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Joined: 2007/9/11 12:31 Last Login
: 1/26 18:05
From Russia
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@geennaam I was about do drop writing in this topic for good, but just want to clarify: i do not understand what you trying to arciieve with this your last post ? Who those amoral and bad guys are ?
Me, walkero and few others are bad guys of the same league, because we say that your drama actions hurt them and its all can handled better if in first place you dont act like you act ?
I mean , we amoral, bad, and that sort of peoples because we find your actions strange ?
And Acube bad too, because they simple not read readme, while you will teach them now how world is working and no one should ever forget to read readmes for your drivers in fear you again will act like that and remove something else ?
Honestly, i were sure today you will remove something else from os4depot for any reassons.
And just a little question: do you think, that with all you super moral you have, and the way how you act with all this drama users should hope and wait your developing when they know now, that in any day when you will dislike anything else (not forgotten readme, but someone call you bad, or doing what you dislike or whatever else), you will again remove something or stop something ? I mean this no worry you when you call some of us as a bad guys ? All ok and fine ?
Look, we need developers, you are good one, that for sure. But emotional stability is must if one work on anything amiga like, or its all false hopes and a carrot for users which we have many before