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AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything (solved)
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I've installed AmiCygnix, and moved the 2 files from SYS:Storage and I have the assigns made. When I run AmiCygnix I get the Linux-like desktop but nothing seems to work. I've tried several of the included programs like the calculator and the eyes program but nothing seems to do anything. I can't even shut it down. I've tried the shut-down button, the 'AmiDock' like menu at the bottom and the menus at the top. None of them let me quit.

Is there something else I need to install? (like the SDK?)

Is NetSurf supposed to be included? I can't find it. I read it was supposed to be in the 'network' directory but I don't even see the 'network' directory in the menus.

Edited by RacerX on 2009/1/31 21:38:00
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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I just installed it recently myself and really can't tell you much. I have noticed that the double-click timing is a lot faster than what I have set for Amiga Input. I have to double-click so fast that it sometimes takes several tries.
Did you install the Base and Tools archives?

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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I presume you installed the base system first then the tools package? Both installed automatically and make the assign for you. You should not have to manually assign Amicygnix. I think Netsurf is only available after you install the Tools packag.

It does not run from a JFX partition. I fell into that trap.


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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Just popping in
Just popping in

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TrevorDick wrote:

I presume you installed the base system first then the tools package? Both installed automatically and make the assign for you. You should not have to manually assign Amicygnix. I think Netsurf is only available after you install the Tools packag.

It does not run from a JFX partition. I fell into that trap.


I just checked. The tools package was not installed (it is now) and it is not on a JFX partition.

I ran it again, got the same result but now I can find NetSurf!

Is anthing else required (abc shell for instance)?

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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Everything you need is included in the two packages. Also the abc-shell is included.

To locate the bug, it is always a good idea to launch the application from a shell. So if you want to launch NetSurf, open a shell and type "nsgtk" + return. Now you should see a possible error message.

If this works, you should launch "Snoopy", so you can see if there's something missing, while you want to launch an application through the desktop.

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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I didn't see a shell in AmiCygnix, and typing "nsgtk" in an Amiga shell gives 'command not found'.

I did enter 'nsgtk' from the 'run' command in the menu in the lower left (like the start menu in windoze). I hit enter and the run window disappeared but nothing happened.

I tested every app I could click on. The only one that ran from the 'dock' was Leafpad.

Leafpad and xpdf ran from the 'start menu'

ob config, xcalc, xman, gpicview and Leafpad all ran from the RMB menu.

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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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RacerX wrote:

I didn't see a shell in AmiCygnix, and typing "nsgtk" in an Amiga shell gives 'command not found'.

AmiCygnix has no shell (or a terminal like xterm). I meant to use the normal amiga shell. If AmiCygnix is installed correctly, the command paths of AmiCygnix should be added to the systems paths. Is "Cygnix:s/Cygnix-Startup" executed in the user-startup? Or are the paths restored afterwards? What is the result, if you type "path" into an amiga shell?


I did enter 'nsgtk' from the 'run' command in the menu in the lower left (like the start menu in windoze). I hit enter and the run window disappeared but nothing happened.

You could try to open an amiga shell, cd into "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin" and then launch "nsgtk". Please check, if the "nsgtk" binary is located in "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin". If not, something went wrong while the installation of the base/tools package.


I tested every app I could click on. The only one that ran from the 'dock' was Leafpad.

Leafpad and xpdf ran from the 'start menu'

ob config, xcalc, xman, gpicview and Leafpad all ran from the RMB menu.

Very strange. All commands are executed with absolute paths. What does "Snoopy" say?

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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Just popping in
Just popping in

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cygnusEd wrote:

AmiCygnix has no shell (or a terminal like xterm). I meant to use the normal amiga shell. If AmiCygnix is installed correctly, the command paths of AmiCygnix should be added to the systems paths. Is "Cygnix:s/Cygnix-Startup" executed in the user-startup? Or are the paths restored afterwards? What is the result, if you type "path" into an amiga shell?

This is the result of Path in an Amiga shell:

4.Workbench:> path
RAM Disk:


You could try to open an amiga shell, cd into "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin" and then launch "nsgtk". Please check, if the "nsgtk" binary is located in "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin". If not, something went wrong while the installation of the base/tools package.

Running nsgtk that way (after starting the AmiCygnix desktop) works. It reports some errors on the Amiga Shell, but NetSurf runs on the AmiCygnix desktop.

Very strange. All commands are executed with absolute paths. What does "Snoopy" say?

I don't think I have Snoopy installed. I'll install it and get back to you.

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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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The AmiCygnix paths are missing, so there is something wrong with the AmiCygnix startup.

The startup script adds these paths and they must be available:


Please check your user-startup!

BTW: Did you use the installer scripts provided by the AmiCygnix packages?

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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Just popping in
Just popping in

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OK, this time I ran the Cygnix-Startup file by hand. I also verified it by opening a Shell and typing 'path'. I started Snoopy then AmiCygnix. Once the 'desktop' was open I tried to run a program from the 'dock' (I think it was 'xeyes'). I then switched screens and stopped Snoopy. I'm not sure but I may have tried shutting down AmiCygnix before stopping Snoopy. Here is the Snoopy log. Be warned, it's kinda long (over 600K).


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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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try runnig xeyes from shell when amicygnix is up.
It should be in path and appear on the X11 screen (which is in the behind the WB screen at this stage)

The full path to xeyes:


Edited by Jack on 2009/1/26 18:54:31
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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Entertaining, I was using NetSurf natively on my Amiga OS4.1 today.

I hope your not going to all this trouble just to run netsurf, as it seems to be nice and similar to OWB, but although the downloading works on Netsurf, dotn bother using it for the likes of Ebay.

Ebay and the likes of general web browsing = OWB
Downloadin = IBrowse, or now even NetSurf.

Then just in case I feel like different scenery, I even have Aweb installed.


(Yes I know none of that helps your problem)

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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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had a look at your logfile and now it's clear, that there is still something wrong with your path management.
LXPanel uses the "shexec" command to launch programs. Shexec itself tries to launch the abc-shell (sh) and can't find it.

Please try this:

Open an amiga shell an type "setenv SAVE SHEXEC_SHELL Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/sh" + return.
After this, shexec uses the absolute path to the sh command.

But: Even if this works, there is something wrong. Do you launch AmiCygnix by doubleclick on "Start_AmiCygnix.bat"?

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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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I'd hope he isn't going to all this trouble just for NetSurf - the GTK version included with AmiCygnix is way behind my native port (although the rendering may be a little better than the current public 2.0dev version)

It's useful within Cygnix if you need to look up something on a web browser while using GIMP or whatever. Otherwise, use the native version or one of the other native web browsers.


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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I do not have abc-shell, nor the SDK installed, do I need them?

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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Just popping in
Just popping in

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No, I'm not doing all this just to run Netsurf.

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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Just popping in
Just popping in

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cygnusEd wrote:

Please try this:

Open an amiga shell an type "setenv SAVE SHEXEC_SHELL Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin/sh" + return.
After this, shexec uses the absolute path to the sh command.

But: Even if this works, there is something wrong. Do you launch AmiCygnix by doubleclick on "Start_AmiCygnix.bat"?

That setenv SAVE command did the trick. The AmiCygnix 'dock' now works and I can also shut it down.

And yes, I do start it by double-clicking Start_AmiCygnix.bat.

One change I did make was to move the line which executes the Cygnix-startup from User-Startup to the AmiCygnix drawer. I changed the name to "ClickMe" and changed the default tool to C:IconX. For some reason it doesn't execute the Cygnix-Startup when I double click on it. I checked the icon settings and they are the same as the ones for Start_AmiCygnix.bat. Of course that wasn't my ONLY problem because even when I ran it from a Shell I was having problems.

Just a suggestion, wouldn't it be just as easy to add a line to the beginning of Start_AmiCygnix.bat to execute Cygnix-Startup?

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Re: AmiCygnix doesn't seem to do anything
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I do not have abc-shell, nor the SDK installed, do I need them?

No, the abc-shell is included in the base package and is located in "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/bin".


That setenv SAVE command did the trick. The AmiCygnix 'dock' now works and I can also shut it down.



And yes, I do start it by double-clicking Start_AmiCygnix.bat.

One change I did make was to move the line which executes the Cygnix-startup from User-Startup to the AmiCygnix drawer. I changed the name to "ClickMe" and changed the default tool to C:IconX. For some reason it doesn't execute the Cygnix-Startup when I double click on it. I checked the icon settings and they are the same as the ones for Start_AmiCygnix.bat. Of course that wasn't my ONLY problem because even when I ran it from a Shell I was having problems.

It is not a good idea to change anything in the AmiCygnix startup. This is the only way AmiCygnix was tested. I know there is an issue, when a program launches another one - the path informations are lost. Maybe this is fixed in the next update.


Just a suggestion, wouldn't it be just as easy to add a line to the beginning of Start_AmiCygnix.bat to execute Cygnix-Startup?

No, the problem is, that - for example - the path definitions will not be global, if you don't execute "Cygnix-Startup" in the user-startup. It must be executed there.

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