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accessing a Linux install
Just popping in
Just popping in

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ok I use AmiKit and have mandriva installed.Now I can read
Amikit from Mandriva but is there a way to read mandriva from Amikit ?

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Re: accessing a Linux install
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I have no experience with linux at all. Maybe someone else here? But first, you should describe the situation a little bit more, I think.

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Re: accessing a Linux install
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I don?t know If understand the question right.

You can setup virtual filesystem, read E-UAE manual, should be safe.

You can access Linux using Telnet, SSH, Samba, FTP, I believe there is some remote desktop software you can install too.

You can read /dev/hda1 if contains EXT2 Filesystem, there is filesystem on Aminet, but remember accessing the same partition from tow operating systems at once can damage the content because of changes are not always rewritten at once, but kept in buffers, so don?t do that!


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Re: accessing a Linux install
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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LiveForIt wrote:
You can read /dev/hda1 if contains EXT2 Filesystem, there is filesystem on Aminet, but remember accessing the same partition from tow operating systems at once can damage the content because of changes are not always rewritten at once, but kept in buffers, so don?t do that!

Can't imagine a scenario where AmigaOS can access already opened ext2 fs in use.
If it's UAE under Linux, it's really stupid to provide rw access to the block devices in /dev/. And it has to be done explicitly (means the user has some knowledge about consequences of such actions)
Otherwise the machine that accesses the HD runs other OS than Linux.
Or I'm missing something?


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Re: accessing a Linux install
Just popping in
Just popping in

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ok guess i was not clear enuf. I have AmiKit installed on a
separate partition and have mandriva installed on an ext2
partition and wanted to be able to read/copy files to mandriva from Amikit. This mainly because I use AmiKit more
than mandriva. If I am using Mandriva then it is not a problem at all. Still have not got e-uae working on mandriva yet and will wait till AmiWest-am the founder of it-and hope Richard shows up to give me a hand

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Re: accessing a Linux install
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Before OS4 was released, I created a transfer partition between Debian
Woody and Euae on the A1. Linux uses an old version of 'affs' of DOS3. So,
AmigaDos3 was the best shaky filesytem for Euae. My OS3.5 ran quite
well in it.

Since July 2004, Debian linux retired to the garbage pail!

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