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Re: recommended PSU for X-5000
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I've been using a Corsair CX650M in my new X5000 build. It features semi-modular cabling that helped reduce cable clutter.

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Re: What programs do you regularly use on your AmigaOS 4 system?
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Not too shy to talk


Also I just updated to latest versions of Hollywood and Designer and am planning to get some new games and revisit some older ones.

Also planning to get back to SketchBlock, ImageFX, LightWave, FinalWriter et al.

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Re: AOS 4.1 FE reinstall and preparation for update 3
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Not too shy to talk

Guys, this is all useful information for me with my new X5000 project. I want to utilize the best of what the Enhancer project offers without losing any mature and stable component of the operating system. And it's the software that most attracts me to this platform, not necessarily the hardware upon which it runs. I realize this might sound strange given how much of this exotic and expensive hardware I have bought!

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Re: Playing Amiga on this Fine Sunday - Feeling Good Video
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Not too shy to talk


Hey, thanks for the shoutout. Enjoying all your videos.

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Re: RogueCraft - played on AmigaOne X5K - FUN!!
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Not too shy to talk

It’s good to see fun being had with Amiga stuff! The enthusiasm is catching.

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Re: My AmigaOne X5000 will not launch .ADF game
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Not too shy to talk

Replace the Enhancer dir command in c directory with the original OS version. You could rename the Enhancer version to keep it available if you need to for some reason.

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Re: AmigaOne x5000 Thread
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Not too shy to talk

Some more pictures as I finalized my X5000/40 build.

I was waiting for my graphics card to arrive before I could finish, and as you can see it's here. In the days ahead I will be working on the software installations and much joyful configuring.

I built this in a new Fractal Design Define R5 case I obtained to match the R4 cases of my black and my white X1000s. (Collect them all!) No boing ball to be had for this one, but Matthew at AmigaKit did send me a couple of extra AmigaOne case badges back when I was building out my second X1000.

I added a PCIe SATA controller card to allow for two more SATA devices than the meager two allowed by the motherboard. The optical drive and RAM sticks were donated by a dead HP computer, so a little extra memory will be available for an eventual Linux install in addition to AmigaOS, and perhaps eventually MorphOS if I can find a way to add a second graphics card. I also had a spare 2TB SATA SSD on hand as the main storage, as well as a couple of SATA hard drives also scavenged from that dead HP workstation.

Sound card is a ESI Juli@ scored from ebay, and the graphics card is an XFX RX580 8GB. I added two more Fractal Design 140mm case fans, so there's two in front pulling in and two at the back/top blowing out.

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Re: AmigaOne x5000 Thread
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Not too shy to talk

Here's the inside of my newly built X5000 in a Fractal Design Define R5 case. I'm just waiting on the arrival of the graphics card I ordered before I can complete this build.

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Re: XFX RX 580 8GB in X5000
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Not too shy to talk

Thanks, everyone. Hopefully I'll have my graphics card in hand very soon and all will work. Will report how things go.

Regarding the recommendation for the Sound Blaster Audigy Fx, is the driver for this currently available or was that the one that was pulled from distribution?

For now, I'll see how I like the venerable ESI sound card.

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XFX RX 580 8GB in X5000
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Not too shy to talk

I have my new X5000/40 completely built except that I'm lacking a graphics card. I chose the XFX RX 580 8GB and tracking shows delivery is expected tomorrow, on Christmas Eve. What version of the radeonrx.chip driver is everyone using with the RX 580 cards? Anybody else got the 580 by XFX?

I also have installed an old ESI Juli@ PCI sound card. Hoping that and the graphics card work out.

First boot coming on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, hopefully!

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Re: Xmas Card Design 2024 - Started on A600GS Finished on X1000
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Not too shy to talk

Love seeing this annual Amiga tradition continue. Merry Christmas, Andy and everybody!

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Re: AmigaOne x5000 Thread
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Not too shy to talk

Since Monday I've got a new X5000/40 motherboard in the house, and I'm still gathering the rest of the bits and pieces to build my latest AmigaOne system. I have everything else needed on the way to me, except a graphics card. The plan is to purchase an RX 580 this week and start putting things together over the weekend.

Doing a lot of reading of threads such as this one, but surely I'll have some questions before it's over!

Back at AmiWest 2014 I raised my hand when Trevor asked who in the room would buy an X5000. It has taken me 10 years to get around to it! Haha.

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Re: Video editing software
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Not too shy to talk

double post

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Re: Video editing software
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Not too shy to talk


I don't know of any modern NLEs with storyboard interface and would not ever want to give up the power of the timeline. But the unique thing about SpeedEDIT was that it had BOTH and kept both visible and updated at all times.

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Re: AmigaOne x5000 Thread
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Not too shy to talk

Maijestro, nice "BigMama" video.

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Re: Video editing software
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Not too shy to talk


For years I have hoped there would be a simple but effective video editor software for AmigaOS. If you look on YouTube for videos about a now abandoned NewTek editor called SpeedEDIT you'll see a marvelous style of interface that is not really replicated elsewhere. It combines the tiles of the original versions of iMovie with the timelines of everything else. I paid NewTek a whole thousand US dollars for that software, only to see them take it off the market not so long after. Ugh.

Simple and no-nonsense but with some power and elegance is the way to go with a NLE. For heavy hitting, now I have Davinci Resolve, but I'd love to do some easy stuff on on AmigaOS machines.

VideoClipper is a very nice effort that I used some years ago. I'm not sure it can be called full fledged, but nonetheless useful and appreciated. I'll get back to it as soon as I get my computer room back together.

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Re: AmigaOne x5000 Thread
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Not too shy to talk

I'm a bit late to the X5000 party, but after moving house and as I am setting up my new home study / computer room, I've decided to put an AmigaOne X5K into the mix. I've ordered the bare motherboard, as for years I have owned two X1000 towers. My plan is to turn one of my X1000s into an X5000 and keep the spare X1000/Nemo motherboard as a spare.

I need to buy some memory and a new graphics card and try to track down what box my old sound card got stuffed into when moving. The Cyrus board should ship out in the coming week.

I've got a mess here, but trying to get my NG and classic Amigas (well some of them) set up in the months ahead. There's not room for everything!

Maijestro, thanks sharing those pictures. What graphics card is that? I was trying to read the number on the box, but it's a big dark.

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Re: New staff member
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Not too shy to talk

Thanks for stepping up!

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Re: Hi New Member Here
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Not too shy to talk

Adding my welcome to the chorus!

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Re: MPlayer 1.5 released!
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Not too shy to talk

Thanks, team!

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