Hi devs (and those who want to be),
the new version of Evilrich's SDL port works fine so far
(i just build a project with it), but it has two minor
flaws which need to be addressed.
sdl-config has a wrong prefix set (both in clib2 and
newlib), in the downloadable archives it's set in
local/newlib/bin/sdl-config to
prefix=/usr/local/amiga/ppc-amigaos/SDK/local/newlib/respectively in
local/clib2/bin/sdl-config to
prefix=/usr/local/amiga/ppc-amigaos/SDK/local/clib2Both of these won't work and will throw errors on not
finding SDL.h. they need to be fixed to point to the right
drawer, for newlib it has to be
prefix=/SDK/local/newliband for clib2
prefix=/SDK/local/clib2Of course you dev and porting gods do know about it already
and know how to fix it, but me (and probably lots of other
poor sods who
pretend to develope/port for our
beloved system
) didn't know and might find this
information useful.
/me signing off
now get to work and port beautiful stuff with enhanced SDL
Wouldn't this make an addition to your pfd?