What is the difference between 1.x and 2.x versions? What are the advantages or disadvantages between these two editions?
SFS2 supports files > 4 GB, but there are no data recovery tools for it yet, and the format will change again.
Unless you need files > 4 GB you should use SFS 1.x, and since there is next to no AmigaOS software which works with files > 4 GB yet, a lot fails with files >= 2 GB already, SFS2 is currently only interesting for developers:
AFAIK it's the only publically available AmigaOS file system which supports files > 4 GB, with SFS2 developers can test if their large file support works correctly after they have added it to their software.
The only software not part of AmigaOS4 I know of in which large file support was added is lha, as long as the developers don't change their software to work with files > 4 GB the large file support in SFS2, or any other file system, is quite useless