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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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Thanks, that works

Hopfeully there will be more releases to CANDI

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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4) Add a "Spacer" seperator, it's just like the normal seperator, but you can't see it, it just adds a blank space so one can move the icons further apart and distinguish them from their neighbors.
I need such as i'm using a 100% transparent dock over a 50% transparent dock which is also 50% smaller in height and the visible seperator will go over that and just look awful and out of place.

zzd10h is in the process of adding one of you requests to X-Dock now for the next release. We are short of time so cannot add them all at once.

amigakit.com - the Amiga store
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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
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Separator probably will have needs to have controlled size by width, so it can be possible add and 1 pixel ones for very little space, and any other of size, so to have a lot of space.

If i remember right, in amidocks's spacer width controlled from tooltype or something like that.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
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No problem.

Thanks a lot for taking the time

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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"If i remember right, in amidocks's spacer width controlled from tooltype or something like that."

Yes, it's what I'm doing for the new Spacer object.
It has a default width (determined in Settings window) but will be able to be modified individually (not by tooltype but with a proper window with slider).

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Sounds even better :) Cool !

Did you consider someday to have a look at possibility to add dockies support , so we can get rid off of that buggy and unsupported amidock ? Currently i use xdock as launcher panel but had to use that amidock for top-bar panel.

A bit late with answer, but:


Lots of good sugestions there but this one is patented by Apple ...

Thats not necessary to mimic 1:1 , can be a bit different but still give about the same :)

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
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so we can get rid off of that buggy and unsupported amidock ?

AmiDock is not particularly buggy, nor unsupported, it really could do with a decent user doc though....

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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AmiDock is not particularly buggy, nor unsupported, it really could do with a decent user doc though....

I have report few bugs and enhancerments none of which was even taken a look on for last 3 or how many years, so that one i call unsupported :)

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Have to agree. I have disabled Amidock and not used it for over a year. My X5000 only has X-Dock running on my Workbench screen.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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@broadblues Quote:
Lots of good sugestions there but this one is patented by Apple ...

Possible solution: Add a "plugin" system to X-Dock, and then make an OS X Dock style plugin a free (open-source?) download somewhere... (But obviously don't mention "OS X" or Apple anywhere in the name/description! And try to not make it TOO similar to that described by the Apple patent.)

At worst the plugin might need withdrawing, perhaps temporarily while it is modified to take account of any objections. And if open-source, then anyone can make their own version.

P.S. If the plugins were done using SObjs (rather than Librarys) then coding them would be much simpler, I think?

Edited by ChrisH on 2017/5/23 21:36:57
Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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Uncertain about the benefits of plugins in this context the but...


P.S. If the plugins were done using SObjs (rather than Librarys) then coding them would be much simpler, I think?

I really doubt that, shared objects complicated everything! They are often useful, but mainly for ports not native projects. Starting from skeleton code example (as would almost ceratinly be provided in the context you described) an amiga library based plugin would be far easier to code.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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@zzd10h, mattew

Something wrong with XDock's transparency.

Check this out screenshot:

(press RMB and choice open image in new tab):

Resized Image

First bar, it is XDOCK, second one is AmiDock. In botch, i have set 48x48 for icon.

You can see, that in AmiDock it looks "clean". There is "shadow" keepts in place, and all the border lines are smooth. While in XDOCK, shadow disappear completely (see first icon from dopus4, and 5st icon of Ranger). Also see MultiEdit icon, you can see that in some part (left/top) it even "eat" some pixels. Or for example WorkbenchExplorer icon, at the bottom very vissibly how good it looks like in AmiDock, and how different in XDock. Or pencil in the sketchblock icon.

For better visiblity just expand size of window to have closer look. I upload/save it as PNG so no loosing of quality and all should looks as it.

All of this point out that in XDOCK transparency algo is some simple one, which make quality of icons bad, while in AmiDock, it looks clean and didn't eat shadows, etc.

If that can be fixed, that will be pretty good :)

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Something wrong with XDock's transparency.

The icons in XDock look normal on my system. The shadows are there and edges are smoothed. Maybe it's a settings or screenmode issue??

Amiga X1000 with 2GB memory & OS 4.1FE + Radeon HD 5450

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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It looks like 1% to 100% transparency is being treated as 100% transparent, with only 0% transparent pixels being actually visible.

I *assume* this is because X Dock is rendering icons using old-fashioned Amiga graphics drawing routines (which only supports a mask aka "1-bit transparency"), where-as AmiDock is using Composited rendering (which supports 8-bit alpha-channel transparency).

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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The icons in XDock look normal on my system. The shadows are there and edges are smoothed. Maybe it's a settings or screenmode issue??

Did you use transparency at 100% (i.e. full transaprency) ? When i use it without trasparency icons are ok, but once i set it to full transparency, with each persent it "eat" shadow and pixels.

Dunno, but i can see even with 50% of transparency how icons start to loose their shadows and pixels :)

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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You are right, I will see.
Thank you

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Did you use transparency at 100% (i.e. full transaprency) ? When i use it without trasparency icons are ok, but once i set it to full transparency, with each persent it "eat" shadow and pixels.

I'm using 127 (50%) transparency and the icons in XDock look pretty good. However, I see that increasing the transparency does decrease the effect of alpha channel blending in the icons and the shadows disappear along with some pixels. If you turn off compositing in GUI prefs, XDock has no transparency but AmiDock still has transparency. Apparently, combining alpha channel blending (in icon images) and compositing doesn't seem to work very well. I think AmiDock is creating it's own background transparency which works better.

If you turn on compositing and make your Workbench windows highly transparent you'll see that the icons in the windows also become transparent. I think XDock is attempting to make it's background transparent with compositing but not make the icons transparent. It may not be possible to do that without ruining the icon image alpha channel blending.

Amiga X1000 with 2GB memory & OS 4.1FE + Radeon HD 5450

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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@xenic Quote:
It may not be possible to do that without ruining the icon image alpha channel blending.

Of course it's possible. AmiDock even does it!

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Can I suggest that when the Enhancer installer installs the Kickstart module for SFS, it also updates the user's kicklayout to include it? It took me a while to realise why SFS still wasn't working, and I don't know how many users are familiar with changing the kicklayout file.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Of course it's possible. AmiDock even does it!

I'm not very familiar with compositing but if AmiDock is using it, it's doing it in a differenct way than XDock. If you change the "AmiDock preferences/Placement" item to "Always on top" you can see it's not really transparent by placing a Workbench window behind AmiDock. It looks to me like it's just grabbing a piece of the Workbench backdrop and using it as a background with the icons blended with the AmiDock background.

Amiga X1000 with 2GB memory & OS 4.1FE + Radeon HD 5450

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