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Sketchblock usage
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I have tried the following
- separated (using erase twice from the original image)) a drawing into its 2main themes
-saved them as 2 separate files.

I would like to look for a nicer translation of 1 theme in front of the other.

I guessed that was possible using layers, but i am stuck, i don't see how you can load the second layer.
Thanks for help

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Re: Sketchblock usage
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I have tried the following
- separated (using erase twice from the original image)) a drawing into its 2main themes
-saved them as 2 separate files.

I would like to look for a nicer translation of 1 theme in front of the other.

I guessed that was possible using layers, but i am stuck, i don't see how you can load the second layer.
Thanks for help

I would have proceded like so.

Load original image.
Copy it's layer so you have two copies.
Hidecopy two with the small eye gadget in the list.
Edit copy one
Hide copy one
Show copy two
edit copy two

recombine layers as desired.

Given that you have saved out the layers seperately, and assuming that saved in SketchBlock native format, you can't currently import layers from another project (that's on my todo list), so you could procede in two ways.

Load both projects.
Then either copy the layer from project 1 to the clipboard and paste into prject 2

or export the layer from project 1 to an ILBM and import into project 2 via the Menu->Layers->Import layer.

The second is preferable if the project is large, as hauling a large layer inot the clipboard could end up using a lot of memory.

Hope that helps.

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Re: Sketchblock usage
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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That worked very well, thank you.

When the final position is chosen, is there a way to have bothimages(black&white) visible 100%?

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Re: Sketchblock usage
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Not 100% sure of your intention, but when you erased portions of the original to extract the parts you wanted, did you have alpha on on the layer so it erased to transparent, or alpha off so it erased to background?

If you don;t want to reedit with alpha you could use Menu->Layers->Colour To Alpha setting the background colour to the colour you want clear.

Thanks for your purchase of SketchBlock Lite, I've answered your other question via a reply to your email.

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Re: Sketchblock usage
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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In my mail i explained a bit the context

I saved both themes, notably an anchor which are sketched in (not pure ) black & (not pure BW) grey inside on a whitened background.
I erased the background filled with garbage manually(painting it white) outside of the anchor & other image.
I couldn't manually eliminate the grey inside the 2 forms.
I did not use the alpha channel .to separate them.
The separated forms were repositioned to my liking using the alpha channel, i guess, both at tranaparency of 50%. producing a greyisch combination (saved that combination)
Then i saved both layers as ILBM images.thus having at least the intense blacks that i want in the combined endsolution.

Questions as in mail and expanded a bit (reminder, i am not 100 % sure this is really the path i should follow & am open to suggestions )

is it possible to save the work all colors non white -> black? Non-black (grey) to white?

If not do you have a suggestion how to do it?
If i can save my 2 layers i have now positioned correctly one on top of the other& get them in black&white,my next question would be, how can i produce a single image in B&W ) superposing both?
At pixel level that would mean "OR-ing" the blacks
If there is a way to get rid of the grey inside the anchor & other image first, the result wiil be closer to what i want
Maybe you came across some solution?

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2015/6/29 15:20:37
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Re: Sketchblock usage
Home away from home
Home away from home

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It would be a lot easier to guide you if you had some screenshots of starting and desired endpoints.


Is it possible to save the work all colors non white -> black? Non-black (grey) to white?

If you want to create a black and white image from a coloured one, you can use the Desaturate layer / painting mode.

In the paint tool if you set the mode to desaturate uou can paint over specific areas and make them progressively more grey scale in nature.

Or you can process the whole layer by creating an seconf layer and setting it to desaturate and over laying the original with it. (Possibly merging the two).

If you want more strictly black and white rather than greyscale then check the Menu->Layers->Colour Adjust you should get a window with three section, untick the RGB and gamma and increase the contrast value as required.


If there is a way to get rid of the grey inside the anchor & other image first, the result wiil be closer to what i want

Zoom in and paint it out by hand doesn't work? The brush can be scaled down to 1 pixel!

Or use the flood select tool. And over paint the slected area with white or somesuch.

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Re: Sketchblock usage
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information

Zoom in and paint it out by hand doesn't work?
The brush can be scaled down to 1 pixel!

That worked ok with the new version, i think i missed it on the OS4depot version.

[quote]f you want more strictly black and white rather than greyscale then check the Menu->Layers->Colour Adjust you should get a window with three section, untick the RGB and gamma and increase the contrast value as required. [\quote]

That also worked very well. on fact it is a big part of what i need, the manual erasing of the rest of the page was no joy.

I don't understand the alpha channel desaturating possibility (in the doc desaturating is only mentioned as an arexx function)

What i am trying now is to have the 2 cleaned up and repositioned sketches superposed in clear black & white.
Till now i have either both greyish, or one black and the other grey

The alpha channel concept and especially how to make use of it is still rather unclear to me.
Did some reading, though.
Good reading or video'URL's are wellcome

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Re: Sketchblock usage
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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That's a simple and valid explanation of what alpha channel does:


It's a very powerful tool and pretty easy to use once you understand it.

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