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MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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Should be playable even with modest PPC hardware.

Any one could check if this is doable?

There are very few car games fof OS4.

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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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I give it a go : it use SDL2 + OpenGL (so GL4ES). Also it use some external library called Pomme: https://github.com/jorio/Pomme/ which is "A cross-platform implementation of the Macintosh Toolbox C API".

I were able to build that Pomme with no changes, and whole croMagRally too, but in game itself i had to ifndef one function to get locales (seems not implemented in our SDL2), and, it have Win32 specific functions like GetPreferencesFolder() and SysBeep(). Second one of course harmless, and for first one i just return the correct path.

So at this stage game compiles for new clib2, links fine (sdl2 + gl4es) , and when i run it it cry about patches/preferences/etc. So , fixed it in Files.cpp by return progdir: , and then, next run show up the window, then immediately close it, and in the shell i have "Uncaught exception: No ADF magic".

Checking the source code i find it there:

static void ADFJumpToResourceFork(std::istreamstream)
auto f Pomme::BigEndianIStream(stream);

    if (
0x0005160700020000ULL != f.Read<UInt64>())
std::runtime_error("No ADF magic");
auto numOfEntries f.Read<UInt16>();

    for (
int i 0numOfEntriesi++)
auto entryID f.Read<UInt32>();
auto offset f.Read<UInt32>();
f.Skip(4); // length
if (entryID == 2)
// Found entry ID 2 (resource fork)

std::runtime_error("Didn't find entry ID=2 in ADF");

Not sure what did it mean, but it can be endian issues again ..

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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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@kas1e have you build with define TARGET_RT_BIGENDIAN ?

https://github.com/jorio/Pomme/blob/b9 ... es/bigendianstreams.h#L51

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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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Nope !:) Rebuils with this define enabled, and it pass this error, window created, but then "can create GL context" or something, i need to check this one later.

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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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Can you share your makefile and changes to compile.. I think it is a good example of SDL2 OpenGL OpenGLX project.

Sinan - AmigaOS4 Beta-Tester
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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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cd <game repo>

cmake -. -B build \
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="/usr/local/amiga/bin/ppc-amigaos-gcc" \
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/usr/local/amiga/bin/ppc-amigaos-g++" \
-DCMAKE_LINKER="/usr/local/amiga/bin/ppc-amigaos-ld" \
-DCMAKE_AR="/usr/local/amiga/bin/ppc-amigaos-ar" \
-DCMAKE_RANLIB="/usr/local/amiga/bin/ppc-amigaos-ranlib" \
-DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH="/usr/local/amiga/ppc-amigaos/" \
-DSDL2_LIBRARIES="/usr/local/amiga/ppc-amigaos/SDK/Local/clib2/lib/libSDL2_gl4es.a" \
-DSDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS="/usr/local/amiga/ppc-amigaos/SDK/Local/common/include/SDL2" \
-DOPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR="/usr/local/amiga/ppc-amigaos/SDK/Local/common/include/GL" \
-DOPENGL_gl_LIBRARY="/usr/local/amiga/ppc-amigaos/SDK/Local/clib2/lib/libgl4es.a" \

--build build -j4

And on linking in links.txt add -athread=native and all that stuff.

Also in files.cpp:

#ifdef _WIN32
path Pomme::Platform::Windows::GetPreferencesFolder();
#elif defined(__amigaos4__)
const char *home "PROGDIR:";
path fs::path(home);
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
const char *home getenv("HOME");
        if (!
home) {
path fs::path(home) / "Library" "Preferences";
const charhome getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
        if (
path fs::path(home);
home getenv("HOME");
            if (!
path fs::path(home) / ".config";

Also headers/platform/Windows/PommeWindow.cpp will be like this:

#undef NOUSER

#include "Platform/Windows/PommeWindows.h"

//#include <shlobj.h>

std::filesystem::path Pomme::Platform::Windows::GetPreferencesFolder()
#ifndef __amigaos4__
wchar_twpath nullptr;
SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_RoamingAppData0nullptr, &wpath);
auto path std::filesystem::path(wpath);
return "PROGDIR:";

void Pomme::Platform::Windows::SysBeep()
#ifndef __amigaos4__

Edited by kas1e on 2022/9/27 19:11:34
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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Hi, can you "printf()" f.Read<UInt64> and see if it matches "0x0005160700020000ULL"

0x0005160700020000ULL != f.Read<UInt64>

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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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Sorry you too late :) See answer #4 to beworld : this flag deal with.

Now i have issues with GL context creation by some reassons, need to understand wtf.

On MorphOS GL-Context creates fine ?

Edited by kas1e on 2022/9/27 19:19:02
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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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@kas1e i just test it

and i can say no problem with context !! i see game... but i have message when i start game : "Skeleton file has wrong version"

I continue to check why

Check maybe here for you : https://github.com/jorio/CroMagRally/b ... 82f2/Source/Main.cpp#L160

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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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Any change for MiniGL? /

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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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Something strange happens: i create test case based on game's initialisation (see SDL2 thread), and for minigl no error thrown when do check on GAME_ASSERT(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR); , but for gl4es are. So seems or my SDL2 hacks for gl4es , or gl4es itself to blame there.. dunno, need to debug


At least i tried to build it with minigl, and it builds, binary runs, and show just pink screen with noise in background, so not sure how far minigl version can go, but at least it compiles for sure, so chances for minigl version are high too

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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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That the full output from glSnoop when i run test case from SDL2 thread:

[0Patching task Shell Process 'test' OGLES2IFace 0x61a24ae8
Shell Process 
Shell Process 'test'my_W3DN_CreateContexttags 0x616f19c8 ([W3DNTag_GPU0x61942958])
0Patching task Shell Process 'test' NOVA context 0x618ae000
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 0 (W3DN_Q_MAXTEXUNITS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 32
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 14 (W3DN_Q_MAXVERTEXATTRIBS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 16
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_CreateRenderStateObjecterrCode 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetViewportrenderState 0x6160f698x 0.000000y 0.000000width 0.000000height 0.000000zNear 0.000000zFar 1.000000
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetViewport: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_CreateRenderStateObject: <- errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Render state object address 0x6160f698
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_CreateFrameBuffererrCode 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_CreateFrameBuffer: <- errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Frame buffer address 0x618af078
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetRenderTargetrenderState 0x6160f698frameBuffer 0x618af078
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetRenderTarget: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Queryquery 0 (W3DN_Q_MAXTEXUNITS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 32
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 1 (W3DN_Q_MAXTEXWIDTH)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 16384
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 2 (W3DN_Q_MAXTEXHEIGHT)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 16384
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 3 (W3DN_Q_ANISOTROPICFILTER)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 4 (W3DN_Q_MAXANISOTROPY)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 16
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 5 (W3DN_Q_RENDERTOTEXTURE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 6 (W3DN_Q_BITMAPASTEXTURE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 7 (W3DN_Q_DEPTHTEXTURE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 8 (W3DN_Q_TEXTURE_1D)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 9 (W3DN_Q_TEXTURE_3D)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 10 (W3DN_Q_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 11 (W3DN_Q_MAXCOLOURBUFFERS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 12 (W3DN_Q_MAXRENDERWIDTH)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 16384
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 13 (W3DN_Q_MAXRENDERHEIGHT)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 16384
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 14 (W3DN_Q_MAXVERTEXATTRIBS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 16
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 15 (W3DN_Q_MIPMAPPING)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 16 (W3DN_Q_MIPMAPGENERATION)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 17 (W3DN_Q_MAXTEXDEPTH)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 18 (W3DN_Q_NPOT_MIPMAPPING)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 19 (W3DN_Q_STENCIL)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 20 (W3DN_Q_VERTEX_TEXTUREFETCH)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 21 (W3DN_Q_MAXVARYINGVECTORS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 32
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 22 (W3DN_Q_MAXTEXCUBEMAPSIZE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 23 (W3DN_Q_MAXLINEWIDTH)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 128
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 24 (W3DN_Q_MAXPOINTSIZE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 8192
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 25 (W3DN_Q_POLYGONOFFSET)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 26 (W3DN_Q_POLYGONMODE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 27 (W3DN_Q_FLATSHADE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 28 (W3DN_Q_TEXTUREEXTSHARE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 29 (W3DN_Q_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 30 (W3DN_Q_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 31 (W3DN_Q_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_ARRAY)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 32 (W3DN_Q_GPUENDIANNESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 2
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Queryquery 33 (W3DN_Q_TEXTURE_RENDER_BGRA)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Query: <- Result 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_WaitIdletimeout 0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SubmiterrCode 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Submit: <- errCode 15 (W3DNEC_QUEUEEMPTY). Submit ID 0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_WaitIdle: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_FBBindBufferframeBuffer 0x618af078attachmentPt 65536tags 0x616f1908 ([W3DNTag_BitMap0x61F8C538])
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_FBBindBuffer: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_FBBindBufferframeBuffer 0x618af078attachmentPt 0tags 0x616f1908 ([W3DNTag_AllocDepthStencil0])
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_FBBindBuffer: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetViewportrenderState 0x6160f698x 0.000000y 480.000000width 640.000000height -480.000000zNear 0.000000zFar 1.000000
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetViewport: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetScissorrenderState 0x6160f698x 0y 0width 640height 480
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetScissor: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStaterenderState 0x6160f698stateFlag 4 (W3DN_CULLBACK), value 0 (W3DN_DISABLE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetState: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStaterenderState 0x6160f698stateFlag 3 (W3DN_CULLFRONT), value 0 (W3DN_DISABLE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetState: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetBlendColourrenderState 0x6160f698red 0.000000green 0.000000blue 0.000000alpha 0.000000
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetBlendColour: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetBlendEquationrenderState 0x6160f698buffIdx 0equation 0 (W3DN_FUNC_ADD)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetBlendEquationSeparaterenderState 0x6160f698buffIdx 0colEquation 0 (W3DN_FUNC_ADD), alphaEquation 0 (W3DN_FUNC_ADD)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetBlendEquationSeparate: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetBlendEquation: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetBlendEquationSeparaterenderState 0x6160f698buffIdx 0colEquation 0 (W3DN_FUNC_ADD), alphaEquation 0 (W3DN_FUNC_ADD)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetBlendEquationSeparate: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetBlendModerenderState 0x6160f698buffIdx 0src 1 (W3DN_ONE), dst 0 (W3DN_ZERO)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparaterenderState 0x6160f698buffIdx 0colSrc 1 (W3DN_ONE), colDst 0 (W3DN_ZERO), alphaSrc 1 (W3DN_ONE), alphaDst 0 (W3DN_ZERO)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparate: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetBlendMode: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparaterenderState 0x6160f698buffIdx 0colSrc 1 (W3DN_ONE), colDst 0 (W3DN_ZERO), alphaSrc 1 (W3DN_ONE), alphaDst 0 (W3DN_ZERO)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetBlendModeSeparate: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStaterenderState 0x6160f698stateFlag 4 (W3DN_CULLBACK), value 0 (W3DN_DISABLE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetState: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStaterenderState 0x6160f698stateFlag 3 (W3DN_CULLFRONT), value 0 (W3DN_DISABLE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetState: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetDepthCompareFuncrenderState 0x6160f698func 2 (W3DN_LESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetDepthCompareFunc: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStaterenderState 0x6160f698stateFlag 1 (W3DN_DEPTHWRITE), value 1 (W3DN_ENABLE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetState: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStaterenderState 0x6160f698stateFlag 5 (W3DN_BLEND), value 0 (W3DN_DISABLE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetState: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStaterenderState 0x6160f698stateFlag 4 (W3DN_CULLBACK), value 0 (W3DN_DISABLE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetState: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStaterenderState 0x6160f698stateFlag 3 (W3DN_CULLFRONT), value 0 (W3DN_DISABLE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetState: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStaterenderState 0x6160f698stateFlag 0 (W3DN_DEPTHTEST), value 0 (W3DN_DISABLE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetState: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetScissorrenderState 0x6160f698x 0y 0width 640height 480
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetScissor: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStaterenderState 0x6160f698stateFlag 2 (W3DN_STENCILTEST), value 0 (W3DN_DISABLE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetState: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetPolygonOffsetrenderState 0x6160f698factor 0.000000units 0.000000clamp 0.000000
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetPolygonOffset: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetFrontFacerenderState 0x6160f698face 0 (W3DN_FACE_CCW)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetFrontFace: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glStencilFuncfunc 0x207 (GL_ALWAYS), ref 0mask 4294967295
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetStencilFuncrenderState 0x6160f698func 8 (W3DN_ALWAYS), ref 0mask 0xffffffff
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetStencilFuncSeparaterenderState 0x6160f698face 2 (W3DN_FRONT_AND_BACK), func 8 (W3DN_ALWAYS), ref 0mask 0xffffffff
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetStencilFuncSeparate: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStencilFunc: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glStencilMaskmask 4294967295
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetStencilWriteMaskrenderState 0x6160f698mask 0xffffffff
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetStencilWriteMaskSeparaterenderState 0x6160f698face 2 (W3DN_FRONT_AND_BACK), mask 0xffffffff
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetStencilWriteMaskSeparate: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStencilWriteMask: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glStencilOpfail 0x1E00 (GL_KEEP), zfail 0x1E00 (GL_KEEP), zpass 0x1E00 (GL_KEEP)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStencilOprenderState 0x6160f698sFail 1 (W3DN_ST_KEEP), dpFail 1 (W3DN_ST_KEEP), dpPass 1 (W3DN_ST_KEEP)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStencilOpSeparaterenderState 0x6160f698face 2 (W3DN_FRONT_AND_BACK), sFail 1 (W3DN_ST_KEEP), dpFail 1 (W3DN_ST_KEEP), dpPass 1 (W3DN_ST_KEEP)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStencilOpSeparate: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetStencilOp: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glPolygonOffsetfactor 0.000000units 0.000000
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetPolygonOffsetrenderState 0x6160f698factor 0.000000units 0.000000clamp 0.000000
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetPolygonOffset: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glLineWidthwidth 1.000000
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetLineWidthrenderState 0x6160f698width 1.000000
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetLineWidth: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetViewportrenderState 0x6160f698x 0.000000y 480.000000width 640.000000height -480.000000zNear 0.000000zFar 1.000000
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetViewport: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetScissorrenderState 0x6160f698x 0y 0width 640height 480
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetScissor: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_CreateTexSamplererrCode 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_CreateTexSampler: <- errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Texture sampler address 0x618af168
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_TSSetParameterstexSampler 0x618af168tags 0x616f1918 ([W3DN_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER4][W3DN_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER1])
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_TSSetParameters: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_aglCreateContext2: <- errcode 0. Context address 0x615fa2b8
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_aglMakeCurrentcontext 0x615fa2b8
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegervpname 0xBA2 (GL_VIEWPORT), data 0x616cb7d4
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: <- data 0
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegervpname 0xC10 (GL_SCISSOR_BOX), data 0x616cb7e4
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: <- data 0
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegervpname 0x8B9B (GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT), data 0x616cc6b8
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: <- data 6408
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegervpname 0x8B9A (GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE), data 0x616cc6bc
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: <- data 5121
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetStringname 0x1F03 (GL_EXTENSIONS)
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glGetString: <- string 'GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_AOS4_texture_format_RGB332 GL_AOS4_texture_format_RGB332REV GL_AOS4_texture_format_RGBA1555REV GL_AOS4_texture_format_RGBA8888 GL_AOS4_texture_format_RGBA8888REV GL_OES_vertex_type_10_10_10_2 GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV'
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glGetShaderPrecisionFormatshadertype 0x8B30 (GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER), precisiontype 0x8DF2 (GL_HIGH_FLOAT), range 0x616f1ad8precision 0x616f1ae4
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat: <- range [127127], precision 23
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegervpname 0x8869 (Unknown enum), data 0x618c2220
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: <- data 16
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegervpname 0xD33 (GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE), data 0x618c2190
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: <- data 16384
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegervpname 0x8872 (Unknown enum), data 0x618c2188
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: <- data 32
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegervpname 0x8872 (Unknown enum), data 0x618c2224
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: <- data 32
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegervpname 0x8DFC (Unknown enum), data 0x618c2228
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: <- data 32
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegervpname 0x84FF (GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT), data 0x618c220c
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetIntegerv: <- data 16
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetError: <- error 0x0 (GL_NO_ERROR)
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glGetStringname 0x1F00 (GL_VENDOR)
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glGetString: <- string 'A-EON Technology Ltd. Written by Daniel 'Daytona675x' M▒▒ener @ GoldenCode.eu'
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glCreateShadertype 0x8B31 (GL_VERTEX_SHADER)
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glCreateShader: <- shader 384
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glShaderSourceshader 384count 4string 0x616f1a98 length 0x0
Line 0
'#version 120'
Line 1'
layout(location = 0) in vec4 vecPos;
Line 2'layout(location = 0) uniform mat4 matMVP;
Line 3'void main() {
 gl_Position = matMVP * vecPos;
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glCompileShadershader 384
Shell Process 
'test'GL error 1282 (GL_INVALID_OPERATIONdetected after CompileShader
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetShaderivshader 384pname 0x8B81 (GL_COMPILE_STATUS), params 0x616f1aa8
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: <- params 0
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glDeleteShadershader 384
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glCreateShadertype 0x8B31 (GL_VERTEX_SHADER)
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glCreateShader: <- shader 384
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glShaderSourceshader 384count 4string 0x616f1a98 length 0x0
Line 0
'#version 300 es'
Line 1'
layout(location = 0) in vec4 vecPos;
Line 2'uniform mat4 matMVP;
Line 3'void main() {
 gl_Position = matMVP * vecPos;
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glCompileShadershader 384
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_CompileShadererrCode 0x616f19c4tags 0x616f1998 ([W3DNTag_DataBuffer0x61154060][W3DNTag_DataSize612][W3DNTag_Log0x616F19C0][W3DNTag_LogLevel0])
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_CompileShader: <- errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Shader address 0x61dc58e8
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCounterrCode 0x0shader 0x61dc58e8objectType 0 (W3DNSOT_INPUT)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCount: <- errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Shader count 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfoshader 0x61dc58e8objectType 0 (W3DNSOT_INPUT), index 0tags 0x616f1740
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: <- tags ([W3DNTag_NumSubFields0x616F1688]). Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCounterrCode 0x0shader 0x61dc58e8objectType 0 (W3DNSOT_INPUT)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCount: <- errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Shader count 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfoshader 0x61dc58e8objectType 0 (W3DNSOT_INPUT), index 0tags 0x616f1740
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: <- tags ([W3DNTag_Location0x615FC0B8][W3DNTag_Offset0x615FC0C0][W3DNTag_SizeBytes0x615FC0C4][W3DNTag_Name0x615FC0C8][W3DNTag_Type0x615FC0D0][W3DNTag_ElementType0x615FC0D4][W3DNTag_NumSubFields0x615FC0D8][W3DNTag_ArrayDims0x615FC0DC][W3DNTag_MatrixStride0x615FC0E4][W3DNTag_IsRowMajor0x615FC0E8]). Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCounterrCode 0x0shader 0x61dc58e8objectType 3 (W3DNSOT_UNIFORM)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCount: <- errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Shader count 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfoshader 0x61dc58e8objectType 3 (W3DNSOT_UNIFORM), index 0tags 0x616f1740
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: <- tags ([W3DNTag_NumSubFields0x616F1688]). Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCounterrCode 0x0shader 0x61dc58e8objectType 3 (W3DNSOT_UNIFORM)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCount: <- errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Shader count 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfoshader 0x61dc58e8objectType 3 (W3DNSOT_UNIFORM), index 0tags 0x616f1740
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: <- tags ([W3DNTag_Location0x615FC0B8][W3DNTag_Offset0x615FC0C0][W3DNTag_SizeBytes0x615FC0C4][W3DNTag_Name0x615FC0C8][W3DNTag_Type0x615FC0D0][W3DNTag_ElementType0x615FC0D4][W3DNTag_NumSubFields0x615FC0D8][W3DNTag_ArrayDims0x615FC0DC][W3DNTag_MatrixStride0x615FC0E4][W3DNTag_IsRowMajor0x615FC0E8]). Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCounterrCode 0x0shader 0x61dc58e8objectType 2 (W3DNSOT_IMAGE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCount: <- errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Shader count 0
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetShaderivshader 384pname 0x8B81 (GL_COMPILE_STATUS), params 0x616f1aa8
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: <- params 1
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glDeleteShadershader 384
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_DestroyShadershader 0x61dc58e8
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glCreateShadertype 0x8B31 (GL_VERTEX_SHADER)
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glCreateShader: <- shader 384
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glShaderSourceshader 384count 4string 0x616f1a98 length 0x0
Line 0
'#version 310 es'
Line 1'
layout(location = 0) in vec4 vecPos;
Line 2'layout(location = 0) uniform mat4 matMVP;
Line 3'void main() {
 gl_Position = matMVP * vecPos;
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_glCompileShadershader 384
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_CompileShadererrCode 0x616f19c4tags 0x616f1998 ([W3DNTag_DataBuffer0x61154060][W3DNTag_DataSize800][W3DNTag_Log0x616F19C0][W3DNTag_LogLevel0])
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_CompileShader: <- errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Shader address 0x61dc58e8
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCounterrCode 0x0shader 0x61dc58e8objectType 0 (W3DNSOT_INPUT)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCount: <- errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Shader count 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfoshader 0x61dc58e8objectType 0 (W3DNSOT_INPUT), index 0tags 0x616f1740
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: <- tags ([W3DNTag_NumSubFields0x616F1688]). Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCounterrCode 0x0shader 0x61dc58e8objectType 0 (W3DNSOT_INPUT)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCount: <- errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Shader count 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfoshader 0x61dc58e8objectType 0 (W3DNSOT_INPUT), index 0tags 0x616f1740
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: <- tags ([W3DNTag_Location0x615FD6F0][W3DNTag_Offset0x615FD6F8][W3DNTag_SizeBytes0x615FD6FC][W3DNTag_Name0x615FD700][W3DNTag_Type0x615FD708][W3DNTag_ElementType0x615FD70C][W3DNTag_NumSubFields0x615FD710][W3DNTag_ArrayDims0x615FD714][W3DNTag_MatrixStride0x615FD71C][W3DNTag_IsRowMajor0x615FD720]). Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCounterrCode 0x0shader 0x61dc58e8objectType 3 (W3DNSOT_UNIFORM)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCount: <- errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Shader count 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfoshader 0x61dc58e8objectType 3 (W3DNSOT_UNIFORM), index 0tags 0x616f1740
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: <- tags ([W3DNTag_NumSubFields0x616F1688]). Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCounterrCode 0x0shader 0x61dc58e8objectType 3 (W3DNSOT_UNIFORM)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCount: <- errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Shader count 1
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfoshader 0x61dc58e8objectType 3 (W3DNSOT_UNIFORM), index 0tags 0x616f1740
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_ShaderGetObjectInfo: <- tags ([W3DNTag_Location0x615FD6F0][W3DNTag_Offset0x615FD6F8][W3DNTag_SizeBytes0x615FD6FC][W3DNTag_Name0x615FD700][W3DNTag_Type0x615FD708][W3DNTag_ElementType0x615FD70C][W3DNTag_NumSubFields0x615FD710][W3DNTag_ArrayDims0x615FD714][W3DNTag_MatrixStride0x615FD71C][W3DNTag_IsRowMajor0x615FD720]). Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCounterrCode 0x0shader 0x61dc58e8objectType 2 (W3DNSOT_IMAGE)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ShaderGetCount: <- errCode 0 (ignored (NULL pointer)). Shader count 0
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetShaderivshader 384pname 0x8B81 (GL_COMPILE_STATUS), params 0x616f1aa8
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetShaderiv: <- params 1
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glDeleteShadershader 384
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_DestroyShadershader 0x61dc58e8
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glClearmask 0x4100 [COLOR][DEPTH]
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_ClearrenderState 0x6160f698colour 0x615fa39c (0.0000000.0000000.0000000.000000), depth 0x615fa390 (1.000000), stencil 0x0 (0)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_Clear: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SubmiterrCode 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Submit: <- errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 24097
Shell Process 
'test'OGLES2_glGetError: <- error 0x502 (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)
Shell Process 'test'OGLES2_aglDestroyContextcontext 0x615fa2b8
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_WaitIdletimeout 0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SubmiterrCode 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Submit: <- errCode 15 (W3DNEC_QUEUEEMPTY). Submit ID 24097
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_WaitIdle: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_BindTexturerenderState 0x6160f698texUnit 0texture 0x0texSampler 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_BindTexture: <- result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_WaitIdletimeout 0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SubmiterrCode 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Submit: <- errCode 15 (W3DNEC_QUEUEEMPTY). Submit ID 24097
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_WaitIdle: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_SetRenderTargetrenderState 0x6160f698frameBuffer 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SetRenderTarget: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_DestroyFrameBufferframeBuffer 0x618af078
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_DestroyRenderStateObjectrenderState 0x6160f698
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_DestroyTexSamplertexSampler 0x618af168
Shell Process 
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_WaitIdletimeout 0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_SubmiterrCode 0x0
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_Submit: <- errCode 15 (W3DNEC_QUEUEEMPTY). Submit ID 24097
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_WaitIdle: <- Result 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS)
Shell Process 'test'W3DN_DestroyFrameBufferframeBuffer 0x67f3ae78
Shell Process 
'test'W3DN_DestroyRenderStateObjectrenderState 0x6160d018

Warp3D Nova profiling results 
for Shell Process 'test':
calls used 210.278256 ms0.30 of context life-time 70056.099609 ms
  Draw calls
/s 0.0
function | call count |     errors |        duration (ms) |  avgcall dur. (us) |       % of 210.278256 ms |        % of CPU time
|          |          |            46.204712 |            11551.178 |                    21.97 |                 0.07
|          |          |            36.547850 |            36547.850 |                    17.38 |                 0.05
|          |          |            23.073644 |            23073.644 |                    10.97 |                 0.03
|          |          |            22.213414 |            22213.414 |                    10.56 |                 0.03
|          |          |            20.354927 |            20354.927 |                     9.68 |                 0.03
|          |          |            20.087940 |            20087.940 |                     9.55 |                 0.03
|          |          |            19.212952 |            19212.952 |                     9.14 |                 0.03
|          |          |            18.458105 |            18458.105 |                     8.78 |                 0.03
|          |          |             3.856762 |             1928.381 |                     1.83 |                 0.01
|          |          |             0.084571 |               42.286 |                     0.04 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.057303 |               57.303 |                     0.03 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.044872 |               22.436 |                     0.02 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.011910 |                5.955 |                     0.01 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.011749 |                5.875 |                     0.01 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.011589 |                1.449 |                     0.01 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.010025 |                2.005 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.007699 |                7.699 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|         64 |          |             0.005734 |                0.090 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.004211 |                4.211 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.003368 |                3.368 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|         36 |          |             0.002847 |                0.079 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|         10 |          |             0.002687 |                0.269 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|         10 |          |             0.001283 |                0.128 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.001123 |                1.123 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000962 |                0.321 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000922 |                0.461 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000722 |                0.361 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000602 |                0.301 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000602 |                0.201 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000602 |                0.602 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000561 |                0.281 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000401 |                0.401 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000401 |                0.401 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000401 |                0.401 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000401 |                0.401 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000201 |                0.201 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000201 |                0.201 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
  Primitive statistics
Nothing was drawnvertex count 0
Shell Process 
'test'freeing patched Nova context 0x618ae000

OpenGL ES 2.0 profiling results 
for Shell Process 'test':
calls used 3526.729383 ms4.79 of context life-time 73666.268632 ms
/s 0.0
function | call count |     errors |        duration (ms) |  avgcall dur. (us) |      % of 3526.729383 ms |        % of CPU time
|          |          |          1621.368782 |          1621368.782 |                    45.97 |                 2.20
|          |          |          1128.053855 |          1128053.855 |                    31.99 |                 1.53
|          |          |           596.114366 |           198704.789 |                    16.90 |                 0.81
|          |          |            40.351880 |            40351.880 |                     1.14 |                 0.05
|          |          |            36.205674 |            36205.674 |                     1.03 |                 0.05
|          |          |            32.894957 |            32894.957 |                     0.93 |                 0.04
|          |          |            31.051388 |            31051.388 |                     0.88 |                 0.04
|          |          |            16.709414 |            16709.414 |                     0.47 |                 0.02
|          |          |            13.349213 |            13349.213 |                     0.38 |                 0.02
|          |          |            10.594727 |             3531.576 |                     0.30 |                 0.01
|          |          |             0.017764 |                5.921 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.006697 |                2.232 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|         10 |          |             0.005774 |                0.577 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.002486 |                0.829 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.001805 |                0.902 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000401 |                0.401 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000201 |                0.201 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
|          |          |             0.000000 |                0.000 |                     0.00 |                 0.00
*) Please note that the above time measurements include time spent inside Warp3D Nova functions
  Primitive statistics
Nothing was drawnvertex count 0
Wait 1 s before quit
waiting over
glSnoop exiting

I see there :

Shell Process 'test': W3DN_Submit: errCode 0x0
Shell Process 'test': W3DN_Submit: <- errCode 0 (W3DNEC_SUCCESS). Submit ID 24097
Shell Process 'test': OGLES2_glGetError: <- error 0x502 (GL_INVALID_OPERATION)
Shell Process 'test': OGLES2_aglDestroyContext: context 0x615fa2b8

But dunno wtf ..

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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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Strange stuff : if i download from github this game as zip arhive from web, then in file OGL_Support.c i do not have any _vita_ changes. But if i download it from shell via "git clone", then i do have that function. It's like from the web older (or newer?) version of code downloads and it different between web-download and "git clone" one. Strange!

But anyway, if i download via "git clone", then when i compiling i do have that error:

28%] Building C object CMakeFiles/CroMagRally.dir/Source/Screens/UIEffects.c.obj
In file included from 
from /amiga/CroMagRally/Source/Screens/UIEffects.c:6:
amiga/CroMagRally/Source/Headers/objects.h:117:9error: static assertion failed"Special data struct too large!"
117 |         _Static_assert(sizeof(structType) <= MAX_SPECIAL_DATA_BYTES"Special data struct too large!")
      |         ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
amiga/CroMagRally/Source/Screens/UIEffects.c:21:1notein expansion of macro ‘CheckSpecialDataStruct’
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/CroMagRally.dir/build.make:510CMakeFiles/CroMagRally.dir/Source/Screens/UIEffects.c.objError 1
[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:100CMakeFiles/CroMagRally.dir/allError 2
: *** [Makefile:91allError 2

So maybe that why you have errors about skeleton anims ? Do you have same warning/error on your side ?

Currently i fixed it by define the same as for _vita_ :

#define MAX_SPECIAL_DATA_BYTES (8 * 8) // Code is not 32bit compatible

but not sure if that correct for us or not

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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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I just commented out error gl checking, and game starts for me too:

Resized Image

It did show me menu, i can operate in, but when i choose the level to start, i do have the same as you : fat warning about wrong skeleton version #, and then exit.

ps. i also have some sound noice by default, but that was easy fixed by change in extern/Pomme/src/SoundMixer/cmixer.cpp :

#ifdef __amigaos4__
fmt.format AUDIO_S16MSB;
fmt.format AUDIO_S16;

ps2. Btw, if i didn't do anything, just waiting in menu, then it try probabaly to show some intro/et, and says "ParseBG3DFile: FSRead failed" and also exit. So i assume another Endian issue there.

ps3. Once deal with that game, he do have 3 other good games of the same SDl2/OGl + his Pomme lib use, will be cool to port them all and commit back to the author all aos4/mos changes.

Edited by kas1e on 2022/9/28 10:56:27
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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
Just popping in
Just popping in

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@kas1e yes, i see the sound problem here, i put AUDIO_S16SYS but same , music is ok but sound not really....

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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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Just in case created bug-report on his tickets:


Maybe will be of any help as well

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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Shell Process 'test': OGLES2_glShaderSource: shader 384, count 4, string 0x616f1a98 length 0x0
Line 0: '#version 120'
Line 1: '
layout(location = 0) in vec4 vecPos;
Line 2: 'layout(location = 0) uniform mat4 matMVP;
Line 3: 'void main() {
gl_Position = matMVP * vecPos;
Shell Process 'test': OGLES2_glCompileShader: shader 384
Shell Process 'test': GL error 1282 (GL_INVALID_OPERATION) detected after CompileShader

My guess is that #version should be "310 es" rather due to uniform location.

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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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My guess is that #version should be "310 es" rather due to uniform location.

Right, tried to build this shader as it , and glsnalvalidator fail. Once i replace 120 on 310 es, then it works. I do checked gl4es sources, and found where this shader creates:


its inside of testGLSL(), which among others things do that:

if(hardext.esversion>1) {
testGLSL("#version 120"1))
hardext.glsl120 1;
testGLSL("#version 300 es"0))
hardext.glsl300es 1;
testGLSL("#version 310 es"1))
hardext.glsl310es 1;

So code do that : create 3 test shaders, and check if they works, and depends on what happens return what is supported. But when on of them fail, we do have GL_ERROR and so it looks like opengl ERROR for app..

Just not sure it's issue with gl4es or ogles2 ?

In meantime created ticket on gl4es page: https://github.com/ptitSeb/gl4es/issues/394

Maybe we should after all those shaders check somehow made GL_ERROR be empty or something ? Or this shader for 120 should be rewritten to works on 120 as seems just shader wrong ?


Fixed in gl4es by this commit : https://github.com/ptitSeb/gl4es/commi ... 8ab18410932ccd2f96b198f3b

PtitSeb says that shader for 120 looks like this because there is 1 unofficial PowerVR extension that seems to allow that, but he haven't really used it, while the test is in place, so he add reseting of GL_ERROR to gl4es itself , and now all ok for both untouched game's code and test case.

Edited by kas1e on 2022/9/28 12:39:21
Edited by kas1e on 2022/9/28 13:05:28
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Re: MacOS PPC CroMag Rally game port
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Jorio answer on my ticket, and not only answer, but seems to make lot of big-endian changes already. So time to test how far it going now :)

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