Supreme Council 
Joined: 2006/11/16 19:25 Last Login
: Yesterday 13:58
From Sweden
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1. Verification emails work, I get them on my address. There's no guarantees for what gets delivered or not in the global email system however. Not that you need to be registered to use this feature.
2. I expected to get a request for that, we'll see.
3. Preview shows if you have forgotten any of the required fields and a rendered preview of the "description" field since it takes bbcode. None of the other fields need a preview since they look the same as in the form.
4. Submitter is not a required field. Even if you enter information in it it will be overwritten by your user details if logged in. But you did remind me of something, I have to take care if the user isn't validated yet. (You can still login as a non validated user, but you don't get any privileges)
5. Oups!
6(sort of). The main intent is for having a place to paste them. I'll add a simple search later on but it's not intended for a complete bugzilla sort of system.
7(sort of). Okey that would be a nightmare to do. I'll think a bit about it though. (There's no relation between the sub sites and the main site, different servers, different databases, no way of propagating changes between them)