So, I compiled the latest version from Marlon's repo. This time there were a few things to deal with (just on compilation level, nothing hardcore).
And, I made not only an SDL1 version but also an SDL2 version this time.
Since now, there is no more "data" directory need it, you just place all in the root. By "all" I mean "DIABDAT.MPQ" and nothing else need it.
Also, stack cookie inside of binary now, so you need no worry about anymore.
Since now you have window mode in both versions as expected (controlled from diablo.ini created after the first run), but, you better use SDL2 version because:
1). you can't resize a window in the SDL1 version. While with SDL2 version, you can just press alt+tab (not default amigaos4 key-combo, you set up it in the "key" commoditie) so to make a window to not be active, and then resize it as you wish, check this out (press on image for full-size):

2). SDL1 version in window mode is slow. And it not slow like a game, but slow like something has broken in the SDL1 handling code in the game itself. When I run it, I have in the console that:
DUMMY: flase_avail: Unhandled SDL event: unknown 1
And then while play, it stops like some micro-pauses. Maybe that unhandled SDL event is the cause of that, dunno.
So just use the SDL2 version, which is also has worked "scaling quality" option.
There is an archive with just 2 binaries SDL1 and SDL2 one, give it ago. If everything will be fine with the SDL2 version, I can pack it up with some tasty readme and an icon and upload it to os4depot.
http://kas1e.mikendezign.com/aos4/games/diablo_2019_12_27.lhaps. Hats of to Capehill, without who we will not have up2date and bug-fixed SDL1 and SDL2 libs.
Edited by kas1e on 2019/12/27 12:52:38