That's a headache if libSDL2_net, _ttf, _gfx etc were updated at different times with different SDL2 versions. Sure you can make softlinks of previous versions that all link to the latest SDL2 .so, but it doesn't look nice aesthetically. For most libraries, I try to use for the soname, so newer versions can be just a drop in replacement. I use version_type=qnx in libtool for that. (Edit: Although this doesn't appear to have an effect anymore for SDL2 libs, see edit at the bottom of the post).
I know the solution is to update every SDL2 library all at the same time, but then there's still all the programs too, which could be ported by various different people, and might not include the .so files inside the archive.
Fortunately just about everything is linked statically and ScummVM is one of the only exceptions, and includes the required files in the archive, so it's not a huge deal.
Edit: I see that on OS4Depot my last ports of SDL2_image and SDL2_ttf use the sonames of and Usually these are only dependencies of the main binary of whatever is being compiled, and not of other libraries, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue, but nevertheless it's something for me to consider. I don't think version_type=qnx stops it with the SDL2 libs.
Edited by MickJT on 2024/3/16 12:46:50 Edited by MickJT on 2024/3/16 12:51:58 Edited by MickJT on 2024/3/16 12:53:09 Edited by MickJT on 2024/3/16 12:58:08 Edited by MickJT on 2024/3/16 13:02:42
I tried to workaround that 8ch issue sometime ago but failed. Please remember SDL is using the AHI device API. Can you advise how to fix the problem there?
I allocated larger buffers and played with offset but couldn't make it work.
Could you make the updated sources available? TIA.
I had to revert to the default driver from AmigaOS4 a few days ago, because your driver started to give static noise on nearly every occasion/program, most notably with the start sound jingle and within ScummVM, for some reason AmigaAmp was not affected.
No sound prefs changes cured it.
And the most puzzling thing was, that starting Odyssey cured the static noise, closing Odyssey and starting it again brought the noise back.
I don't think it's related to your post, just wanted to let you know
after reverting to the original driver every sound from every program is clear as glass again
I think batching is enabled by default. But I must admit I didn't test this setting. I will check it later.
Anyway, this optimization does only help in scenarios where multiple similar sprites are drawn per frame, like some bullet hell game. If texture changes, then batching "breaks" and draw commands are flushed.
Currently, upto 1000 quads can be rendered via same CompositeTags() call.
Capehill wrote:testsprite2 results. Batching helps with all tested renderers. Point of the optimization was to improve compositing results.
No, I just removed pre-release status for RC1. Meanwhile, there is already 2.30.5 version released by upstream, so if there are any issues, I will try to fix those for the next version.
Is SDL2 already SPE optimized or do they only focus on the normal versions?
Steffen Häuser has started first attempts to adapt Heretic2 for the A1222, but wrote me that he cannot translate it without an SPE compatible version of SDL2 and has stopped further attempts for now.
There are no SPE builds that I know of. The fastest way to get one would be if some Tabor owner checked out the latest tag, modified makefile for SPE, perhaps ran some tests and send libSDL2.a to Steffen.
For me it would take some hours to install the needed SDK, clib4 etc. And I cannot test it.