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Re: ACube SAM 460ex Firmware 2015
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@benny & all
anybody had more luck ordering something from their site ?

I can order and try to pay but then i get ..

acube-systemsbiz.serversicuro.it is currently unable to handle this request.

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external USB harddrive does not show up any more.
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Just can't stay away

I have been trying to connect three harddrives to my SAM460 rx,
. Till a few days ago i had two:
one internal, one USB drive external.

I added one internal connected to the DVD reader STA connection
Since then i can't see the external one, even after removing the additional internal one.

I can't explain that behavior, nor remediate it.
What can i do ?

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Re: Reading an .adf file on a SAM460ex OS4.1FE
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Thank you, that did it

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Re: Reading an .adf file on a SAM460ex OS4.1FE
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Just can't stay away


I don't need the hardfiles any more, how can i get rid f the icons on my WB?

I tried

11.SysHD42:> info idf0:
Mounted disks:
Unit Size Used Free Full Errors Status Name
IDF0: 880K 1.685 75 96% 0 Read/Write Extras3.1.4

Volumes available:
Extras3.1.4: [Mounted]
11.SysHD42:> dismount idf0:
DISMOUNT: packet request type unknown
11.SysHD42:> dismount idf0: soft
DISMOUNT: packet request type unknown


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Re: Reading an .adf file on a SAM460ex OS4.1FE
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Just can't stay away


That worked very well


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Re: OS4 recovery software
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Just can't stay away

Could you answer the edited question?

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Reading an .adf file on a SAM460ex OS4.1FE
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Just can't stay away

I don't have a floppy disk device on my SAM and no other Amiga system, except Amikit on a laptop

Is it possible to transfer the content of a .adf file to my SAM 460ex ? How?

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Re: OS4 recovery software
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Just can't stay away


If i put my HD OS4.1 FE system on a Windows machine as an additional drive wil diskdoctor be able to salve it from Amikit ?
- i guess it will not, from a laptop where there is only the possibility to put the HD in an USB case. A valid Amiga HD was not recognised on my system
- my SAM460 ex recognizes the USB Hd so that should be possible

So when can weexpect diskdoctor to be available for OS4.1FE ?

Will it come with some documentation?

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2019/2/20 20:19:31
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FTPMount Add new server SOLVED
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Just can't stay away

I left my FTPmount install untouched for years and forgot how i did add the servers to the list in the first place
I don't find the answer in the guide.
Help appreciated

Ok found it: you have to add a new drawer icon to
the Hosts subdrawer and edit its tooltypes
HOST= your host
USER= yruser id
PASSWORD= yrpassword

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2018/12/28 14:08:50
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Re: Make bootable OS4.1 USB drive
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Just can't stay away

@tonyw @khayoz
I do have a working OS4.1FE running
So I could use khayoz suggestion

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Make bootable OS4.1 USB drive
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Just can't stay away

As my dvd drive on my Amiga seems to have problems, could i using windows with dvd drive to maje a bootable OS4.1 USB drive?

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Re: Cranu and ZIP
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Just can't stay away


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Cranu and ZIP
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Just can't stay away

Where do i find the zip program needed by Cranu?

My Dvd reader seems to have problems , so i couldn't verify if it was on the OS4.1 installation dvd

Can it be downloaded elsewhere? I se a lot of libraries on OS4 depot, but which one would it be?

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Re: Replacing 3.5" harddisk with 2.5" SSD on my SAM460ex
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Just can't stay away

@Daytona675x & daveyw & Chris

put together:
- chris had no problem with an old SATA SSD
- daveyw tested a lot of them and only had succes with a Samsung 840 evo (250 GB)
- PCI SSD's are not compatible with Amiga

I bought a SATA SSD 500 GB but a more urgent need had to be taken care of; my wife's laptop (compaq presario CQ71) harddisk died, i replaced it with the SSD and did a clean Window 10 install. Windows 10 got remarkably faster, that is for sure.

I surely will have a try later.

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Re: Replacing 3.5" harddisk with 2.5" SSD on my SAM460ex
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Just can't stay away

Your last post seems to contradict your first one.
Could you clarify the 2 cases you are considering?

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Re: New version of Alicygnix
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A new download to ram : was uncorrupted

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New version of Amicygnix
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Just can't stay away

I tried to install the new Amicygnix version
I unarchived AmiCygnix as is
datas; AmiCygnix-Base
i had one file corrupted .../gnutks-cli-debug

I added an assign cygnix: to it whuich was cailed during the inbstall of AmiCygnix-tools
During the install i was asked for the gcc: assign which i don't seem to have
I assigned it to ram;

The install continued with ni further complaints, but comparing it with an older AmiCygnix install a lot of files and drawers are missing and i can't see the starticons i used to have

What can i do?

Edited by cygnusEd on 2019/10/19 14:16:37
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Re: Replacing 3.5" harddisk with 2.5" SSD on my SAM460ex
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Just can't stay away


thanks for the advice

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Replacing 3.5" harddisk with 2.5" SSD on my SAM460ex
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Just can't stay away

I guess a replacement as in subject is entirely possible. Anybody done that?

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Re: Old YAM version asking for MUI/Toolbar.mcc
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Just can't stay away


Many thanks


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