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Streaming options where & how
Just can't stay away
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Hello can this be clarified a bit?
"via the streaming options on both (which differ) enter the URL http://www.amigans.net:8000 "

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Re: Streaming options where & how
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Start Tunenet and in the menu there is openurl. Now paste that link and voila :) Ofcourse you have to use it when the radiostation is online.

I hope this was what you wanted help with as your question doesnt tell me much.

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Re: Streaming options where & how
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks this was indeed what i wanted: how to add a station tot the playlist.
Following your instruction i did add the station to the visible playlist

However i seem not to be able to save the list with the added station. (Save Playlist ) When reopening the saved playlist the Amigans station is not added.??

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Re: Streaming options where & how
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Just can't stay away

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I have never saved a playlist myself myself. What i do is after i listened to the stream i quit tunenet and start tunenet again and the playlist will be there. If im not wrong the file "tn_deflist.m3u" is the default playlist. So if you want to save you can probably overwrite that file or just like me, quit tunenet and then reload. Tunenet probably uses autosave on exit i think.

But then you can save your own playlist files. Just name them what you want and then load the one you want to use "open playlist" in window.

Its pretty basic stuff :)

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Re: Streaming options where & how
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I tried to do the basic saving stuff wth the Amigans radio before it was in the air. I am rather sure i tested every possibility. I created nearly 10 different saving lists in the way you suggested. (clearing or not the existing list: the empty list thesn saves perfectly, but the added Amigans radio did not appear) Not clearing the list i could save this list too any times as a different file, but the added Amigans radio visible on the playlist did not appear in the saved playlist. I checked this as well viewing the playlist with multiview, as reloading the saved playlist in Tunenet.

Only thing i could do is edit the list manually (coming to think of it now)
I also just found out that adding the Amigans URL and closing Tunenet saved the line OK.
Since i did that the behavior is quite different and more as expected. I don't know what changed.
Still a suggestion:
I would expect to be able in 'edit' mode to add an URL

Edited by JosDuchIt on 2010/3/4 7:40:49
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Re: Streaming options where & how
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I saved a list with 4 radiochannels in ram: (kicko.m3u) and then added
to the list. When i load the playlist the amigans is still there. I dont know why you have the problem. It works here.

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Re: Streaming options where & how
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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As said in my last mail in the end, after a closing of tunenet with Amigans added, the behavior appeared to change, and i was able to save also using 'Save Playlist' In fact i was not able to reproduce the initial problems any more.
I don't know what happened. Maybe it was the autopoint commodity i had installed newly, to which i was not accustomed enough.
Problem closed anyway i would say.

Thanks for your help

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