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Double-clicking in DOpus5
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I have an ingrained habit of double-clicking file names in certain kinds of lists and requesters, including DM2 (which I am rapidly weaning myself from, although I have it set up to do a number of things that I can't do with DOpus listers yet, such as make a selected file disappear forever when I hit the "Del" key; in DOpus, I get a "List Format" requester which I haven't bothered to figure out yet).

The problem is, if I double-click on listers in Name mode, only PDF files open. Other files open AmiPDF and give an error message ("Not PDF file"). Well, I'm gradually learning to use RMB and select what I want to use, but it's still kind of annoying. Is it this way for everyone, or have I got something set up wrong?

In Icon mode and Icon action mode, text files open as expected when double-clicked. Jpeg and IFF files also open properly (AVI, MP4, .wmv, etc., have "unknown data types"). PostScript (but not .fw.PS), and HTML open as text. I suspect I will soon a way to fix that, and I'm not asking for help. But I am wondering about the Play button in the tool button row of listers in Name mode. Nothing plays here, although some message flashes on my screen too fast to read.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that double clicking on a Final Writer file icon opens Final Writer, to a blank window. In this, DiskMaster is up by two points; it opens the selected file, not just the editor, and it does it by name, not icon. But I set that up myself, and DOpus just works that way on its own!

Another thing similar to that: if I right-click an .html file and choose Open with > Odyssey, Odyssey opens, but not to any URL.

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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such as make a selected file disappear forever when I hit the "Del" key; in DOpus, I get a "List Format" requester which I haven't bothered to figure out yet).

Here I get the list format only when left clicking the srce/dest button and using edit in the popupmenu.

Use the keyfinder in the opus menu, press del, hit return and it will list where the del key is used.

The problem is, if I double-click on listers in Name mode, only PDF files open. Other files open AmiPDF and give an error message ("Not PDF file").

Check the priority of the pdf filetype. check the class settings to check it's only finding pdf files, which it's not so I suspect your problem is there.

Well, I'm gradually learning to use RMB and select what I want to use, but it's still kind of annoying. Is it this way for everyone, or have I got something set up wrong?

Everyone starts out like this, you just need to add filetypes as and when you need them. after 18 months or so I have 113 set up

But I am wondering about the Play button in the tool button row of listers in Name mode. Nothing plays here, although some message flashes on my screen too fast to read.

alt-click it to open the editor and then click edit function, either select output to reader or output to window and window close button, save it and now you will be able to see what the message is.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that double clicking on a Final Writer file icon opens Final Writer, to a blank window. In this, DiskMaster is up by two points; it opens the selected file, not just the editor, and it does it by name, not icon. But I set that up myself, and DOpus just works that way on its own!

No it doesn't, dopus has nothing to do with it, when in icon mode you will get the same as you would clicking an icon in workbench unless you have a filetype to override the icon.

Another thing similar to that: if I right-click an .html file and choose Open with > Odyssey, Odyssey opens, but not to any URL.

Odyssey needs command line options to do that, you can't just throw a file at it, you need to set up an html filetype for it. Open with only works for programs that accept a filename as an argument in the shell.

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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Wow, what a terrific batch of help. I'll work my way through it.

But one curiosity here:
Quote:<div class="xoopsQuote"><blockquote>
Here I get the list format only when left clicking the srce/dest button and using edit in the popupmenu.

Use the keyfinder in the opus menu, press del, hit return and it will list where the del key is used.</blockquote></div>

Almost every key on my Logitech wireless keyboard tells me, "No function found!" The exceptions are hot keys, the "`" key (Toggle), F3 (Read), F5 (Copy), F6 (Move), F7 (Makedir), and F8 (Delete). F8 works the DOpus way, ie., with the warnings I haven't done away with yet.

Is that interesting, or wot?

By the way, is there an easy way to quote in these forums? I do it so rarely, I have to go to the source file and copy out the "blockquote" business and paste it. (Yes, I should be able to remember that much, even at my age, but maybe not the div class="xoopsQuote" stuff.)

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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Quote:<div class="xoopsQuote"><blockquote>Quote:
The problem is, if I double-click on listers in Name mode, only PDF files open. Other files open AmiPDF and give an error message ("Not PDF file").

Check the priority of the pdf filetype. check the class settings to check it's only finding pdf files, which it's not so I suspect your problem is there.

I can't guess how to use that 'javascript:CaricaFoto("http://i59.tinypic.com/9zujyc.jpg");' stuff, but I have posted a comparison of your pdf filetype and mine. I can't see any difference.


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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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ok, it must be priorities or another one you have that's interfearing with something. I can suggest 2 options...

lha your filetypes drawer and send it to me


I'll lha mine and send it to you.

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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Just can't stay away

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Almost every key on my Logitech wireless keyboard tells me, "No function found!" The exceptions are hot keys, the "`" key (Toggle), F3 (Read), F5 (Copy), F6 (Move), F7 (Makedir), and F8 (Delete). F8 works the DOpus way, ie., with the warnings I haven't done away with yet.

nearly everything (command, button, menu, etc.) can have a keyboard shortcut assigned to it by the user, key finder is very useful when searching for duplicates and empty spaces to add YAKS (Yet Another Keyboard Shortcut).

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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Just popping in

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I lha'd my Filetypes drawer, but I can't figure out how to send it to you.

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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Sent you a PM.

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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Just popping in

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Verrrrry interestink! When I replace my filetypes folder with yours, the PDF problem vanishes, but if I go back to mine, and replace my Document_PDF file with yours, the problem returns!

Apparently there is something wrong with my filetypes someplace else that messes me up. Next plan is to replace my other files with your equivalents, one at a time, until mine starts working.

A lot of your 113 don't work on my computer as formulated, but OK if I steal the ones that do? Maybe I could rework some of the others, although I was about to try that on Audio_MPEG, which I find in the Filetypes drawer, but it doesn't show up Settings > Filetypes!

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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Just can't stay away

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Do what you like with them. If some don't work and you have the program it might be the path is wrong so try changing it to appdir: or running the program manually once to set it's appdir entry.

audio MPEG is Digitized Sound mpeg in the filetypes window

A little tip for you: before configuring any image filetypes check the scripts settings. With that you can redirect dopus commands to use external programs. eg. tell it to us picshow instead of it's internal viewer.

I have the show script set to:

[amigados] AppDir:PicShow {f} pubscreen {Qs} pattern ~(#?.info) IF OFF JP JQ 85 PP

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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Just popping in

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It turned out that the only file type I had to replace with yours to make "Document, PDF" work was "All," the first one I tried!

I haven't had much time lately to play with other file types, but I did try adding "Digitized sound mpeg" (not realizing what you just told me, that it is "Audio MPEG") to my File Types, and when it didn't work, I looked at it with the editor. I thought, "no problem, I'll just change "AmigaAmp3" to "MPlayer." Then I had a better idea: download and install AmigaAmp3. Turned out to be a MUCH better idea!

I'll still need to make a "Digitized sound wma" that references MPlayer, but that can be next week.

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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You don't need to use mplayer for wma, use the TuneNet plugin with AmigaAmp3 and change the class in filetypes to:

MatchName *.(mp[23]|wma)

Another way to set your filetypes is to make then program specific, so instead of many audio filetypes mpeg, wma, protracker, aiff, 8svx, ogg etc. you have a single AmigaAmp3 filetype with:

MatchName *.(mp[23]|wma|mod|aiff|wav|ogg)

and add more as you find new tunenet plugins.

You can get loads of skins for AmigaAmp3 from www.allwinampskins.com eg. I use Denon Antique at the moment. Any classic skin will work, just copy the wsz file into the skins drawer.

Edited by Severin on 2014/7/27 14:39:42
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