MacStudio with Apple M1 Max Chip 10-core CPU with 8 performance cores and 2 efficiency cores 24-core GPU 16-core Neural Engine 400 GB/s memory bandwidth
It seems to be the perfect emulation machine But even with current PC hardware i7, i9 the emulation will be impressively fast.
As I have done some benchmark tests it proves that Qemu Pegasos 2 is currently the fastest emulation we can use with AmigaOs4.1.
but the FIX update (the third one released by Hyperion must be installed) because in the live update it is not in the list.
EAB (it is the site of WinUAE).
But you can choose where you prefer to write about qemu..
I owe everything I've learned about AmigaOS 4.1 over time to this forum. And to its users who know how to really use 4.1 and beyond.
Where there has always been an open mind towards emulation.
Besides the fact that they have always been available.
So if Amigans users don't mind, here too it would be a great choice because apart from emulation you can count on their experience on the software side, etc.
Thank you.
Edited by white on 2023/4/15 14:22:51 Edited by white on 2023/4/15 14:23:20
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
If I use for example "Emotion" everything works. If I put "Emotion" in full screen everything works But if I then switch from full screen of "Emotion" back to its window. The Workbench appears disproportionate and is no longer scaled eg 1280x720. Does this also happen with other applications does it happen to you too?
Is this due to SM502 or do I have to compile something for SDL,ON ?
for MAC the " -display cocoa " option what is it for ?
Do you know how to "boot" automatically without writing the command line every time to initialize the "boot" ?
I have configured Amicygnix to export the DISPLAY to be able to do this I need the amiga's ip not to be that of the "virtual router" . With WinUAE I use NpCAP to directly use VMWare drivers how can I configure AmigaOS "RTL 8029" to get the same thing ? for example with "Libpcap" is it then to have an external IP for AmigOS ?
With Qemu ?
Thank you
Edited by white on 2023/4/15 15:13:32 Edited by white on 2023/4/15 15:14:05
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
but the FIX update (the third one released by Hyperion must be installed) because in the live update it is not in the list.
EAB (it is the site of WinUAE).
But you can choose where you prefer to write about qemu..
I owe everything I've learned about AmigaOS 4.1 over time to this forum. And to its users who know how to really use 4.1 and beyond.
Where there has always been an open mind towards emulation.
Besides the fact that they have always been available.
So if Amigans users don't mind, here too it would be a great choice because apart from emulation you can count on their experience on the software side, etc.
Thank you.
Your values are excellent in the benchmark, mine are from 26.2.2023 without -cpu 7447 I think I should repeat this benchmark so that I am again at the top of this list
Sure I work closely with Balaton Zoltan and through my persistence we have moved the project forward together, but I am not the developer of it all!
I get most of the information from BALATON Zoltan. The rest is based on my 4 months experience with the Qemu Pegasos 2 emulation AmigaOs4.1, as I tested it extensively.
With good luck there will be soon a central place for this project where we can collect our experiences and improvements.
BALATON Zoltan will try to provide this forum and we can then create it together and exchange experiences ,it is better than me having to post in countless forums.
I myself would like to play a bit more with AmigaOs4.1 under Qemu, but at the moment I am already too busy with answering questions.
If I use for example "Emotion" everything works. If I put "Emotion" in full screen everything works But if I then switch from full screen of "Emotion" back to its window. The Workbench appears disproportionate and is no longer scaled eg 1280x720. Does this also happen with other applications does it happen to you too?
Is this due to SM502 or do I have to compile something for SDL,ON ?
for MAC the " -display cocoa " option what is it for ?
Do you know how to "boot" automatically without writing the command line every time to initialize the "boot" ?
I have configured Amicygnix to export the DISPLAY to be able to do this I need the amiga's ip not to be that of the "virtual router" . With WinUAE I use NpCAP to directly use VMWare drivers how can I configure AmigaOS "RTL 8029" to get the same thing ? for example with "Libpcap" is it then to have an external IP for AmigOS ?
With Qemu ?
Thank you
>If I use for example "Emotion" everything works. If I put "Emotion" in full screen everything works But if I then switch from full screen of "Emotion" back to its window. The Workbench appears disproportionate and is no longer scaled eg 1280x720. Does this also happen with other applications does it happen to you too?
I have to test this myself before I can answer this question.
>Is this due to SM502 or do I have to compile something for SDL,ON ?
There are currently problems under AmigaOs4.1 with SDL and the use of -cpu 7447 it affects most SDL applications. Everything else seems to work fine. The problem is known and is already being investigated. You could try to use another CPU for Qemu, but then the emulation will be a bit slower again.
>for MAC the " -display cocoa " option what is it for ?
It is a GUI frontend specifically for MacOs, similar to SDL and GTK. First introduced with Qemu 7.2 as far as I can remember.
>Do you know how to "boot" automatically without writing the command line every time to initialize the "boot" ?
"NVRAM settings aren't saved after exiting QEMU (to make the boot automatic)".
The nvram is not emulated yet therefore firmware environment variables are not preserved so the boot command has to be typed at each boot. As far as I know, they are already working on it.
>I have configured Amicygnix to export the DISPLAY to be able to do this I need the amiga's ip not to be that of the "virtual router" . With WinUAE I use NpCAP to directly use VMWare drivers how can I configure AmigaOS "RTL 8029" to get the same thing ? for example with "Libpcap" is it then to have an external IP for AmigOS ?
I cannot answer this question, I have not tested it.
I like to write with you, but please don't ask so many questions, I'm the wrong person for that
One more thing, after installing AmigaOs4.1 FE you only need FE update 1 and FE update 2. HotFixUpdate 2 was added later in FE update 2, it is unnecessary to install this HotFix if you have update 1 and 2 installed.
Now I spent some time configuring the whole system. Clearly currently the emulation is forced. Until some bugs like SDL are fixed
Nothing wrong I've been adjusting WinUAE for years to make it work better with 4.1
Don't pay attention to my questions, of course they are specific and tested on applications that I have been using for a long time in emulation.
Now I put the vmware driver to have an external ip.
In the end I switch everything to real SSD hard drive partition The speed should increase a lot especially in writing
I've been doing this for some time with WinUAE where I use a real Hard Disk
Well I await news of any developments. When you like, write or let me know if you move to other channels.
Because the speed is really excellent and I can assure you that if I'm using it it's because it's faster than WinUAE clearly "bugs and everything else will come out little by little and be solved slowly.
I found them having practically used all the applications available for 4.1 just to test how the speed was.
But little by little we can work on it.
I looked now AIOSTREAMS works on WinUAE While with Qemu we have problems with the "pythonSSL" libraries, it seems I can't open them.
Then there is E-UAE which works really well but the latest version compiled by "kas1e" has problems and is slightly split, so I went back to the old version always with JIT. (this only if you use the 1.5ghz processor)
As soon as I have time I make a video to give ZBalaton or where you write. This is done faster for years that I have been using 4.1 applications in emulation.
And clearly they are written for real amigas, and it is normal that there are some emulation bugs
But the speed of execution is extraordinary.
Get in touch.
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
I could create a specific channel on the discord if you want?
Thank you for your help. Discord is certainly good, but I'm not sure if people want to use it as a central point for the Qemu Pegasos 2 project.
There is also a forum directly on the project page But it seems to work very limited at the moment, I'm not sure if it can be expanded. BALATON Zoltan told me that we could use it, I would then agree to moderate it.
Now I spent some time configuring the whole system. Clearly currently the emulation is forced. Until some bugs like SDL are fixed
Yes the CPU is currently forced but will be fixed in Qemu 8.1. Therefore it is important that bugs are investigated so that the problem can be solved.
It's good that you do many things to test and partly do crazy things with the emulation.
I look forward to sharing experiences in the future, I also learned a lot from you when I started experimenting with WinUae.
If you find bugs in the emulation, you can also use the bug tracker. There are already some entries from other people and you can also see which bugs have already been reported. Currently we are investigating the problems with SDL (Altivec) with CPU 7447.
Maybe Hyperion should consider two next steps to take as soon as possible. Support Zoltan Balaton in his efforts to improve Sam/Peg2 virtual boards (I know Zoltan until almost one year ago was not looking for money) and make a digital "new" version of os4.1 fe with full support for QEMU, possibility at low price between 20 and 30 euro/dollars.
Ask some last os4 developers and other skilled programmers on Amiga community to join QEMU project could be the right choice.
I tried to do something in past years but I have no time and it's really over my skills. You have to know how to do things at very low level and in a QEMU way..
On Oowermacs with a linux distro should be verified if KVM-PR is enabled and functional with PEG2 board.
Fixed the Workbench resolution issue Now every application no longer suffers from the screen that changed resizing it incorrectly and therefore the problem is solved.
Waiting for the patch
I enabled SDL and solved the problem. You can also leave out -vga none if you want
( for E-UAE I have to reconfigure files for new screens ) so there's a bit of work to do
The hardest thing now is to give qemu a real external address for amigaOS. I can lean on VMWare but I need to find the command for qemu to make it use the "VM8" driver
So I can finally use Amicygnix and it's already working and I can access the terminal with the shell. But I can't export DISPLAY precisely because I don't have the external IP for AmigaOS.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Thank you.
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Problems we still have at the moment under Qemu Pegasos 2:
- Using -cpu 7447 with Altivec support there is no correct GUI/window output for some SDL applications, use -cpu g3 instead.
-After update FE 2 it is possible that your network connection becomes unstable, if this is the case please copy the older rtl8139.device from the Pegasos install.iso to system/devs/Networks on your installation HD
-Nvram is not yet emulated, so the firmware's environment variables are not preserved, so the boot command has to be entered at every startup
-Currently the maximum resolution is limited to 1440x900 16 bit under the Qemu Pegasos2 emulation
-AmigaOs4.1 cannot be terminated under Qemu via the "Shutdown" menu (there is already a patch for this, but it probably won't make it into Qemu 8 Final)
How can I help:
It can be helped to solve the -cpu 7447 problem by reproducing the whole thing with Qemu 8 and MorphOs. This means that you have to install MorphOs under Qemu and test different SDL applications that also access AltiVec directly. This would confirm that both systems have the same problems and it is not AmigaOs4.1 specific.
If someone wants to help, you can get the installation for Morphos under Qemu from here:
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
Now even YT.rexx doesn't work anymore. While AmiTube works fine with the "MickJTPlayer" composite
I also have problems with YT.REXX it was switched to YouTube something that it no longer works. On all my backups HDs where it worked otherwise, it no longer works without error message. But videos are still played.
Thank you, I will wait for the link to be sent when you have time.
As for E-UAE if you try to do a normal installation from "EXTRAS" you will not be able to run it as it should be configured.
So basically I did this:
To make it work I ran the old 4.1 classic the one with updates 1-2-3 etc. installing E-UAE works perfectly.
Then I took his Emulation folder and saved it with DOPUS
then I took the 4 E-UAE configuration files in env and saved them.
Later I updated E-UAE in JIT version.
Basically now I have a "portable" version of E-UAE
I replace the "Emulation" folder I put in 4 files in ENV
And then I configure .uaerc or .uaercRunInUAE
these two files are not the same for all systems and must be configured according to the graphics driver used.
Example Voodoo3 UaeGfx and now SM502.
It is clear that inside there are ROMs protected by copyright. therefore from an ethical point of view they cannot be shared.
But it is also equally clear that the tests are carried out on the same BUG and FILE or the TESTS are not effective for the purpose of improving "qemu"
This is a form of "hacking" but as long as it's done for your own use you're not violating anything.
The underlying thought is:
Sharing your work? And all that comes with it to improve qemu in this case?
The answer should be natural to all this.
You don't compete, you share, then everything is sorted out in a short time.
I asked ZBalaton if he was working on the BUGS that I find he said no. (he doesn't even know about it) He is 'working on the SM502 driver but without taking into account the BUGS that I have already encountered.
But what I still don't understand is:
Where do I report these BUGS? So the question is do you need a virtual hd to share? Because this is the only way to work well.
And the answer is always the same Sharing your work? And all that comes with it to improve qemu in this case?
The answer should be natural to all this.
Thank you. I apologize for the long post.
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
The solution is simple, please write directly to Balaton Zoltan, he is smart and a very nice person and can answer many of your questions.
I only test the Qemu Pegasos 2 emulation directly and if I find any errors I report it to him. Most of the time he then tells me what to do, but he doesn't have a solution for everything either.
it's since the 3.0 version of qemu that I write to him every now and then.
I send you my email the file is so small.
Thanks again.
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.
@Maijestro I received the email, now I'll try it right away, I have to figure out what's wrong. the email has arrived, but you didn't send me YT there is no attachment. Thank you
even if i tried with a clean install the problem always occurs with twitchTV.
Edited by white on 2023/4/19 19:27:44
What do you see when you close your eyes ? I see light, lots of light I see you, dad And I see mommy too And I see me and we are together And we play forever.