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Amiga Events : Celebrate 30 Years of Amiga at Recursion: Saturday 4 July Stratford-upon-Avon
Posted by yoodoo2 on 2015/5/6 11:43:25 (1329 reads) News by the same author
Amiga Events

Following last year's highly successful event, Recursion returns (as it should...) and will take place at King Edward Vi School, Stratford-upon-Avon on Saturday 4 July 11.00-16.00.

Join us to celebrate 30 years of the Amiga - meet up with a user group, have a play on the latest hardware and have a chat with Amigans of all shapes, sizes and flavours!

The fair is completely free to all visitors and exhibitors and we are always keen to cram in another table of goodness: pm me or email rmbATkesDOTnet if you'd like to be added to the list of exhibitors.

In addition to the Amiga madness, the RiscOS Midlands User Group will be holding their annual summer show as part of Recursion and the Retro Computer Museum will be bringing more retro and vintage systems than you could possibly play on in just 5 hours!

There will be plenty of new stuff to have a go on too: hundreds of Raspberry Pis to play with; virtual reality experiences thanks to Oculus Rift; unmanned drone flight training; electronics and programming workshops and loads, loads more.

Recursion is the ideal fair for geeks of all ages and vintages. See the Recursion 2015 website for more details:

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Author Thread
Published: 2015/5/7 0:48  Updated: 2015/5/7 0:48
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/17/2006
From: England
Comments: 3377
 Have fun
Due to a clash with other commitments, I unfortunately will be unable to attend. I hope it goes well and look forward to reading the reports.
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