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Re: wish list
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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OK, I will not waste more time with this program.
Just for info,

-I remembered that I tested to remove tracks from the list and that it worked.
-yes, explorer don't worked for me, I showed file but was not able to navigate backward
-tree view worked (tested with a list of 2 artists)
-drag'n drop don't work on Qt (never worked on all Qt programs that I tested)
-columns resizing worked
-recent files worked
-buttons worked

But true, if it's not useful (and not working) I trash it ;)

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Re: wish list
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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fair enough...

I only checked "file / save" "file / save as" option. There is another way in this program to save playlist ? (not in front of my Amiga)

Yes, the export way... see my edited stuff above


-I remembered that I tested to remove tracks from the list and that it worked.

How did you do that? Maybe it is my "native" paint engine I have to use on X1000?


-yes, explorer don't worked for me, I showed file but was not able to navigate backward.
-drag'n drop don't work on Qt (never worked on all Qt programs that I tested)

What for did the author then implement the fileexplorer?


-tree view worked (tested with a list of 2 artists)

try to create a "new" playlist, does it still work? Can you delete titles from there?


-columns resizing worked

strange, not for me?


-recent files worked

yes, you are right. My fault, the do work...


-buttons worked

Toolbarbuttons donnot work here. Try to start program, click on "New" toolbarbutton -> works, no problem... -> examine a directory/add files to playlist -> buttons donnot work anymore...

Ah... got the reason why buttons donnot work:
When using native AOS requesters, the donnot work? When using inbuild qt requesters, everything works, strange, isn't it. BTW this doesn't happen it Qt Textedit example...

However, thankyou for your effort.

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Re: wish list
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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O.k. I found the problem... I had "Use middle mousebutton for contextmenu" enabled... but I didn't get a context menu at all and vital functions where missing. After unticking this in qt prefs, I found my contextmenu by rightclicking. Here I found the things I was looking for and complaining on. Before I wasn't aware, that there was context menu functionallity implemented!!!

So it comes down to:

1) Saving m3u playlist:
a) Freezes, if you untick "native menus" in qt prefs. Therefore only works, if you use AOS menus. Strange...

b) Only saves AOS playlist, when you donnot use native dialogs. If you work with ASL File Requesters, it only creates Linux like m3u file.

2) Treeview
Only works right after starting programm. In case you choose "New", your treeview and List view on the left is empty, but once you choose "explore dir..." only list view gets filled, treeview stays empty. When adding dirs or files to existing playlist, treeview doesn't get updated either.

3) Buttons donnot work -> freezes appear, I can only use menu
(This is on X1000 with "native rendering/paint engine"

Works if qt filerequesters are used, otherwise it doesn't.

4) What is the Fileexplorer on the right side for? I cannot drag and drop or add choosen dir to the left (playlist) ?
Some vital functions can be accesed via contextmenu - untick "use middle mousbutton for contextmenu" in qt Prefs!

5) I cannot delete entries in playlist

use contextmenu...

6) I cannot sort playlist by e.g. Genre or Title

use contextmenu

7) I cannot filter by anything

8) I cannot resize columns in playlist

9) When using native menus the "recent filelist" sections stays empty

10) If I have got directories containing Umlauts, they will be ignored...

All generated m3u.aos lists are Tunenet and AmigaAmp compatible However I couldn't test with "Umlauts" as all files containing them are ignored by playlistmanager.

11) Exporting playlists still use "Linux" way of saving pathes. (Which could be ignored, cannot figure out what we need xml playlist for example?

If problem 10) gets fixed, it is usable! Everything else could be worked around with proper settings of qt prefs. So carry on please!

Nevertheless, it seems there is some "inconsistance": Some programs require certain qt prefs settings - some donnot care.

I'll crosspost this one in qt betatesting.

Thanx and regards!

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Re: wish list
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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"7) I cannot filter by anything"
I had not tried but I don't remember that this option is present

"8) I cannot resize columns in playlist"
For me, it works depending program, sometimes very well, sometimes very slow (I have to insist many times to move a little bit a column)

"10) Umlauts and special character"
I can do nothing for this, in every Qt programs (except in Webkit one based, if I remember well) it doesn't display

What a complete test ;)

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Re: wish list
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Well it is not just displaying of Umlauts... it is the problem, that files/pathes containing "Umlauts" are not read at all -> Getting rid of all "Umlauts" in my filesystem is a bit to much...

But indeed, I just tested other software as well (EasyImage Sizer), none of them can handle "Umlauts" inside Filenames, trying to read images inside a directory which contains "Umlauts" somewhere inside the path, it will completely be ignored, guess this is a Qt problem.

Problem 8) is about resizing colums with my mouse inside the table:
Resizing Cellhight works, cellwidth/columwidth doesn't. I donnot even get a mouspointer which looks different. However inside qOrganizer and qt based spreadsheet software column resizing works very well?

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Re: wish list
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I started once on a playlistcreator. Very simple one. Not sure where the sources are either. Hmmm.

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Re: wish list
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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-drag'n drop don't work on Qt (never worked on all Qt programs that I tested)

Try any of the dnd examples in the main qt archive, they all work. Also dnd in MuseScore works just fine. So there is something different in whatever apps you are trying out with relation to how dnd is implemented. Also note, that there is no possibility to dnd stuff from outside qt into qt, or from one qt app to another, it is strictly an intra-app funcitonality.

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Re: wish list
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Well, I managed to fix this for my own Danish locale. This is a complicated issue, however, because there are many layers. It could be related to choosing the correct string codec in qtprefs. Has anyone tried with ISO 8859-1 or 8859-2? Also there is the issue of copy-pasting from AmigaOS to Qt and how each interprets ascii values. I have no idea how to deal with that...

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Re: wish list
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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alfkil wrote:

Well, I managed to fix this for my own Danish locale. This is a complicated issue, however, because there are many layers. It could be related to choosing the correct string codec in qtprefs. Has anyone tried with ISO 8859-1 or 8859-2? Also there is the issue of copy-pasting from AmigaOS to Qt and how each interprets ascii values. I have no idea how to deal with that...
I am using ISO 8859-1 and have the "Umlaut" problem

Amiga600/Vampire2/PrismaMegaMix​/32GB CF Card/2x Rys Mk2/A604n/IndivisionECS/Gotek
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Re: wish list
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Try setting to "default" and see what happens. Here, pasting ä from notepad to qt textedit works perfectly fine. But I do have the problem with viewing ä-containing files in the dialogs.

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Re: wish list
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Also note, that there is no possibility to dnd stuff from outside qt into qt, or from one qt app to another, it is strictly an intra-app funcitonality.

Mmm but do you think this could be changed/improved for the future version ?
Drag stuff from outside Qt into Qt would be pretty necessary for a best integration of this framework into the system

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Re: wish list
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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alfkil wrote:
Try setting to "default" and see what happens. Here, pasting ä from notepad to qt textedit works perfectly fine. But I do have the problem with viewing ä-containing files in the dialogs.
Default codec doesn`t help. I have here not a problem to copy "Umlaut" from notepad to a qt app and back. The "Umlaut" problems are within the qt programs

Amiga600/Vampire2/PrismaMegaMix​/32GB CF Card/2x Rys Mk2/A604n/IndivisionECS/Gotek
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Re: wish list
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Please describe what they consist of. I have trouble keeping track of the discussion, and also this is not a single problem but multiple, all seemingly interrelated because of their relation to umlaut.

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Re: wish list
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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> Drag stuff from outside Qt into Qt would be pretty necessary for a best integration of this framework into the system

Sorry mate, this is not as simple as that. Problem is, we don't have a standard system of how to handle dragging and dropping of "stuff" other than icons on the workbench. In Qt all dnd is handled via mime types, and thus a drag or drop can handle a multitude of different sorts of data (including, I guess, files, which would then correspond to dragging a workbench icon). I recon you think of stuff like what you can do on other platforms, like dragging a song from iTunes to the desktop etc. This will never be possible, because (correct me if I am wrong) there doesn't seem to be a way to tell workbench, that the next mouse up event is in fact meant as a drop event on workbench. The only thing one *could* do, as mentioned, is to somehow handle dragging icons from workbench and dropping them on a Qt item. This implementation is, on my opinion, a little too much trouble for a gui feature, that is hardly ever used in Qt apps. As for dragging stuff btw Qt and other entities like AmiDock, this is just not physically possible.

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Re: wish list
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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alfkil wrote:
Also there is the issue of copy-pasting from AmigaOS to Qt and how each interprets ascii values. I have no idea how to deal with that...

diskfont.library has a function that tells you what the system default charset is. You can supply that as an argument to iconv(), and whatever charset Qt is in as the other.

Additionally, clipboard text can contain the following chunks:
CSET: specifies which charset the CHRS chunks are in.
UTF8: contains UTF-8 text, any program supporting this should ignore the CHRS chunks.

The de-facto standard seems to be to put local charset text into CHRS, and UTF-8 into UTF-8, and don't bother setting CSET (although you might want to check for it when reading the clipboard, just in case)

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Re: wish list
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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alfkil wrote:
I recon you think of stuff like what you can do on other platforms, like dragging a song from iTunes to the desktop etc. This will never be possible, because (correct me if I am wrong) there doesn't seem to be a way to tell workbench, that the next mouse up event is in fact meant as a drop event on workbench.

The way to do it is to ask WB where the pointer is at the point the mouse is released (the function is WhichWorkbenchObject or something like that). This only returns WB drawers/icons that have been dropped on top of. As you say, there's no way of dragging between apps - that would require some extensions to workbench.library and specifically the AppWindow functionality (there is an OpenAmiga project which partly implements this sort of thing but I never got around to trying it)

Actually I suggested that ages ago but now there's an official suggestions forum I'll post it again.

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Re: wish list
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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alfkil wrote:
Please describe what they consist of. I have trouble keeping track of the discussion, and also this is not a single problem but multiple, all seemingly interrelated because of their relation to umlaut.

Example: JuffED and Playlistmanager are unable to load a directory called "Passwörter". Both programs don`t see this directory. Change i the directory name to "Passworter" it works
When a QT program makes a Ringhio output and in a word is an"Umlaut" it looks like that ö= ?o or ü=?u

Amiga600/Vampire2/PrismaMegaMix​/32GB CF Card/2x Rys Mk2/A604n/IndivisionECS/Gotek
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Re: wish list
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Ok, so there is no problems actually writing umlaute in, say, JuffEd? Good. I have taken a note on the dialog problem, so that will be fixed. About Ringhio, I was unaware of that "feature", and will see what I can do. Thanks for the report.

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Re: wish list
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I have a similar problem in my language, i copied all Qt programs (and Qt aswell) in a directory called:


(à) --> This give me some problems ..

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Re: wish list
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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alfkil wrote:

Ok, so there is no problems actually writing umlaute in, say, JuffEd? Good. I have taken a note on the dialog problem, so that will be fixed. About Ringhio, I was unaware of that "feature", and will see what I can do. Thanks for the report.

I can write "Umlaute" ,that is not the problem.
Only loading files or directories with an "Umlaut" inside the name makes trouble,Ringhio output is wrong , when a program set the icon into Amidock and i make a right mouse click for the contextmenu, the "Umlaut" are wrong like ö=?o

Amiga600/Vampire2/PrismaMegaMix​/32GB CF Card/2x Rys Mk2/A604n/IndivisionECS/Gotek
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