@K-L you probably need pythonssl.lha remember to back up before replacing them. Make the file twitchtv-py executable Then type for example: twitch.py -sg "fortnite" and then twitch.py -u link chosen -q 360p30 with winuae it works emotion, unfortunately I don't have a real machine.
@all I'd like to use mickJT-mplayer but there seem to be problems with audio, after a few moments the video is interrupted I think due to audio problems.
@walkero yes the files are not executable
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
@K-L You are right, Unfortunately I don't have a real amiga, and some little things change using winuae and I can't really test it.
@walkero It would be interesting to have a guide on how to include the script with the odyssey browser. thanks.
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
I just wanted to add that mickjT-mplayer supports very high solutions, it's a pity that there are problems with the audio and the video is interrupted after a few moments. Thanks, I hope it can be useful
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
@white Thank you for your remarks. There is a way to use mplayer, but I need first to test it and see how usable, stable and easy it is. I let you all know as soon as possible.
About the browser support, I will add that soon as well. Thanks for reminding it to me.
Just would like to chip in here. I had a look at the console log white sent me.
At the start of playback he sees "[AO SDL] Unsupported audio format: 0x1c."
Then it plays for a bit, then a bunch of HTTP error 400 Bad Request.
The “unsupported audio format” is nothing to worry about. It's when after the decoding of the compressed format, the now "raw" format is still unplayable by SDL/AHI. So it converts that to another raw format that is playable.
If you add -v to the command line, you can see this:
[libaf] Adding filter format [format] Changing sample format from big-endian 32-bit float to big-endian 16-bit signed int [format] Accelerated big-endian 32-bit float to big-endian 16-bit signed int conversion
The Bad Requests are most likely because it's not permitted by the server to fetch the very same link twice. Basically, MPlayer is doing something not permitted by the server. It's a bug, and out of my control/ability to fix.
Probably not important, also because I use winuae. I tried ffplay it works well of course the only option I can give for a fluid stream is 160p30 with ffplay-generic. The 360p30 option is unfortunately a little slow.
I don't think you can add more parameters to increase the frame rate, or can you add some ffplay-generic parameters?
@walkero Thanks anyway for this great job, currently emotion works well.
@MickJT Thanks for your advice and your availability.
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
That is the case for me as well, 160p is the limit, because ffplay doesn't use video overlaying like mplayer does. I do believe ffplay can't just be combined with a mplayer video output driver (at compile time), but somebody else might confirm.
edit: YouTube streaming (at least for uploaded videos) works well in 360p (mp4 not webm) in mplayer with a couple of megabytes of cache, for comparison.
@Thematic thank you for the confirmation. Because sometimes 360p30 with ffplay-generic is fast and stable but then suddenly slows down and then goes fast again.
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
@Petrol how did you add them to the odyssey menu you could do a little example guide.
I've tried like with YT.rexx that works. but I have no idea how to do it with twitch.tv.py Thanks!
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
@Thematic You're right, I got caught up in the excitement, actually Odyssey just shows some videos and then stops. As you said it would be too "heavy" to make it work this way. Probably in the future it would be nice to create a GUI for aiostreams. Thanks for making me think about this.
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
@white you can add any of aiostreams scripts in any browser like you do with YT.rexx, but use the -u argument and the url link.
For twitch and Mixer, setting them to a browser is not usable because those browsers do not render right. I think the shell search options of the scripts are the fastest way to search for what you would like to watch, without consuming CPU by rendering those websites.
In my TODO list is to create a very simple website for these websites that will work even on IBrowse and AWeb pretty good and use that to search and find content, by using minimum CSS and JS. That way it will be fast and no CPU hungry.
It won't have account support though, at least not from the first release. It will support only the free content.
@walkero thanks for the very accurate explanation. I am very happy with your application and it will certainly improve in the future. Odyssey unfortunately, as you said, is very busy with the cpu and lacks some features, actually using a shell is the best choice.
Now the emotion player is perfect in 360p30 I changed some settings in the tooltype of the program. in 480p30 it slows slightly. Thanks again.
Separate note: It's a pity that mickjT-mplayer currently has some problems playing with aiostreams.
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
/*Test url*/
WHEN (substr(url,1,23) = "https://www.youtube.com") THEN website = "Youtube"
WHEN (substr(url,1,21) = "https://www.twitch.tv") THEN website = "Twitch"
WHEN (substr(url,1,17) = "https://mixer.com") THEN website = "Mixer"
WHEN (substr(url,1,17) = "https://vimeo.com") THEN website = "Vimeo"
WHEN (substr(url,1,27) = "https://www.dailymotion.com") THEN website = "Dailymotion"
WHEN (substr(url,1,20) = "http://www.skaitv.gr") THEN website = "Skaitv"
OTHERWISE website = "Other"
/*Notify Result*/
WHEN website = "Youtube" THEN address RINGHIO 'RINGHIO APP=NOTIFYTEST SCREEN="FRONT" PRI=9 IMG="[PATH OF THE ICON]Youtube.png" TITLE="Youtube Video" IMGVALIGN=1 Now playing!'
WHEN website = "Twitch" THEN address RINGHIO 'RINGHIO APP=NOTIFYTEST SCREEN="FRONT" PRI=9 IMG="[PATH OF THE ICON]Twitch.png" TITLE="Twitch Video" IMGVALIGN=1 Now playing!'
WHEN website = "Mixer" THEN address RINGHIO 'RINGHIO APP=NOTIFYTEST SCREEN="FRONT" PRI=9 IMG="[PATH OF THE ICON]Mixer.png" TITLE="Mixer Video" IMGVALIGN=1 Now playing!'
WHEN website = "Vimeo" THEN address RINGHIO 'RINGHIO APP=NOTIFYTEST SCREEN="FRONT" PRI=9 IMG="[PATH OF THE ICON]Vimeo.png" TITLE="Vimeo Video" IMGVALIGN=1 Now playing!'
WHEN website = "Dailymotion" THEN address RINGHIO 'RINGHIO APP=NOTIFYTEST SCREEN="FRONT" PRI=9 IMG="[PATH OF THE ICON]Dailymotion.png" TITLE="Dailymotion Video" IMGVALIGN=1 Now playing!'
/*Lauch script*/
WHEN website = "Youtube" THEN address command '[PATH OF THE SCRIPT]YT.rexx' url 'ssl html odyssey autoplay silent'
WHEN website = "Twitch" THEN address command 'C:Python [PATH OF THE SCRIPT]twitch.py -shh -u ' url
WHEN website = "Mixer" THEN address command 'C:python [PATH OF THE SCRIPT]mixer.py -shh -u ' url
WHEN website = "Vimeo" THEN address command 'C:python [PATH OF THE SCRIPT]vimeo.py -shh -u ' url
WHEN website = "Dailymotion" THEN address command 'C:python [PATH OF THE SCRIPT]dailymotion.py -shh -u ' url
WHEN website = "Skaitv" THEN address command 'C:python [PATH OF THE SCRIPT]skaitv.py -shh -u ' url
OTHERWISE address command 'C:mplayer -cache 8192 ' url
The scripts run in silent mode to avoid multiple output windows opened in the background, and a notification permits me to know if the action works on the link I clicked .
In Oddyssey, I've created a new menu entry like this : Category : Link Label : Play Video ... Action: RX [PATH OF THE SCRIPT]My_script.rexx %l
I'm not a big fans of all that streaming sites, but to test the script, I use the "spoof as" function of oddyssey to try to display them.
@Petrol Hi, the script arexx seems to work I tried all the "scripts" written in .py seem to work directly with odyssey but as it happened some time ago with the versions of YT.rexx, Emotion Player answers me "format not supported" While I also tried ffplay to be more precise but it doesn't work The same also with MickjT-Mplayer the same problem of reproduction even with youtube where instead it always works very well.
The only change I made to your arexx script is the last original line OTHERWISE address command 'C: mplayer -cache 8192' url in OTHERWISE address command 'Work: Player / Emotion / Emotion' url instead for fflay OTHERWISE address command 'Amiga: Utilities / FFmpeg / Generic / ffplay' url
So I would say that it works because it opens the video but maybe something should be corrected, or maybe I'm wrong.
The entry in Odyssey is correctly inserted, because it finds the player, but does not launch the video.
Maybe it could be the right way to use an arexx script
Does it work well for you?
I could put videos to be more precise on the log visualization.
Thanks again!
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.