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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I might have been okay with it if "right away" someone told me that AROS news could not be posted.

Instead what happened, I made more than one "News" without anyone telling me it was proebited, then one day they decide to delete all AROS One news.

Because of this I felt offended and treated like a troll.

I am 70 years old, Amiga enthusiast for more than 30 years, developer of AfA One, AROS One x86, AROS One 68k, and creator of thousands of DualPNG Icons and OS4 Icons that I will no longer create.

Now as a courtesy I ask for the removal of my Nick and my posts which I have cleared of AROS One links.

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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We'd hate to lose you. Just remember that the moderators had no ill intent, and certainly wouldn't consider you a troll.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Site Builder
Site Builder

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Instead what happened, I made more than one "News" without anyone telling me it was proebited, then one day they decide to delete all AROS One news.

If you would like to accuse us for being flexible and really slow to address this situation, so be it. No one called you a troll. If we had believed that you were a troll, you would have been blocked a long time ago, but we don't.

Please try not to victimise yourself, as no one has anything personal with you. The moderators discussed and decided not to allow news about Aros, ApolloOS, MorphOS and anything that does not comply with the "Statement Of Intent", and the news items were disabled. And as I see it, based on the feedback, this decision was welcomed by the majority of the users.

We also stated that you are free to post Aros related topics at the "Free for all" forum. So, if you value the amigans.net as we do, you should be happy with that decision. And if you want to share information about your work on Aros, you should already have done that at the "Free for all" forum.

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Maybe that is not the only reason.
Amiga.org changed format as well. At least for me, when it went forum only, I stopped visiting that site.

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Re: About off topic news on Amigans
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Maybe that is not the only reason. Amiga.org changed format as well. At least for me, when it went forum only, I stopped visiting that site.

Interesting thought. The change in server backend and layout was the main reason I stopped being a moderator there, actually. It just wasn't the same.

-- eliyahu

"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
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