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Re: Resolving issues
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You mean 6-7 , or 600-700 , or how much you have left when lockup happens ? Imho 700 its is not "low memory", it is probably some problems with x1000, where 2gb installed, but after 1.4 or 1.3 filled up everything start to suck up ?:)

Is it on dopus5.90, or on current revision ?

In latest revision (1079), Xenic add fixes for lowmemory handler, try with it, will it works or not. Also try without , will it the same, or things will be different.

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Re: Resolving issues
Quite a regular
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600-700MB. And I agree it's not low memory, but maybe if some calculation was wrong, maybe then it calculated it to be low. It was not with the latest version. I'll try with the latest version.

Btw. It's pretty much always when using Odyssey that the crash or lockup happens in some random place when memory goes down to 600-700MB free...

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Resolving issues
Just can't stay away
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Please disable if it cannot calculate correctly, or execute correctly.

It's not calculating anything. It just signals the Dopus5 process launcher (& controller) to have any unused memory freed and then exits so the next memory handler in the low memory handler interrupt chain will be executed. Any program can add a low memory handler but it's only probably only useful for programs that retain large amounts of unused memory like font caches, undo buffers, directory buffers etc. If you'd like to see an example of a low memory handler (that spends too much time in an interrupt in my view) check out SDK:Examples/FastFileSystem/fs_plugin_cache.c.

The reason that the Dopus5 low memory handler was failing is because OS4 was changed to not set a flag for low memory handlers. Since other OS3 programs (with no sources that can be fixed) could also have low memory handlers that will freeze OS4, I filed a report at the Hyperion "General Developer Support" forum and Thomas Frieden has informed me that the flag has been reinstated.

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Re: Resolving issues
Just can't stay away
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Far better to crash and burn due to low memory than to crash and burn because something incorrectly thinks memory is low.

The Dopus5 low memory handler doesn't do any thinking. It's the exec memory system that does the thinking (analyzing) and activates the low memory handler chain so the handlers can free some memory if possible. Now that I've fixed the Dopus5 low memory handler (for OS4), it will do no harm and potentially help on something like a µA1 with 256 MB memory. Unless it's causing problems, I'm not removing it.

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Re: Resolving issues
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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As far as low memory handlers go, I'm a total end-user, no idea if it's an "I've bought a nice new 'thingy' for my room but I need to remove some of this old stuff to make space for it" in dopus or if it's mum (OS4) sneaking up behind Dopus and clipping it round the ear, bellowing about not enough space for the 'thingy', get rid of the old stuff"...

Now I know better...

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: Resolving issues
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We released 5.91 ! While news items wait for arrive, you can grab it from dopus5.org or from SF in the Files sections.

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Re: Resolving issues
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Spasiba, please put it also on OS4Depot

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Re: Resolving issues
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Sure, already :)

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Re: Resolving issues
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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The release at OS4Depot still shows version 5.90 on the recent files page and in the readme header. It might be a good idea to change it to 5.91 to avoid confusion.

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Re: Resolving issues
Home away from home
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Yep, already write to Orgin, hope he will fix it and there will be no needs to reupload

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Re: Resolving issues
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Itix currently working on fixing of morphos-build issues, what mean not only "ifdef morphos" changes, but also some general changes which may have impact on other builds.

So ! If anyone interested (Severin ?:) ) , plz, give a go for tests nightly builds, to see if everything works as expected and there is no new problems/crashes/etc.


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Re: Resolving issues
Home away from home
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Xenic add new optional feature to dopus5 for the copy command: now , if option Environment/Copy Settings/DateStamp is set, Dopus5 will copy directory dates in addition to file dates.

All the info in that BZ:

To test new feature just download latest nightly on dopus5.org, and give it a go.


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Re: Resolving issues
Quite a regular
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Bug report: (since I can't seem to get into source-forge)
Using multiple placeholders in a custom function doesn't work.

Create a button or menu item:
Edit action:
AmigaDOS: sys:dir/some_exefile -file {f} -dir {d} -out "{d}/{u}"

It is not possible to use more than one {f} or {d} or whatever. If I use more than one it just simply doesn't work (most of the time). They are empty or the command line is incomplete or whatever.

Test with for example "echo {f} {d} {u}" or other combinations and "Output to window". Some combinations work, others not.

Something in the parse routine for this command line string here is just plain wrong. I can have a look at it, but I can't install the build environment and the version control crap and what not. If someone could give me the file(s), I can fix it anyway and someone else can check-in and build.

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Re: Resolving issues
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Another bug report:

The "right-click-and-drag-in-lister-to-scroll" is way too insensitive. It scrolls so fast it becomes useless. it should be a lot more gradual. Now it is difficult to make it start to scroll, but then it scrolls too fast. We have high-res screens now, so the algorithm needs to take this into account.

Software developer for Amiga OS3 and OS4.
Develops for OnyxSoft and the Amiga using E and C and occasionally C++
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Re: Resolving issues
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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If you click on the {} button in the Function Editor you will see a list of available arguments. There is no seperate {u} argument. The letter 'u' is only used as a modifier for other arguments; for example {fu} or {ou}.

I don't use Dopus5 myself but when I tested right-clicking in a lister I get a menu.

Edited by xenic on 2015/11/19 16:23:33
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Re: Resolving issues
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I was able to reproduce bug #8 with the OS4 debug kernal without munge. The fix works for me but I don't know what effect the fix will have on other platforms. You might want to test the fix with munge just to be sure it's actually fixed.

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Re: Resolving issues
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Yes, I wasn't home when I wrote the example so forgot that {u} isn't an option. But the bug is that the commandline is often not complete if more than one {} option is used.

Example (I'm not home so I make things up here):
{f} = dh0:dir/file
{F} = file
{d} = dh1:otherdir

Now use all these in an AmigaDOS command line like this:
echo "mypath={f} the file={F} output={d}/{F}"

The result in the output window should be
mypath=dh0:dir/file the file=file output=dh1:otherdir/file

But because of this bug the result is more like this:
mypath=dh0:dir/file the file= output=


If you right-click and quickly drag your mouse up or down before the menu pops up, the list scrolls (too fast), if it is longer than the display. This is a very practical feature that DOpus4 also has, but in Magellan it is too fast on hi-res screens because it probably calculates how fast to scroll based on pixel distance (which is much greater on hi-res screens).

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Re: Resolving issues
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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{f} = dh0:dir/file
{F} = file
{d} = dh1:otherdir

Now use all these in an AmigaDOS command line like this:
echo "mypath={f} the file={F} output={d}/{F}"

Works fine here with a change or two...

echo "mypath={s} the file={ou} output={d}{o}"

I turned on nofilequote as the quotes will break echo as you can't add a * before the closing quote passed from dopus.

This is my result from the above:

mypath=DH3:Audio/AmigaAMP3/Skins/ the file=nucleo_nlog.wsz output=RAM:Clips/nucleo_nlog.wsz

Edit: didn't need to turn on nofilequote as it seems dopus5 doesn't automatically quote files anymore. even if the placeholder string contains a space which explains why I had to manually add quotes eg. "{o}" to get things working and why F and O were failing if there was a space in one of the filenames or path.


Enhancement request

Could a 'Debug' flag be added to the function editor to stop Dopus(RT)5 from deleting the script in T:? This would be very useful so the user can see exactly what dopus5 is actually doing.

Edited by Severin on 2015/11/20 12:24:53
Edited by Severin on 2015/11/20 12:51:43
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Re: Resolving issues
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Ok. I'll find something that doesn't work when I get home. Not all combinations fail, but typically repeated use of the same options tend to not work. I have several examples where I had to write an arexx script to extract the path part and file part from {f} or DOS scripts to be able to repease the parameters.

If it doesn't add quotes, it has a bug. It should always add quotes unless told not to, with the possible exception if there is no space in the file or path. maybe the auto-quote only checks the filename for spaces, but not the path or something?

And I agree about the debug flag

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Re: Resolving issues
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Could a 'Debug' flag be added to the function editor to stop Dopus(RT)5 from deleting the script in T:? This would be very useful so the user can see exactly what dopus5 is actually doing.

The current version of DopusRT5 doesn't execute or delete scripts. Scripts are launched by a function in the program itself. The launching function deletes the script if it can and there is a janitor funtion in Dopus5 that operates on a timer to clean up scripts and temp files. I don't have time to alter the config and launching function right now but I can tell you how I check the scripts:

1. Run a copy of Dopus4 and open T: in one window and RAM: in the other.
2. In the Dopus5 function editor add the AmigaDOS command "Wait 10" below the command you want to check.
3. Execute the command using the menu or button it's assigned to.
4. Switch to DOpus4 and copy the script from T: to RAM:

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