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Odyssey use of an external player
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Hi all, greetings to all and thank you for your work
I wanted to ask if there is a way, to be able to see the files on youtube via odyssey
using an external player via MIME
I tried to select MickJT-Player external player by associating it with a .mp4 but the internal player always starts.
Use amigaOS4.1 final update 1

Thanks for any answers I have clarifications.
Thanks again.

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Re: Odyssey use of an external player
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Hi, try YT.LHA (os4depot): http://www.os4depot.net/index.php?fun ... le&file=video/misc/yt.lha

Its readme says:
Y o u T u b e U R L E x t r a c t o r s c r i p t


YT.rexx is a script for providing direct video & audio links from YouTube URLs, and the ability to stream them within MPlayer. Just provide a URL and it will display all of the available video links found and let you play them.

This script can be used on any website containing links to a YouTube video, and also supports the ability to stream live content within FFPlay.

With just a few configurations, all of these abilities can be used within your Amiga web browsers. Just right-click to play the YouTube videos.

An extensive AmigaGuide documentation is available within the archive.

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Re: Odyssey use of an external player
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Hi jabirulo, thank you very much for your reply.
Use yt.rexx and it works perfectly.
I wanted to start the video directly from odyssey if this is possible.
As shown in this example:

http://amigax1000.blogspot.it/2012/07 ... ube-videos-using-mui.html

although old, I wondered if it was possible to do it.
Thank you

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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Re: Odyssey use of an external player
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Check Settings/Preferences and MIME Types page.

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Re: Odyssey use of an external player
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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MUI Mplayer can't do modern SSL. What if...

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Re: Odyssey use of an external player
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I apologize if I could not reply anymore,
But I changed my house, thanks for the answers.
I do not know if this can be useful, but I use winuae with amigaos 4.1 fe1
I understand that altivec is not supported.
I was wondering if Odyssey could work with MickJT-Player through MIME as an external player without using YT.rexx.
Maybe this requires work, could there be a possibility?
Here is a little video on how Amiga OS 4.1 works well on my computer.


I hope there may be a possibility of being able to implement it in some way ..

I love amiga but I do not have a real amiga anymore
Thanks for any response and suggestions, thanks again!

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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Re: Odyssey use of an external player
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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It seems to me there are two parts to your goal...

First, to find and get to the actual videos within YouTube
pages requires a lot of processing. That's either done by
all the JS code in the webpage or (outside of any browser)
by the YT.rexx script. Eventually YT.rexx gives you an
SSL URL to a video that Mick's MPlayer can play.

The second part is Oddity and its implementation of MIME
types. It appears to me to simply ignore the MIME settings
when it's dealing with media resources derived from JS
scripts, within webpages.

To try to avoid the constrant crashes in Oddity, I've tried
setting every single MIME video type to use MPlayer or save
the files. It never works on videos, ads, etc. within
webpages. Another annoying bug in Oddity and one that
will prevent what you first asked about.

So I use IBrowse with YouTube - works great with YT.rexx -
no GR's!



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Re: Odyssey use of an external player
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thank you for your answer, I will try Ibrowse,
at the moment to download the videos use netsurf with yt.nsrx or with clipgrab or smtube.
As soon as I can I'll try Ibrowse to see if it's OK, but I remember that it had problems with youtube and so on. for user-agent certificates ...
Thanks for the reply I appreciate it very much.
As I said, I changed my house, as soon as I have the chance I will do as you suggested.
Thank you have a nice day.

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Re: Odyssey use of an external player
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Hello I tried Ibrowse but I can not access sites with ssl certificates like youtube or even others the version I used is the version included in the cd of Amigaos 4.1 final with the update1, through extra installar but the version as I remembered is very old . ouch suggestions? thank you!
I was reading about a probable release of version 2.5 but nothing is known yet.
In the meantime I've updated SMTube, I'm using MickjT-Mplayer is working perfectly I'm very happy with it.
I wondered if somehow it was possible to implement MickjT-Mplayer through Odyssey's MIME as an external player and if this required a lot of work.
I hope my question is right and correct

@ kas1e @Denill
Thanks possibly for the answers or if there may be suggestions.
Thank you, sorry, I really appreciate your work

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Re: Odyssey use of an external player
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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ahhh... yes, the SSL problem. Sorry. IB 2.5 uses the
new AmiSSL, so that problem will go away.

Just to be sure, there was a partial temporary fix on the
IB news page that might help you:


Opening your shell and setting this environment variable
will get you through a few more sites. Maybe YouTube?

setenv save AmiSSL/SSL_CLIENT_VERSION tls1

Good luck,


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Re: Odyssey use of an external player
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thank you very much for your suggestion and your answer, I had not read this news on Ibrowse.
Unfortunately it does not seem to work, I also tried reinstalling amiSSL4.1
but nothing does not work, also the following command:

setenv save AmiSSL / SSL_CLIENT_VERSION tls1 <--- does not work for me at least

setenv save AmiSSL /SSL_CLIENT_VERSION tls1 <--- this works

unfortunately it does not open any page https: // <--- always with IBrowse
I also tried to disable ssl2 and ssl3 and then to reactivate them but the result is identical.
Maybe I'm wrong in something? thanks for every suggestion!

I also carried out this small personal project where I dedicated a real partition (not .hdf) but using x76 to make the partition recognize the winuae in order to use a dedicated partition, where I use AFAOS or 3.9-3.1 etc.
here a small sample video:

Also use "ethernet.device" for connection with 4.1 FE1
While RTL8029 is advised with 4.1 could it be due to this?
I have to try to change "driver", thank you very much for other tips or advice!
Hello, good day and thanks again.

Now I also tried RTL8029.device unfortunately the situation does not change.

Edited by white on 2018/1/25 11:40:18
Edited by white on 2018/1/25 11:51:44
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Re: Odyssey use of an external player
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Fixed, I did not have the "Amissl" folder with the "ssl_clent_version" file written with "tls1" in Sys:Prefs/Env-Archive
Thanks for the answers!

What do you see when you close your eyes ?
I see light, lots of light
I see you, dad
And I see mommy too
And I see me and we are together
And we play forever.
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