos/10.3.0/../../../libstdc++.soundefined reference to `__gthread_cond_broadcast'
/Development/Coding/SDK/gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/ppc-amigaos/10.3.0/../../../libstdc++.so: undefined reference to 
/Development/Coding/SDK/gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/ppc-amigaos/10.3.0/../../../libstdc++.so: undefined reference to `__gthread_cond_init'
/Development/Coding/SDK/gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/ppc-amigaos/10.3.0/../../../libstdc++.soundefined reference to `__gthread_cond_wait'
/Development/Coding/SDK/gcc/bin/../lib/gcc/ppc-amigaos/10.3.0/../../../libstdc++.so: undefined reference to 
return code: 1

What am i missing?
-athread=native or single doesn't matter.
Adding -lpthread to LDFLAGS or CXXFLAGS doesn't matter.


Found it, SDL2 refuses to work with -athread=single (-athread=native makes it build).

Is that meant to be?

Edited by Raziel on 2021/5/22 17:07:06

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Re: SDL2
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It's libstdc++.so that seems to require these symbols. SDL2.so doesn't depend on libstdc++.so. It depends on libgcc.so though. Static linkage doesn't seem to require -athread switch.

But you first said that "-athread=native or single doesn't matter" and later "-athread=native makes it build". I'm confused now.

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Re: SDL2
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Yes, sorry my bad...I was switching between two build dirs where one had native and one had single in place.

As soon as-athread=single is used it always errors out during configure.

libstdc++ depending on it sounds right.
I remember a discussion about making -athread=native the default on amigaos4, since it's more or less built into adtools now...could've been a dream, though.


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Re: SDL2
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Regarding the sound issue (and general slowdowns) in ScummVM i think i've found the culprit.

While it has (or so it looks like) nothing really to do with SDL (but i might be wrong, of course. since only SDL apps seems to be affected), i'd like to ask if you could run a little test for me?

Could you please run this script?
It will add 5 Notification windows to your system (and return an error in a console window, because more than five won't work).
You can click them away easily, but leave them be for now.
Message queue test


'REGISTERAPP APP=Test_APP1 ICON="SYS:System/RexxMast" Test_APP1'
'REGISTERAPP APP=Test_APP2 ICON="SYS:System/RexxMast" Test_APP2'
'REGISTERAPP APP=Test_APP3 ICON="SYS:System/RexxMast" Test_APP3'
'REGISTERAPP APP=Test_APP4 ICON="SYS:System/RexxMast" Test_APP4'
'REGISTERAPP APP=Test_APP5 ICON="SYS:System/RexxMast" Test_APP5'
'REGISTERAPP APP=Test_APP6 ICON="SYS:System/RexxMast" Test_APP6'

'RINGHIO PRI=10 UPDATE APP=Test_APP1 NOLOG TITLE="Test_APP1" Message Queue Test (1)'
'RINGHIO PRI=10 UPDATE APP=Test_APP2 NOLOG TITLE="Test_APP1" Message Queue Test (2)'
'RINGHIO PRI=10 UPDATE APP=Test_APP3 NOLOG TITLE="Test_APP1" Message Queue Test (3)'
'RINGHIO PRI=10 UPDATE APP=Test_APP4 NOLOG TITLE="Test_APP1" Message Queue Test (4)'
'RINGHIO PRI=10 UPDATE APP=Test_APP5 NOLOG TITLE="Test_APP1" Message Queue Test (5)'
'RINGHIO PRI=10 UPDATE APP=Test_APP6 NOLOG TITLE="Test_APP1" Message Queue Test (6)'


Now start ScummVM, no game needed, as you will encounter slowdowns with, i'd say, a delay of a second inbetween.
With a game, e.g. BASS you'll encounter audio dropouts and video playback delay, also with that one second delay inbetween.

I don't know why that happens or what is causing it, but it seems those five Notification windows drag a lot from the GUI/GFX system (as it seems, because cpu load stays the same for me)

I just want to understand why and what is happening, so i could file a bugreport against Notification (or SDL)

Of course, i'm on Enhancer, so if you don't get the slowdowns, it's still a good test, then i'd know that one of the last updates dragged a regression in.

Thank you very much

Needless to say, if i remove the five windows, ScummVM runs without issues


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Re: SDL2
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I need to figure out how to run it but priority 10 is higher than priority 5 that SDL2 audio task is using (maybe it starves?). Could you try with priority 4 or less?

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Re: SDL2
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Priority of what?
Within the arexx file?
That simply says how long the windows will stay...1-9 second and 10 permanently.

rx script in a shell should run it


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Re: SDL2
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Sorry, I thought PRI meant task priority. I don't have currently Notification system installed so I need to figure out that.

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