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Re: Amiga X5000 and Sound Blaster Audigy FX problem
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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When geenman decided to take off his drivers (NVme and HD Audio) without any reason, i was suspecting Matthew of having secretly contacting him to include his softwares in the Enhancer Software Pack.

Matthew doesn't want people to offer for free their work (moreover if he can make "more" money from them and add more value to his own software pack). I dont know what was promised to geenman.... but all this drama comes from this.

But anyway, if it had not been a secret (I'm pretty sure Matthew asked Geenman not to talk about this publicly since he wanted this to be a "surprise"), if evertything would have been told to anyone that these drivers will be included in the next relase of Ehancer Software, we would not be reading this thread. And noone whould given a f... anyway. We are used to see drivers included in the Enhancer Sofwtare Pack, no need for secrets.

But well, it's usual in the Amiga world, let's say...

AmigaONE X1000 and Radeon RX 560
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Re: Amiga X5000 and Sound Blaster Audigy FX problem
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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But even if I knew that, I couldn't share it publicly, since I, in contrast with you, I honour my NDAs.

Again you are completely wrong and making false acquisitions. I do not have an NDA with anyone.

You knew that my software was being distributed as contribution to enhancer. If you have an NDA then you should have kept quiet. The fact that you choose to deliberately state exactly the opposite of the truth with no other intention then blame it on me and damage me in the process is showing your true colors. And they aren't pretty.


Also completely wrong.
I approached Matthew with the question if my software could be part of Enhancer as contribution . Not the other way around. He asked me if I wanted to have my software beta tested. Therefore my software was distributed to beta tester and I was added to the beta list.
No secrecy, no hidden agreements. No money or transfer of ownership involved.

Why didn't I say so?. Because I have no control over the time line of enhancer. So I just said soon.


I know this is difficult to accept because we have all been told so long by these same people who the bad guys are. But hopefully this opened some eyes here and there that the "Good guys", despite everything they do for the amigaos4 community, are not exactly saints.

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Re: Amiga X5000 and Sound Blaster Audigy FX problem
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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And finally... HAVE FUN.

Amen to this!
Very often people think "the other one" is a bad guy, just because he thinks differently.
Very often lack of communication leads to misundertanding and mistakes.

The more important part from my point of view is that nobody wanted to benefit nastily from geennaam work.

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: Amiga X5000 and Sound Blaster Audigy FX problem
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I was about do drop writing in this topic for good, but just want to clarify: i do not understand what you trying to arciieve with this your last post ? Who those amoral and bad guys are ?

Me, walkero and few others are bad guys of the same league, because we say that your drama actions hurt them and its all can handled better if in first place you dont act like you act ?

I mean , we amoral, bad, and that sort of peoples because we find your actions strange ?

And Acube bad too, because they simple not read readme, while you will teach them now how world is working and no one should ever forget to read readmes for your drivers in fear you again will act like that and remove something else ?

Honestly, i were sure today you will remove something else from os4depot for any reassons.

And just a little question: do you think, that with all you super moral you have, and the way how you act with all this drama users should hope and wait your developing when they know now, that in any day when you will dislike anything else (not forgotten readme, but someone call you bad, or doing what you dislike or whatever else), you will again remove something or stop something ? I mean this no worry you when you call some of us as a bad guys ? All ok and fine ?

Look, we need developers, you are good one, that for sure. But emotional stability is must if one work on anything amiga like, or its all false hopes and a carrot for users which we have many before

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Re: Amiga X5000 and Sound Blaster Audigy FX problem
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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- People violating my license is bad
- people defending those actions and blame it on me are evil
- People who deliberately trying to damage me by spreading lies, talking about emotional instability, drama etc. Well, there's a special place in hell reserved for that special kind of evil. ( and I am not even religious)

I know that those who are willing should not suffer from those who mean to do harm.

I am not in it for the money. I just want to help the community in a honest way. But unfortunately there is a rot in the community has a certain culture that is far from my own.

I do not want to spend my time on such people anymore knowing that they will directly or indirectly benefit from it.

If those people confuse honesty with drama. So be it. The OS4 community is a cross section if society afteral.

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Re: Amiga X5000 and Sound Blaster Audigy FX problem
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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This thread is now locked and moved. Please refrain from derailing threads on amigans.net into drama pieces.

Vacca foeda. Sum, ergo edo

Mr Bobo Cornwater
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