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Joined: 2008/12/10 3:30 Last Login
: 2/10 22:57
From Terlizzi (BA) (Italy)
Registered Users
I don't know how much benefit a touchscreen has. It probably gives more advantage in the initial phase when there aren't many viruses and allows you to move instantly from one point to another on the screen.
Dragging with the Lilliput is not comfortable, i know. I'm using an LG 17" Touchscreen, more stable and responsive.
Advise: Use the following tooltypes for point&click games: DONOWAIT MODE=RAW ANTIBOUNCE=100
I also noticed the problem of coordinate drift. I'm investigating. As a workaround, when this happens, move the cursor to the edge of the screen to "crush" the drift, this way it realigns.
p.s. On January 31st we will find out who wins between mouse or touchscreen :)