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Joined: 2009/2/9 19:32 Last Login
: 2020/12/21 15:57
From Brussels Belgium
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I tried to install the new Amicygnix version I unarchived AmiCygnix as is in datas; AmiCygnix-Base i had one file corrupted .../gnutks-cli-debug
I added an assign cygnix: to it whuich was cailed during the inbstall of AmiCygnix-tools During the install i was asked for the gcc: assign which i don't seem to have I assigned it to ram;
The install continued with ni further complaints, but comparing it with an older AmiCygnix install a lot of files and drawers are missing and i can't see the starticons i used to have
What can i do?
Edited by cygnusEd on 2019/10/19 14:16:37