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SCSI HD in A1200
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I was thinking how would it be possible to add an internal SCSI Hard Disk to my A1200 which has the Blizzard SCSI addon. Of course, I would like to add a SCSI to SD converter and not a big scsi rotating hard disk.

The reason I am thinking of it is to get rid of the internal IDE which can do 1-1.5 mb/s but the SCSI device can do from 7mb/s to 10mb/s. Also, that device has DMA support, which I am sure will help a lot under heavy CPU usage.

Now, my questions are:
1. Would it be possible to boot from the SCSI disk? I guess that I will need to alter the Rom to do that, right?
2. Which SCSI to SD device would you recommend for internal installation?
3. What kind of cable would I need for connecting it on the Blizzard SCSI addon?
4. Has anyone done something like that and could share some ideas?

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Re: SCSI HD in A1200
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The Blizzard scsi-kit IV boots just fine from a scsi-disk.
I have had it for many many years but sadly it's been collecting dust ever since i moved away from using my A1200 in a tower because back then there was no good options to mount a drive internal.

Now time has changed and there is some options out there.
I have been looking at getting a bluescsi with external DB25 connector.

There's other versions out there so why with the external connector you might ask?
Well my scsi-kit was delivered with that kind of cable that could be attached to the scsi-kit, maybe you have that one too lying around somewhere if you bought it new?

It should be posible to place it somewhere inside the case, it will probably look terrible but i dont care.

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Re: SCSI HD in A1200
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Of course, I would like to add a SCSI to SD converter and not a big scsi rotating hard disk.
A SCSI to SATA converter and using a SATA SSD might be a better option, if you need a lot of disk space.
(Or a SCSI SSD, but there are probably only SAS SCSI ones, nothing for ancient SCSI controllers like the one used by the BPPC.)

1. Would it be possible to boot from the SCSI disk? I guess that I will need to alter the Rom to do that, right?
You may have to enable it in the BPPC menu (hold <ESC> when booting), but a different ROM shouldn't be required.

There is no AmigaOS 4.x SCSI driver for the BPPC, only for the CSPPC, you can only use it on AmigaOS <= 3.9.

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Re: SCSI HD in A1200
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My initial plan for my A1200T back in the day was to expand via IDE, but after trying multiple expanders that simply didn't work I gave up and added a scsi kit to my Blizzard. It was more expensive, but a better decision as it was more expandable.

It worked fine, but with nothing on the internal IDE, took quite a while to boot up.

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Re: SCSI HD in A1200
Just can't stay away
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It worked fine, but with nothing on the internal IDE, took quite a while to boot up.
Something like https://amigakit.amiga.store/a4000-terminator-amiga-4000-p-831.html should be available for the A1200 as well.

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Re: SCSI HD in A1200
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Not too shy to talk

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Thanks, haven't switched my A1200 on since 2020, if I resurrect it, I might get one.

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Re: SCSI HD in A1200
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Nice comments guys. Thank you for sharing.
This is something I would definitely like to test, so I am going to proceed and buy the needed parts. I will let you all know how it goes and if I experience any issues with it.
And also the benefits of switching to SCSI.
My only concern is how I will make them fit inside the A1200 case, where I have many other expansions. We will see.

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Re: SCSI HD in A1200
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Some update from me on the topic.

I got myself a ZuluSCSI Compact RP2040 https://store.rabbitholecomputing.com/ ... luscsi-compact-rp2040.htm
which is a scsi emulator, using a microSD. It is self powered from the Blizzard SCSI module with no problem.

My Blizzard SCSI module has 8.2 rom for now and booting from it is working fine. SysInfo reports that the SCSI speed is around 4MB/s with nothing else running, and I get something around 3.5MB/s when there is some CPU activity.

Having to deal with hard disk images is really convenient, since you can mount they on FS-UAE and do whatever you want with them, like transferring 3500 WHDLoad games.

I have a few further questions:
1. I use directscsi on it. Should it keep the speed of it standard, even under CPU usage?
2. In the partitions, do you recommend having 24bitDMA enabled on memory usage or keep it on Public (AmigaOS 3.2)?
3. Are there ways to speed it up more? In theory the Blizzard SCSI could reach 8MB/s I think
4. I am using FFS right now because when I tried SFS and PFS they didn't seem to work. For example, I couldn't SFSFormat an SFS partition because the tool either was freezing or crashed the system.

Thank you all for your help.

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Re: SCSI HD in A1200
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Thanks for relaying your findings on this project. This is very cool. Would love to see a video showing your A1200 expansions as well as the setup in action.

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Re: SCSI HD in A1200
Just popping in
Just popping in

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That zuluscsi seems nice, i want one!

Is the drive working in synchronous or asynchronous mode when benchmarking the drive?

If asynchronous you might gain alot of speed if you set it to synchronous.
The speed increase for me with a real scsi-drive was quite huge.

There is a tool to set the mode supplied in the P5 scsi tools disk that came with the scsi-kit.

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Re: SCSI HD in A1200
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If asynchronous you might gain alot of speed if you set it to synchronous.

I haven't tested that at all. Thank you for your recommendation. I will check this out and report back.

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Re: SCSI HD in A1200
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Just popping in

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Have plenty of Phase 5 accelerators from 1230, 1240, 1260 and BPPC.

Something to take note when using the phase 5 scsi.

The 1230 to 1260 can utilise the MKIV SCSI add-on. To get the best out of the SCSI the highest CPU should be used.

Software wise, make sure you get get hold of and install the Phase 5 SCSI software which can be had from here;


This will allow you to utilise asynchronous and synchronous modes via software.

Also recommend this tool and place it into your startup sequence


That way you can implement synchronous and high speed SCSI speeds on startup.

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