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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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GLUT is harder to port as it needs lot of specific amigaos code for everything (screens, input, etc ,etc). It's of course can be done, but as there wasn't a lot of interesting and new stuff which want glut, i didn't bother. Amount of work need it for it just not worth imho.

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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just a silly question.. now that my system is updated and tested, everything seems great, no issues. yet lol.. so, i want to try get the understanding of warp3d Nova & GL4ES.. get it correcttly installed.

i have installed update2+fix

(via amistore) Enhancer Software Plus Edition, Warp3d, Radeon 2.1

and spencer game.

my setup is X1000 Radeon 7970 DirectCUII 3GB

and i still need some software that i need to get somewhere else, like GL4ES2..

where is the correct way to fetch them needed files?

found MiniGL4GL4ES on os4depot, but is not i need right now for spencer test number one?

thanks for helping

Sam460ex 2GB 120Gb SSD&1Tb HD7750 Envy24HT A-Eon Drv 2.10+Warp3D New Uboot
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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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GL4ES is inbuild to the binaries using it, so you have no needs to worry about it.

All you need is the latest ogles2.library, latest warp3dnova.library and if you need support for old Warp3D and you on RadeonHD, then latest warp3d si driver too.

The minigl4gl4es only should be used for RadeonRX until there no proper and bug-free minigl support. minigl4gl4es is a dirty hack to just make old minigl apps "works somehow", but it's buggy, and if you on RadeonHD better use classic minigl.

As for spencer, it can work even just over minigl (lacking features), and over ogles2/warp3dnova. To check that it works over ogles2/warp3dnova, when you run it and go to the options, you should see a lot of options about enable/disable things, while when it will be run over minigl there will be almost none.

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Need some help regarding some (Desktop) OpenGL 2.0 stuff i want to built using GL4ES.

What to include/define in order to get access to glCreateShader(...) and all those related functions?

tried already including of <GL/glext.h> but it always fails: "glCreateShader' was not declared in this scope".

I switched the GL folder in "SDK/local/common/include/GL" as suggested by the GL4ES docs. No problems when building (Desktop) OpenGL ..1.5 stuff with GL4ES.

Thanks for helping

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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I usually do just nothing: I simply rename minigl's GL directory to GL_MGL, and put in the new GL directory all files from GL4ES SDK, and they all take when needing it.

But of course, it also means that ogles2 SDK should be installed too.

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Thanks for your reply. I could fix the issues regarding (Desktop) OpenGL 2.0 like that:

#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glext.h>

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Will the updated Warp3D Nova and OpenGL ES 2.0 libraries from Enhancer 2.0 improve the overall compatibility of GL4ES? Will there be a new version of GL4ES?

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Will the updated Warp3D Nova and OpenGL ES 2.0 libraries from Enhancer 2.0 improve the overall compatibility of GL4ES?

Yes, in ogles2 there were many bug fixes and features added which were done for making gl4es work better.


Will there be a new version of GL4ES?

Of course, I hope very soon release some big stuff together with it. But if you need it right now, I can just upload it for you last libgl4es.a

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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But if you need it right now, I can just upload it for you last libgl4es.a

Yes please. Do you also have updated builds of libGLU_gl4es.a, libSDL_gl4es.a and libSDL2_gl4es.a?

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Yes please.

There is: http://kas1e.mikendezign.com/aos4/gl4es/libgl4es_15_03_2021.zip

Together with a gazillion of addons and fixes in gl4es, and with nova 1.85 + ogles3.1, it improves things a lot. Not only in terms of rendering and rendering speed but also in terms of loading textures speed and a lot of more (will put all the info in changelog and explain all in readme once done with)


Do you also have updated builds of libGLU_gl4es.a, libSDL_gl4es.a and libSDL2_gl4es.a?

libGLU wasn't changed since, so that one will be the same, but SDL1/SDL2 ones is that what i need to merge before public release (working on it in those days)

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Noob question...

Are those special gles4 lib automatically picked up when i compile a ogles2 target?
Especially interested in SDL1/2

oh wait, i think i'm mixing things up again...


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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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There is: http...

Thx! Some Boing-Cake on the way ;)

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Thx! Some Boing-Cake on the way ;)

Yeah, got it, thanks for :)


Are those special gles4 lib automatically picked up when i compile a ogles2 target?
Especially interested in SDL1/2

oh wait, i think i'm mixing things up again...

Yeah, both SDL1 and SDL2 for gl4es have special changes in which i replace MiniGL on GL4ES (so open ogles2 context, etc, etc) and so pure ones non-go as will open minigl.

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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@IAmSonic & All
Made new full SDK, grab it here: https://github.com/kas1e/GL4ES-SDK/releases/tag/1.2

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Made new full SDK, grab it ...

Thank you and all involved very much for this!

It's the first time Trigger-Rally, a wip port shows correct* and fluid rendering!

*Cars excluded, but this might be related to some changes i've performed in the past, let's see.

Resized Image
(Tearing is only visible on the screenshot)

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Nice :)

Btw, if the game uses a lot glBegin/glEnd route, it worth experimenting on the running with "setenv LIBGL_BATCH 0-20", or 0-40, etc. It may speed things up and if missing cars can be not your fault, it can may some impact on as well (at least in one of my ports (NeverBall) I have some missing pieces, and batching makes them show up correctly).

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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The cars are not being rendered because the car model data is not being loaded/parsed correctly. This game uses physfsf for file system access. I adjusted some stuff already to load the map data, textures, sound ect. correctly.

In the meantime i switched to the latest version of the game. But compiling shows a lot of std::xyz not found. I fixed already few of them 'manually' but since you wrote into the (adtools) bug ticket at github that this missing std:: stuff has been fixed in newer version of newlib i paused porting for now. However if i become bored i continue porting the old version.

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Those "std::xxxx" errors are cosmetic, just fix once they arrive.

It was fixed in latest newlib , yes, but it also mean new adtools build around it, as well as no one know when new newlib will be out. Waiting for those simple cosmetic-error for another few years of course no-go.

I for myself in all ports just dealing with it manually, and that all.

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Something else.

The game Giddy 3 (old version) shows some black background flickering when playing using MiniGL4GL4ES.

Since the version available on OS4Depot is quite old i thought lets compile the more recent version of Giddy 3 and link it directly against GL4ES. Giddy 3 uses native AmigaOS4 code in order to draw to the screen (P96+MiniGL). I adjusted the OS4 render paths in order use OpenGL directly (like linux/pandora versions) so no more calls to P96+MiniGL.

The funny but bad thing: The new Giddy 3 build using GL4ES directly shows excactly the same rendering issues regarding black background flickering. I tried out almost all GL4ES environment variables but no luck so far.

And here is how it looks:

Resized Image

Maybe this is something where GL4ES can be improved. If you need the sources of new Giddy 3 or anything else let me know.

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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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Those old and very old games, which use GLBegin/GLEnd route most of time will be of the same speed over gl4es and minigl (and even can sometime be slower over gl4es). Gl4es is mostly for new stuff, written in having in mind all the VBO and stuff.

As for issues with minigl4gl4es and directly gl4es : minigl4gl4es uses gl4es fully, so no surprise the same bug arise everywhere. And as you can reproduce it easy on direct usage of gl4es, i assume you need to create bug-report to ptitseb about , there : https://github.com/ptitSeb/gl4es/issues

He very helpfull, and if you will bring to him links, sources (which can be compiled on any platform) and point out on what wrong , he surely can check and fix it (as he do most of the times). Or at least he may bring some idea about what can be wrong, etc.

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